path: root/model/attentive_reader.py
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authorThomas Mesnard <thomas.mesnard@ens.fr>2016-03-01 00:27:15 +0100
committerThomas Mesnard <thomas.mesnard@ens.fr>2016-03-02 09:28:39 +0100
commitf31caf61be87850f3afcd367d6eb9521b2f613da (patch)
tree2bcceeb702ef0d35bfdc925977797c40290b6966 /model/attentive_reader.py
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'model/attentive_reader.py')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/model/attentive_reader.py b/model/attentive_reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682e48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/attentive_reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import theano
+from theano import tensor
+import numpy
+from blocks.bricks import Tanh, Softmax, Linear, MLP, Identity, Rectifier
+from blocks.bricks.lookup import LookupTable
+from blocks.bricks.recurrent import LSTM
+from blocks.filter import VariableFilter
+from blocks.roles import WEIGHT
+from blocks.graph import ComputationGraph, apply_dropout, apply_noise
+def make_bidir_lstm_stack(seq, seq_dim, mask, sizes, skip=True, name=''):
+ bricks = []
+ curr_dim = [seq_dim]
+ curr_hidden = [seq]
+ hidden_list = []
+ for k, dim in enumerate(sizes):
+ fwd_lstm_ins = [Linear(input_dim=d, output_dim=4*dim, name='%s_fwd_lstm_in_%d_%d'%(name,k,l)) for l, d in enumerate(curr_dim)]
+ fwd_lstm = LSTM(dim=dim, activation=Tanh(), name='%s_fwd_lstm_%d'%(name,k))
+ bwd_lstm_ins = [Linear(input_dim=d, output_dim=4*dim, name='%s_bwd_lstm_in_%d_%d'%(name,k,l)) for l, d in enumerate(curr_dim)]
+ bwd_lstm = LSTM(dim=dim, activation=Tanh(), name='%s_bwd_lstm_%d'%(name,k))
+ bricks = bricks + [fwd_lstm, bwd_lstm] + fwd_lstm_ins + bwd_lstm_ins
+ fwd_tmp = sum(x.apply(v) for x, v in zip(fwd_lstm_ins, curr_hidden))
+ bwd_tmp = sum(x.apply(v) for x, v in zip(bwd_lstm_ins, curr_hidden))
+ fwd_hidden, _ = fwd_lstm.apply(fwd_tmp, mask=mask)
+ bwd_hidden, _ = bwd_lstm.apply(bwd_tmp[::-1], mask=mask[::-1])
+ hidden_list = hidden_list + [fwd_hidden, bwd_hidden]
+ if skip:
+ curr_hidden = [seq, fwd_hidden, bwd_hidden[::-1]]
+ curr_dim = [seq_dim, dim, dim]
+ else:
+ curr_hidden = [fwd_hidden, bwd_hidden[::-1]]
+ curr_dim = [dim, dim]
+ return bricks, hidden_list
+class Model():
+ def __init__(self, config, vocab_size):
+ question = tensor.imatrix('question')
+ question_mask = tensor.imatrix('question_mask')
+ context = tensor.imatrix('context')
+ context_mask = tensor.imatrix('context_mask')
+ answer = tensor.ivector('answer')
+ candidates = tensor.imatrix('candidates')
+ candidates_mask = tensor.imatrix('candidates_mask')
+ bricks = []
+ question = question.dimshuffle(1, 0)
+ question_mask = question_mask.dimshuffle(1, 0)
+ context = context.dimshuffle(1, 0)
+ context_mask = context_mask.dimshuffle(1, 0)
+ # Embed questions and cntext
+ embed = LookupTable(vocab_size, config.embed_size, name='question_embed')
+ bricks.append(embed)
+ qembed = embed.apply(question)
+ cembed = embed.apply(context)
+ qlstms, qhidden_list = make_bidir_lstm_stack(qembed, config.embed_size, question_mask.astype(theano.config.floatX),
+ config.question_lstm_size, config.question_skip_connections, 'q')
+ clstms, chidden_list = make_bidir_lstm_stack(cembed, config.embed_size, context_mask.astype(theano.config.floatX),
+ config.ctx_lstm_size, config.ctx_skip_connections, 'ctx')
+ bricks = bricks + qlstms + clstms
+ # Calculate question encoding (concatenate layer1)
+ if config.question_skip_connections:
+ qenc_dim = 2*sum(config.question_lstm_size)
+ qenc = tensor.concatenate([h[-1,:,:] for h in qhidden_list], axis=1)
+ else:
+ qenc_dim = 2*config.question_lstm_size[-1]
+ qenc = tensor.concatenate([h[-1,:,:] for h in qhidden_list[-2:]], axis=1)
+ qenc.name = 'qenc'
+ # Calculate context encoding (concatenate layer1)
+ if config.ctx_skip_connections:
+ cenc_dim = 2*sum(config.ctx_lstm_size)
+ cenc = tensor.concatenate(chidden_list, axis=2)
+ else:
+ cenc_dim = 2*config.ctx_lstm_size[-1]
+ cenc = tensor.concatenate(chidden_list[-2:], axis=2)
+ cenc.name = 'cenc'
+ # Attention mechanism MLP
+ attention_mlp = MLP(dims=config.attention_mlp_hidden + [1],
+ activations=config.attention_mlp_activations[1:] + [Identity()],
+ name='attention_mlp')
+ attention_qlinear = Linear(input_dim=qenc_dim, output_dim=config.attention_mlp_hidden[0], name='attq')
+ attention_clinear = Linear(input_dim=cenc_dim, output_dim=config.attention_mlp_hidden[0], use_bias=False, name='attc')
+ bricks += [attention_mlp, attention_qlinear, attention_clinear]
+ layer1 = Tanh().apply(attention_clinear.apply(cenc.reshape((cenc.shape[0]*cenc.shape[1], cenc.shape[2])))
+ .reshape((cenc.shape[0],cenc.shape[1],config.attention_mlp_hidden[0]))
+ + attention_qlinear.apply(qenc)[None, :, :])
+ layer1.name = 'layer1'
+ att_weights = attention_mlp.apply(layer1.reshape((layer1.shape[0]*layer1.shape[1], layer1.shape[2])))
+ att_weights.name = 'att_weights_0'
+ att_weights = att_weights.reshape((layer1.shape[0], layer1.shape[1]))
+ att_weights.name = 'att_weights'
+ attended = tensor.sum(cenc * tensor.nnet.softmax(att_weights.T).T[:, :, None], axis=0)
+ attended.name = 'attended'
+ # Now we can calculate our output
+ out_mlp = MLP(dims=[cenc_dim + qenc_dim] + config.out_mlp_hidden + [config.n_entities],
+ activations=config.out_mlp_activations + [Identity()],
+ name='out_mlp')
+ bricks += [out_mlp]
+ probs = out_mlp.apply(tensor.concatenate([attended, qenc], axis=1))
+ probs.name = 'probs'
+ is_candidate = tensor.eq(tensor.arange(config.n_entities, dtype='int32')[None, None, :],
+ tensor.switch(candidates_mask, candidates, -tensor.ones_like(candidates))[:, :, None]).sum(axis=1)
+ probs = tensor.switch(is_candidate, probs, -1000 * tensor.ones_like(probs))
+ # Calculate prediction, cost and error rate
+ pred = probs.argmax(axis=1)
+ cost = Softmax().categorical_cross_entropy(answer, probs).mean()
+ error_rate = tensor.neq(answer, pred).mean()
+ # Apply dropout
+ cg = ComputationGraph([cost, error_rate])
+ if config.w_noise > 0:
+ noise_vars = VariableFilter(roles=[WEIGHT])(cg)
+ cg = apply_noise(cg, noise_vars, config.w_noise)
+ if config.dropout > 0:
+ cg = apply_dropout(cg, qhidden_list + chidden_list, config.dropout)
+ [cost_reg, error_rate_reg] = cg.outputs
+ # Other stuff
+ cost_reg.name = cost.name = 'cost'
+ error_rate_reg.name = error_rate.name = 'error_rate'
+ self.sgd_cost = cost_reg
+ self.monitor_vars = [[cost_reg], [error_rate_reg]]
+ self.monitor_vars_valid = [[cost], [error_rate]]
+ # Initialize bricks
+ for brick in bricks:
+ brick.weights_init = config.weights_init
+ brick.biases_init = config.biases_init
+ brick.initialize()
+# vim: set sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 et :