path: root/judge
diff options
authorAlex AUVOLAT <alex.auvolat@ens.fr>2014-11-09 22:59:41 +0100
committerAlex AUVOLAT <alex.auvolat@ens.fr>2014-11-09 22:59:41 +0100
commit4b900a9624cef9c28d556f2852f27720602a7c99 (patch)
treeccf3ef72b88f76d5a3e0d6098aecc93d3ea9d0a5 /judge
parentb0923738e8d46a073274318f74715cb5ca6cc8bc (diff)
Add display functions...
Diffstat (limited to 'judge')
5 files changed, 116 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/judge/core.ml b/judge/core.ml
index 8b437d3..0f665c2 100644
--- a/judge/core.ml
+++ b/judge/core.ml
@@ -24,11 +24,14 @@ module type GAME = sig
type game (* immutable structure *)
val name : string (* ex: Morpion récursif *)
- val id : string (* ex: morpion_rec *)
+ val id : string (* ex: morpion_rec *)
- val new_game : game * game_status
+ val new_game : game
- val turn : game -> player -> string -> (game * game_status)
+ val turn : game -> player -> string -> game
+ val s : game -> game_status
+ val display_game : game -> (string * string) -> unit
module type CORE = sig
@@ -237,8 +240,8 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
let p1 = open_c (Hashtbl.find players p1) in
let p2 = open_c (Hashtbl.find players p2) in
- let g, s = G.new_game in
- let g = { p1; p2; hist = [g]; s } in
+ let g = G.new_game in
+ let g = { p1; p2; hist = [g]; s = G.s g } in
r_games := g::(!r_games)
let can_launch, cannot_launch = List.partition
@@ -284,7 +287,8 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
p.s <- StandBy !game_time;
| Play act, Thinking (time, beg_r) ->
let end_r = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- let new_g, new_s = G.turn (List.hd g.hist) pi act in
+ let new_g = G.turn (List.hd g.hist) pi act in
+ let new_s = G.s new_g in
send_m p OK;
send_m op (Play act);
g.s <- new_s;
diff --git a/judge/dummy_game.ml b/judge/dummy_game.ml
index 0fac26b..c5be248 100644
--- a/judge/dummy_game.ml
+++ b/judge/dummy_game.ml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ open Main
module Dummy : GAME = struct
- type game = player * int
+ type game = int * (player * string) list * game_status
- let new_game = (P1, 10), TurnOf P1
+ let new_game = (10, [], TurnOf P1)
- let turn (p0, g) p _ =
- if p <> p0 || g <= 0 then
- (p0, g), Eliminated p
+ let turn (g, l, s0) p xx =
+ if s0 <> TurnOf p || g <= 0 then
+ (g, l, Eliminated p)
let op = other_player p in
- (op, g-1), (
+ (g-1, l@[p, xx],
if g - 1 = 0 then
if Random.int 100 = 0 then Eliminated p
else if Random.int 2 = 0 then Won p
@@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ module Dummy : GAME = struct
TurnOf op
+ let s (_, _, s) = s
+ let display_game (cr, cs, t) (p1n, p2n) =
+ let open Graphics in
+ let open G_util in
+ let pt = function P1 -> p1n | P2 -> p2n in
+ List.iteri
+ (fun i (p, x) ->
+ text2 (i+4) black (string_of_int i);
+ text3 (i+4) (pc p) x)
+ cs;
+ text2 (List.length cs + 4) black ("... " ^ string_of_int cr);
+ let c, t = match t with
+ | TurnOf x -> pc x, "... " ^ pt x
+ | Won x -> pc x, pt x ^ " WON"
+ | Tie -> black, "TIE"
+ | Eliminated x -> pc x, pt x ^ " ELIM"
+ in
+ text3 (List.length cs + 4) c t
let id = "dummy_game"
let name = "Dummy game for testing purposes"
diff --git a/judge/dummy_player.ml b/judge/dummy_player.ml
index fe19b48..09b13aa 100644
--- a/judge/dummy_player.ml
+++ b/judge/dummy_player.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
+let words = [|
+ "banane"; "hippopotame"; "povrion";
+ "pourquoi???"; "un ange passe"; "television";
+ "ceci n'est pas..."; "environ 12"; "septante";
+ "Philipp Glass"; "nyaaa"; "tu crois ?"; "hallo";
+ "mange ton muesli"; "va te coucher"; "MAMAAAAN!!";
+ "meme pas peur"; "python FTW"; "savanne!";
+ "le lion mange le lion"; "canard"; "tennis";
+ "sauve qui peut!"; "bref..."; "j'approuve.";
+ |]
let expect mgs =
let l = read_line () in
begin try
@@ -24,7 +35,8 @@ let rec turn _ =
"Your turn",
(fun _ ->
if Random.int 2 = 0 then Unix.sleep 1;
- print_string "Play this_is_a_word\n";
+ Format.printf "Play %s@."
+ words.(Random.int (Array.length words));
expect [ "OK", turn ]);
"Play ", turn;
"Tie", finished;
diff --git a/judge/g_util.ml b/judge/g_util.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95bfcba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/judge/g_util.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+open Graphics
+open Core
+(* Graphic helpers *)
+let grey = rgb 112 112 112
+let red = rgb 200 0 0
+let green = rgb 0 150 0
+let p1c = blue
+let p2c = red
+let pc = function P1 -> p1c | P2 -> p2c
+let center () = size_x () / 2, size_y () / 2
+let fullscreen_msg m =
+ clear_graph();
+ let tx, ty = text_size m in
+ let cx, cy = center () in
+ let w, h = tx/2, ty/2 in
+ set_color black;
+ let cr d =
+ draw_rect (cx - w - d) (cy - h - d)
+ (2 * (w + d)) (2 * (h + d))
+ in cr 20; cr 22;
+ moveto (cx - w) (cy - h);
+ draw_string m;
+ synchronize ()
+let tw m = fst (text_size m)
+let text_l l x c m =
+ set_color c;
+ moveto x (size_y() - ((l+1) * 20));
+ draw_string m
+let text1 l c m =
+ text_l l 30 c m
+let text2 l c m =
+ text_l l (size_x()/2 - 30 - tw m) c m
+let text3 l c m =
+ text_l l (size_x()/2 + 30) c m
+let text4 l c m =
+ text_l l (size_x() - 30 - tw m) c m
+let hl () =
+ draw_poly_line
+ [| 10, size_y() - 50;
+ size_x() - 10, size_y() - 50 |]
diff --git a/judge/main.ml b/judge/main.ml
index 6a42ff8..ef73ec5 100644
--- a/judge/main.ml
+++ b/judge/main.ml
@@ -18,47 +18,7 @@ end = struct
module G = C.G
- (* Graphic helpers *)
- let grey = rgb 112 112 112
- let red = rgb 200 0 0
- let green = rgb 0 150 0
- let center () = size_x () / 2, size_y () / 2
- let fullscreen_msg m =
- clear_graph();
- let tx, ty = text_size m in
- let cx, cy = center () in
- let w, h = tx/2, ty/2 in
- set_color black;
- let cr d =
- draw_rect (cx - w - d) (cy - h - d)
- (2 * (w + d)) (2 * (h + d))
- in cr 20; cr 22;
- moveto (cx - w) (cy - h);
- draw_string m;
- synchronize ()
- let tw m = fst (text_size m)
- let text_l l x c m =
- set_color c;
- moveto x (size_y() - ((l+1) * 20));
- draw_string m
- let text1 l c m =
- text_l l 30 c m
- let text2 l c m =
- text_l l (size_x()/2 - 30 - tw m) c m
- let text3 l c m =
- text_l l (size_x()/2 + 30) c m
- let text4 l c m =
- text_l l (size_x() - 30 - tw m) c m
- let hl () =
- draw_poly_line
- [| 10, size_y() - 50;
- size_x() - 10, size_y() - 50 |]
+ open G_util
(* Init/Close *)
let init () =
@@ -76,7 +36,8 @@ end = struct
type view =
| ScoreBoard
| MatchList of bool
- | ViewGame of C.game
+ | ViewLastGame
+ | NavGame of C.game * int
| Question of string * (unit -> unit) * view
let rec handle_events () =
@@ -90,6 +51,8 @@ end = struct
(fun () -> C.add_rounds(); curr_view := MatchList false),
+ | MatchList _, 'v' -> curr_view := ViewLastGame
+ | ViewLastGame, '\t' -> curr_view := MatchList false
| Question(_, y, n), 'y' -> y()
| Question(_, y, n), 'n' -> curr_view := n
| v, 'q' ->
@@ -107,7 +70,8 @@ end = struct
begin match !curr_view with
| ScoreBoard -> scoreboard_disp ()
| MatchList f -> matchlist_disp f
- | ViewGame g -> game_disp g
+ | ViewLastGame -> last_game_disp ()
+ | NavGame (g, n) -> nav_game_disp g n
| Question (q, _, _) -> fullscreen_msg (q ^ " (y/n)")
synchronize ()
@@ -171,7 +135,17 @@ end = struct
List.iteri print_g games
(* Game view *)
- and game_disp g =
+ and last_game_disp () =
+ match C.games () with
+ | g::_ ->
+ let p1n, p2n = C.pn g in
+ text1 1 p1c p1n;
+ text2 1 p2c p2n;
+ text4 1 grey "match list >";
+ hl();
+ G.display_game (C.g g) (p1n, p2n)
+ | _ -> ()
+ and nav_game_disp g n =
(* TODO *)