path: root/shard/lib/app/chat.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'shard/lib/app/chat.ex')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/shard/lib/app/chat.ex b/shard/lib/app/chat.ex
index 2e5e076..d253030 100644
--- a/shard/lib/app/chat.ex
+++ b/shard/lib/app/chat.ex
@@ -36,15 +36,12 @@ defmodule SApp.Chat do
defstruct [:channel]
- end
- defimpl Shard.Manifest, for: Manifest do
- def start(m) do
- DynamicSupervisor.start_child(Shard.DynamicSupervisor, {SApp.Chat, m})
+ defimpl Shard.Manifest do
+ def module(_m), do: SApp.Chat
defmodule PrivChat.Manifest do
Manifest for a private chat room defined by the list of participants.
@@ -60,11 +57,9 @@ defmodule SApp.Chat do
def new(pk_list) do
%__MODULE__{pk_list: pk_list |> Enum.sort |> Enum.uniq}
- end
- defimpl Shard.Manifest, for: PrivChat.Manifest do
- def start(m) do
- DynamicSupervisor.start_child(Shard.DynamicSupervisor, {SApp.Chat, m})
+ defimpl Shard.Manifest do
+ def module(_m), do: SApp.Chat
@@ -85,44 +80,39 @@ defmodule SApp.Chat do
def init(manifest) do
id = SData.term_hash manifest
- case Shard.Manager.register(id, manifest, self()) do
- :ok ->
- netgroup = case manifest do
- %Manifest{channel: _channel} ->
- %SNet.PubShardGroup{id: id}
- %PrivChat.Manifest{pk_list: pk_list} ->
- %SNet.PrivGroup{pk_list: pk_list}
- end
- Shard.Manager.dispatch_to(id, nil, self())
- {:ok, page_store} = SApp.PageStore.start_link(id, :page_store, netgroup)
- {root, read} = case Shard.Manager.load_state id do
- %{root: root, read: read} -> {root, read}
- _ -> {nil, nil}
- end
- root = cond do
- root == nil -> nil
- GenServer.call(page_store, {:have_rec, root}) -> root
- true ->
- Logger.warn "Not all pages for saved root were saved, restarting from an empty state!"
- nil
- end
- mst = %MST{store: %SApp.PageStore{pid: page_store},
- cmp: &msg_cmp/2,
- root: root}
- SNet.Group.init_lookup(netgroup, self())
- {:ok,
- %{id: id,
- netgroup: netgroup,
- manifest: manifest,
- page_store: page_store,
- mst: mst,
- subs: MapSet.new,
- read: read,
- }
- }
- :redundant ->
- exit(:redundant)
+ netgroup = case manifest do
+ %Manifest{channel: _channel} ->
+ %SNet.PubShardGroup{id: id}
+ %PrivChat.Manifest{pk_list: pk_list} ->
+ %SNet.PrivGroup{pk_list: pk_list}
+ end
+ Shard.Manager.dispatch_to(id, nil, self())
+ {:ok, page_store} = SApp.PageStore.start_link(id, :page_store, netgroup)
+ {root, read} = case Shard.Manager.load_state id do
+ %{root: root, read: read} -> {root, read}
+ _ -> {nil, nil}
+ root = cond do
+ root == nil -> nil
+ GenServer.call(page_store, {:have_rec, root}) -> root
+ true ->
+ Logger.warn "Not all pages for saved root were saved, restarting from an empty state!"
+ nil
+ end
+ mst = %MST{store: %SApp.PageStore{pid: page_store},
+ cmp: &msg_cmp/2,
+ root: root}
+ SNet.Group.init_lookup(netgroup, self())
+ {:ok,
+ %{id: id,
+ netgroup: netgroup,
+ manifest: manifest,
+ page_store: page_store,
+ mst: mst,
+ subs: MapSet.new,
+ read: read,
+ }
+ }
@doc """
@@ -215,11 +205,6 @@ defmodule SApp.Chat do
@doc """
Implementation of the :msg handler, which is the main handler for messages
comming from other peers concerning this chat room.
- Messages are:
- - `{:get, start}`: get some messages starting at a given Merkle hash
- - `{:info, start, list, rest}`: put some messages and informs of the
- Merkle hash of the store of older messages.
def handle_cast({:msg, conn_pid, auth, _shard_id, nil, msg}, state) do
if not SNet.Group.in_group?(state.netgroup, conn_pid, auth) do