path: root/abstract
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authorAlex Auvolat <>2014-06-26 16:57:10 +0200
committerAlex Auvolat <>2014-06-26 16:57:10 +0200
commitf3d89408ebb44f77f257b2cb51a4bdd74b9268d0 (patch)
treeadc4b2505f907ea031c0a8d082b077702d8f49eb /abstract
parentdcdcedf42c8c3a3041c0fcda6a5a3362777672f5 (diff)
Many things, sorry for the mess.
- Implement two new enumeration domains (they don't bring us much) : multi valuation for variables ; multi valuation for variables and pairs of variables (not really sure it works) - Make it so that the number of init/time variables is reduced (do not create new init/time variables on node instanciation, only inside activate blocks and automaton states) - Some work on EDD (it is currently broken and does not compile)
Diffstat (limited to 'abstract')
3 files changed, 579 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index 3ff91a6..4f2ad81 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module I (ND : NUMERICAL_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN) : sig
val do_prog : cmdline_opt -> rooted_prog -> unit
- val test : unit -> unit
end = struct
@@ -31,10 +29,11 @@ end = struct
ev_order : (id, int) Hashtbl.t;
- type edd =
+ type edd_node =
| DBot
| DVal of int
| DChoice of id * (item * edd) list
+ and edd = int * edd_node
type edd_v = {
ve : varenv;
@@ -43,40 +42,66 @@ end = struct
(* add here eventual annotations *)
+ (*
+ Utility functions for memoization
+ memo : (((int * 'a) -> (int * 'b)) -> 'a -> 'b) -> (int * 'a) -> (int * 'b)
+ memo2 : (((int * 'a) -> (int * 'b) -> (int * 'c)) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> (int * 'a) -> (int * 'b) -> (int * 'c)
+ *)
+ let memo f =
+ let n = ref 0 in
+ let memo = Hashtbl.create 12 in
+ let rec ff (id, v) =
+ try Hashtbl.find memo id
+ with Not_found ->
+ let r = f ff v in
+ incr n;
+ Hashtbl.add memo id (n, r);
+ n, r
+ in ff
+ let memo2 f =
+ let n = ref 0 in
+ let memo = Hashtbl.create 12 in
+ let rec ff (id1, v1) (id2, v2) =
+ try Hashtbl.find memo (id1, id2)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let r = f ff v1 v2 in
+ incr n;
+ Hashtbl.add memo (id1, id2) (n, r);
+ n, r
+ in ff
edd_print : Format.formatter -> edd_v -> unit
let edd_print fmt v =
- let ids = Hashtbl.create 12 in
- let n = ref 0 in
- let rec mkid = function
- | DChoice(_, l) as x ->
- if not (Hashtbl.mem ids x) then begin
- incr n; Hashtbl.add ids x !n;
- List.iter (fun (_, x) -> mkid x) l
+ let c_nodes = Hashtbl.create 12 in
+ let rec add = function
+ | n, (DChoice(_, l) as x) ->
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem c_nodes n) then begin
+ Hashtbl.add c_nodes n x;
+ List.iter (fun (_, y) -> add y) l
| _ -> ()
- in mkid v.root;
+ in add v.root;
let print_n fmt = function
- | DBot -> Format.fprintf fmt "⊥";
- | DVal i -> Format.fprintf fmt "v%d" i;
- | DChoice _ as x -> Format.fprintf fmt "n%d" (Hashtbl.find ids x)
+ | (_, DBot) -> Format.fprintf fmt "⊥";
+ | (_, DVal i) -> Format.fprintf fmt "v%d" i;
+ | (n, DChoice _) -> Format.fprintf fmt "n%d" n
Format.fprintf fmt "Root: %a@." print_n v.root;
- for id = 1 to !n do
- let c = ref None in
- Hashtbl.iter (fun u i -> if i = id then c := Some u) ids;
- let x = match !c with | Some x -> x | None -> assert false in
- match x with
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id x -> match x with
| DChoice (var, l) ->
let p fmt (c, l) = Format.fprintf fmt "%s → %a" c print_n l in
Format.fprintf fmt "n%d: %a ? @[<hov>%a@]@."
id Formula_printer.print_id var
(print_list p ", ") l
- | _ -> assert false
- done;
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ c_nodes;
(fun id v -> Format.fprintf fmt "v%d: %a@." id ND.print v)
@@ -86,7 +111,7 @@ end = struct
edd_bot : varenv -> edd_v
- let edd_bot ve = { ve; root = DBot; leaves = Hashtbl.create 1 }
+ let edd_bot ve = { ve; root = (0, DBot); leaves = Hashtbl.create 1 }
edd_top : evar list -> nvar list -> edd_v
@@ -94,7 +119,7 @@ end = struct
let edd_top ve =
let leaves = Hashtbl.create 1 in
Hashtbl.add leaves 0 ( ve.nvars);
- { ve; root = DVal 0; leaves }
+ { ve; root = (1, DVal 0); leaves }
edd_of_cons : varenv -> enum_cons -> edd_v
@@ -105,23 +130,27 @@ end = struct
let leaves = Hashtbl.create 1 in
Hashtbl.add leaves 0 ( ve.nvars);
+ let bot, top = (0, DBot), (1, DVal 0) in
let root = match r with
| EItem x ->
- DChoice(vid,
- (fun v -> if op v x then v, DVal 0 else v, DBot)
- (List.assoc vid ve.evars))
+ 2, DChoice(vid,
+ (fun v -> if op v x then v, bot else v, top)
+ (List.assoc vid ve.evars))
| EIdent vid2 ->
let a, b =
if Hashtbl.find ve.ev_order vid < Hashtbl.find ve.ev_order vid2
then vid, vid2
else vid2, vid
+ let n = ref 2 in
let nb x =
- DChoice(b,
- (fun v -> if op v x then v, DVal 0 else v, DBot)
- (List.assoc b ve.evars))
+ incr n;
+ !n, DChoice(b,
+ (fun v -> if op v x then v, top else v, bot)
+ (List.assoc b ve.evars))
- DChoice(a, (fun x -> x, nb x) (List.assoc a ve.evars))
+ 2, DChoice(a, (fun x -> x, nb x) (List.assoc a ve.evars))
{ ve; root; leaves }
@@ -131,10 +160,9 @@ end = struct
let edd_join a b =
let ve = in
- let leaves = Hashtbl.copy a.leaves in
- let n = ref 0 in
- Hashtbl.iter (fun i _ -> if i > !n then n := i) leaves;
+ let leaves = Hashtbl.create 12 in
+ let n = ref 0 in
let get_leaf x =
let id = ref None in
Hashtbl.iter (fun i v -> if ND.eq v x then id := Some i) leaves;
@@ -147,61 +175,47 @@ end = struct
- let memo_bcopy = Hashtbl.create 12 in
- let rec bcopy nb =
- try Hashtbl.find memo_bcopy nb
- with Not_found -> let r =
- match nb with
- | DBot -> DBot
- | DVal i -> get_leaf (Hashtbl.find b.leaves i)
- | DChoice (v, x) ->
- DChoice(v, (fun (c, n) -> c, bcopy n) x)
- in Hashtbl.add memo_bcopy nb r; r
- in
- let memo = Hashtbl.create 12 in
- let rec f (na, nb) =
- try Hashtbl.find memo (na, nb)
- with Not_found -> let r =
- let dq v l =
- let _, x0 = List.hd l in
- if List.exists (fun (_, x) -> x <> x0) l
- then DChoice(v, l)
- else x0
+ let f f_rec na nb =
+ let dq v l =
+ let _, (i, x0) = List.hd l in
+ if List.exists (fun (_, (j, x)) -> j <> i || x <> x0) l
+ then DChoice(v, l)
+ else x0
+ in
+ match na, nb with
+ | DBot, DBot -> DBot
+ | DBot, DVal i -> get_leaf (Hashtbl.find b.leaves i)
+ | x, DBot -> x
+ | DChoice(va, la), DChoice(vb, lb) when va = vb ->
+ let kl = List.map2
+ (fun (ta, ba) (tb, bb) -> assert (ta = tb);
+ ta, f (ba, bb))
+ la lb
- match na, nb with
- | DBot, x -> bcopy x
- | x, DBot -> x
- | DChoice(va, la), DChoice(vb, lb) when va = vb ->
- let kl = List.map2
- (fun (ta, ba) (tb, bb) -> assert (ta = tb);
- ta, f (ba, bb))
- la lb
- in
- dq va kl
- | DChoice(va, la), DChoice(vb, lb) ->
- let v, kl =
- if Hashtbl.find ve.ev_order va < Hashtbl.find ve.ev_order vb then
- va, (fun (k, ca) -> k, f (ca, nb)) la
- else
- vb, (fun (k, cb) -> k, f (na, cb)) lb
- in
- dq v kl
- | DChoice(va, la), _ ->
- let kl = (fun (k, ca) -> k, f (ca, nb)) la in
- dq va kl
- | _, DChoice(vb, lb) ->
- let kl = (fun (k, cb) -> k, f (na, cb)) lb in
- dq vb kl
- | DVal u, DVal v ->
- let x = ND.join (Hashtbl.find a.leaves u) (Hashtbl.find b.leaves v) in
- get_leaf x
- in Hashtbl.add memo (na, nb) r; r
+ dq va kl
+ | DChoice(va, la), DChoice(vb, lb) ->
+ let v, kl =
+ if Hashtbl.find ve.ev_order va < Hashtbl.find ve.ev_order vb then
+ va, (fun (k, ca) -> k, f (ca, nb)) la
+ else
+ vb, (fun (k, cb) -> k, f (na, cb)) lb
+ in
+ dq v kl
+ | DChoice(va, la), _ ->
+ let kl = (fun (k, ca) -> k, f (ca, nb)) la in
+ dq va kl
+ | _, DChoice(vb, lb) ->
+ let kl = (fun (k, cb) -> k, f (na, cb)) lb in
+ dq vb kl
+ | DVal u, DVal v ->
+ let x = ND.join (Hashtbl.find a.leaves u) (Hashtbl.find b.leaves v) in
+ get_leaf x
- { leaves; ve; root = f (a.root, b.root) }
+ { leaves; ve; root = memo2 f a.root b.root }
edd_meet : edd_v -> edd_v -> edd_v
@@ -342,6 +356,7 @@ end = struct
in f (a.root, b.root)
+ (*
let test () =
let ve = {
evars = ["x", ["tt"; "ff"]; "y", ["tt"; "ff"]; "z", ["tt"; "ff"]];
@@ -358,6 +373,7 @@ end = struct
Format.printf "x = y && y != z : @[%a@]@." edd_print w;
let t = edd_join u v in
Format.printf "x = y || y != z : @[%a@]@." edd_print t
+ *)
(* ******************************
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index c8b4ec5..2353049 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ module type ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = sig
+ Simple domain : one valuation for each variable, or T
module Valuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
type item = string
@@ -142,3 +145,343 @@ module Valuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
Format.fprintf fmt " }@]"
+ Less simple domain : a set of possible values for each variable, or T
+module MultiValuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
+ type item = string
+ type t = {
+ vars : (id * item list) list;
+ value : item list VarMap.t;
+ }
+ let sort = List.sort
+ let uniq x = uniq_sorted (sort x)
+ let top vars = { vars; value = VarMap.empty }
+ let vars x = x.vars
+ let forgetvar x id =
+ { x with value = VarMap.remove id x.value }
+ let project x id =
+ try VarMap.find id x.value
+ with Not_found -> List.assoc id x.vars
+ let join x1 x2 =
+ let v = VarMap.merge
+ (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (uniq (a@b))
+ | _ -> None)
+ x1.value x2.value in
+ { x1 with value = v }
+ let meet x1 x2 =
+ let v = VarMap.merge
+ (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
+ | Some a, None | None, Some a -> Some a
+ | Some a, Some b ->
+ begin match List.filter (fun x -> List.mem x b) a with
+ | [] -> raise Bot | l -> Some l end
+ | _ -> None)
+ x1.value x2.value in
+ { x1 with value = v }
+ let subset a b =
+ VarMap.for_all
+ (fun id v ->
+ try let v2 = VarMap.find id b.value in
+ List.for_all (fun x -> List.mem x v2) v
+ with Not_found -> true)
+ a.value
+ let eq a b = subset a b && subset b a
+ let apply_cons x (op, id, e) =
+ let op = match op with | E_EQ -> (=) | E_NE -> (<>) in
+ match e with
+ | EItem s ->
+ let pv = project x id in
+ begin match List.filter (op s) pv with
+ | [] -> []
+ | vals -> [{ x with value = VarMap.add id vals x.value }]
+ end
+ | EIdent id2 ->
+ let v1 = project x id in
+ let v2 = project x id2 in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l v1 ->
+ let v2 = List.filter (op v1) v2 in
+ let x = { x with value = VarMap.add id [v1] x.value } in
+ match v2 with
+ | [] -> l
+ | _ -> { x with value = VarMap.add id2 v2 x.value }::l)
+ [] v1
+ let assign x idl =
+ let v = List.fold_left
+ (fun v (id, id2) ->
+ try VarMap.add id (VarMap.find id2 x.value) v
+ with Not_found -> VarMap.remove id v )
+ x.value idl
+ in { x with value = v }
+ let print fmt x =
+ let b = (fun (x, y) -> y, x) (VarMap.bindings x.value) in
+ let s = List.sort b in
+ let rec bl = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (v, id)::q ->
+ let v = sort v in
+ if v <> sort (List.assoc id x.vars) then
+ match bl q with
+ | (vv, ids)::q when vv = v -> (v, id::ids)::q
+ | r -> (v, [id])::r
+ else
+ bl q
+ in
+ let sbl = bl s in
+ Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>{ ";
+ List.iteri
+ (fun j (v, ids) ->
+ if j > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt "@ ";
+ Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>";
+ List.iteri
+ (fun i id ->
+ if i > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ";
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Formula_printer.print_id id)
+ ids;
+ match v with
+ | [v0] -> Format.fprintf fmt " ≡ %s@]" v0
+ | l -> Format.fprintf fmt " ∊ @[<hov>{ %a }@]@]" (print_list Format.pp_print_string ", ") l)
+ sbl;
+ Format.fprintf fmt " }@]"
+ Complicated domain : a set of values for each variables, plus some
+ constraints on couples of variables
+ (eg. (x, y) in [ tt, tt ; ff, ff ]
+module MultiValuationCCons : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
+ module VarC = struct
+ type t = id * id
+ let compare =
+ end
+ module VarCMap = Mapext.Make(VarC)
+ type item = string
+ type t = {
+ vars : (id * item list) list;
+ value : item list VarMap.t;
+ (* in ccond (x, y) -> l, must have x < y (textual order on identifiers) -> unicity *)
+ ccons : (item * item) list VarCMap.t;
+ }
+ let sort = List.sort
+ let uniq x = uniq_sorted (sort x)
+ let list_inter x y = List.filter (fun k -> List.mem k y) x
+ let all_couples l1 l2 =
+ List.flatten
+ ( (fun x -> (fun y -> x, y) l2) l1)
+ let top vars = { vars; value = VarMap.empty; ccons = VarCMap.empty }
+ let vars x = x.vars
+ let forgetvar x id =
+ (* TODO : try to find a substitution variable so that some contraints can be propagated.
+ this is important so that cycle passing can be done correctly ! *)
+ { x with
+ value = VarMap.remove id x.value;
+ ccons = VarCMap.filter (fun (a, b) _ -> a <> id && b <> id) x.ccons }
+ let project x id =
+ try VarMap.find id x.value
+ with Not_found -> List.assoc id x.vars
+ let project2 x id1 id2 =
+ try
+ let id1', id2' = ord_couple (id1, id2) in
+ if id1' = id1 then
+ VarCMap.find (id1, id2) x.ccons
+ else
+ (fun (a, b) -> b, a) (VarCMap.find (id1', id2') x.ccons)
+ with _ ->
+ let v1, v2 = project x id1, project x id2 in
+ all_couples v1 v2
+ let strict x =
+ let rec f x =
+ (*
+ - if (x, y) in [ a, b1 ; a, b2 ; ... ; a, bn ],
+ replace this by x = a and y in { b1, ..., bn }
+ - filter (x, y) in [ ... ] with x in specified itv, y in specified itv
+ *)
+ let usefull, vv, cc =
+ VarCMap.fold
+ (fun (x, y) l (usefull, vv, cc) ->
+ let p1, p2 = uniq ( fst l), uniq ( snd l) in
+ let p1 = try list_inter p1 (VarMap.find x vv) with _ -> p1 in
+ let p2 = try list_inter p2 (VarMap.find y vv) with _ -> p2 in
+ if p1 = [] || p2 = [] then raise Bot;
+ let vv = VarMap.add x p1 (VarMap.add y p2 vv) in
+ if List.length p1 = 1 || List.length p2 = 1
+ then
+ true, vv, cc
+ else
+ match List.filter (fun (u, v) -> List.mem u p1 && List.mem v p2) l with
+ | [] -> raise Bot
+ | l2 -> List.length l2 < List.length l, vv, VarCMap.add (x, y) l2 cc)
+ x.ccons (false, x.value, VarCMap.empty) in
+ let x = { x with value = vv; ccons = cc } in
+ if usefull then f x else x
+ in
+ f x
+ let join x1 x2 =
+ let v = VarMap.merge
+ (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (uniq (a@b))
+ | _ -> None)
+ x1.value x2.value in
+ let x = { x1 with value = v } in
+ let cc = VarCMap.merge
+ (fun (id1, id2) l1 l2 ->
+ let v1, v2 = project x1 id1, project x id2 in
+ let ac = all_couples v1 v2 in
+ let c = List.filter
+ (fun q ->
+ (match l1 with Some l -> List.mem q l | _ -> true) ||
+ (match l2 with Some l -> List.mem q l | _ -> true))
+ ac in
+ if List.length c < List.length ac then Some c else None)
+ x1.ccons x2.ccons in
+ strict { x with ccons = cc }
+ let meet x1 x2 =
+ let v = VarMap.merge
+ (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
+ | Some a, None | None, Some a -> Some a
+ | Some a, Some b ->
+ begin match list_inter a b with
+ | [] -> raise Bot | l -> Some l end
+ | _ -> None)
+ x1.value x2.value in
+ let x = { x1 with value = v } in
+ let cc = VarCMap.merge
+ (fun (id1, id2) l1 l2 ->
+ let v1, v2 = project x id1, project x id2 in
+ let ac = all_couples v1 v2 in
+ let c1 = match l1 with Some l -> list_inter l ac | None -> ac in
+ let c2 = match l2 with Some l -> list_inter l ac | None -> ac in
+ match list_inter c1 c2 with
+ | [] -> raise Bot
+ | l -> if List.length l < List.length ac then Some l else None)
+ x1.ccons x2.ccons in
+ strict { x with ccons = cc }
+ let subset a b =
+ VarMap.for_all
+ (fun id v ->
+ let vs = project a id in
+ List.for_all (fun c -> List.mem c vs) v)
+ b.value
+ &&
+ VarCMap.for_all
+ (fun (id1, id2) l ->
+ let l2 = project2 a id1 id2 in
+ List.for_all (fun c -> List.mem c l) l2)
+ b.ccons
+ let eq a b =
+ subset a b && subset b a
+ let apply_cons x (op, id, e) =
+ let op = match op with | E_EQ -> (=) | E_NE -> (<>) in
+ match e with
+ | EItem s ->
+ let pv = project x id in
+ begin match List.filter (op s) pv with
+ | [] -> []
+ | vals -> try [strict { x with value = VarMap.add id vals x.value }] with Bot -> []
+ end
+ | EIdent id2 ->
+ let id, id2 = ord_couple (id, id2) in
+ let c = project2 x id id2 in
+ let ok_c = List.filter (fun (a, b) -> op a b) c in
+ try
+ [match uniq ( fst ok_c), uniq ( snd ok_c) with
+ | [], _ | _, [] -> raise Bot
+ | [a], q -> strict { x with value = VarMap.add id [a] (VarMap.add id2 q x.value) }
+ | q, [b] -> strict { x with value = VarMap.add id q (VarMap.add id2 [b] x.value) }
+ | _ -> strict { x with ccons = VarCMap.add (id, id2) ok_c x.ccons}
+ ]
+ with Bot -> []
+ let assign x idl =
+ let x2 = List.fold_left (fun x (v, _) -> forgetvar x v) x idl in
+ let v = List.fold_left
+ (fun v (id, id2) ->
+ try VarMap.add id (VarMap.find id2 x.value) v
+ with Not_found -> v)
+ x2.value idl in
+ let c = VarCMap.fold
+ (fun (v1, v2) l c ->
+ let v1' = try List.assoc v1 idl with _ -> v1 in
+ let v2' = try List.assoc v2 idl with _ -> v2 in
+ VarCMap.add (v1', v2') l c)
+ x.ccons x2.ccons in
+ strict { x with value = v; ccons = c }
+ let print fmt x =
+ let b = (fun (x, y) -> y, x) (VarMap.bindings x.value) in
+ let s = List.sort b in
+ let rec bl = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (v, id)::q ->
+ let v = sort v in
+ if v <> sort (List.assoc id x.vars) then
+ match bl q with
+ | (vv, ids)::q when vv = v -> (v, id::ids)::q
+ | r -> (v, [id])::r
+ else
+ bl q
+ in
+ let sbl = bl s in
+ Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>{ ";
+ List.iteri
+ (fun j (v, ids) ->
+ if j > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt "@ ";
+ Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>";
+ List.iteri
+ (fun i id ->
+ if i > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ";
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Formula_printer.print_id id)
+ ids;
+ match v with
+ | [v0] -> Format.fprintf fmt " ≡ %s@]" v0
+ | l -> Format.fprintf fmt " ∊ @[<hov>{ %a }@]@]" (print_list Format.pp_print_string ", ") l)
+ sbl;
+ Format.fprintf fmt " }@]"
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index b9c173d..4a13e18 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ type ne_expr =
(* f_of_neexpr :
transform_data -> (string, string) -> (ne_expr list -> bool_expr) -> expr -> bool_expr
-let rec f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) where expr =
- let sub = f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) in
+let rec f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) where expr =
+ let sub = f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) in
let le = loc_error (snd expr) in
match fst expr with
(* ident *)
@@ -71,24 +71,27 @@ let rec f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) where expr =
| TEnum _ -> EE(EIdent x))
| AST_arrow(a, b) ->
- if td.rp.init_scope (node^"/")
+ if td.rp.init_scope clock_scope
- (f_and (f_e_eq (EIdent (node^"/"^prefix^"init")) (EItem bool_true))
+ (f_and (f_e_eq (EIdent (clock_scope^"init")) (EItem bool_true))
(sub where a))
- (f_and (f_e_eq (EIdent (node^"/"^prefix^"init")) (EItem bool_false))
+ (f_and (f_e_eq (EIdent (clock_scope^"init")) (EItem bool_false))
(sub where b))
- else
+ else if not (td.rp.no_time_scope clock_scope)
+ then
- (f_and (BRel(AST_EQ, NIdent(node^"/"^prefix^"time"), NIntConst 0))
+ (f_and (BRel(AST_EQ, NIdent(clock_scope^"time"), NIntConst 0))
(sub where a))
- (f_and (BRel(AST_GE, NIdent(node^"/"^prefix^"time"), NIntConst 1))
+ (f_and (BRel(AST_GE, NIdent(clock_scope^"time"), NIntConst 1))
(sub where b))
+ else
+ f_or (sub where a) (sub where b)
(* other *)
| AST_if(c, a, b) ->
- (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) c) (sub where a))
- (f_and (BNot(f_of_expr td (node, prefix) c)) (sub where b))
+ (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) c) (sub where a))
+ (f_and (BNot(f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) c)) (sub where b))
| AST_instance ((f, _), args, nid) ->
let (n, _) = find_node_decl td.rp.p f in
@@ -107,8 +110,9 @@ let rec f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) where expr =
(* boolean values treated as enumerated types *)
| _ when type_expr td.rp node expr = [bool_type] ->
- (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) expr) (where [EE (EItem bool_true)]))
- (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) (AST_not(expr), snd expr))
+ (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) expr)
+ (where [EE (EItem bool_true)]))
+ (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) (AST_not(expr), snd expr))
(where [EE (EItem bool_false)]))
| _ -> le type_error "Expected numerical/enumerated value"
@@ -120,8 +124,8 @@ let rec f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) where expr =
f_of_bexpr :
transform_data -> (string, string) -> (bool_expr -> bool_expr) -> expr -> bool_expr
-and f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix) where expr =
- let sub = f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix) in
+and f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) where expr =
+ let sub = f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) in
match fst expr with
| AST_bool_const b -> where (BConst b)
| AST_binary_bool(AST_AND, a, b) -> f_and (sub where a) (sub where b)
@@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ and f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix) where expr =
| AST_not(a) -> BNot(sub where a)
| AST_binary_rel(rel, a, b) ->
- (f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix)
+ (f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope)
| [NE x; NE y] -> BRel(rel, x, y)
| [EE x; EE y] ->
@@ -142,11 +146,22 @@ and f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix) where expr =
(AST_tuple [a; b], snd expr))
(* Temporal *)
| AST_arrow(a, b) ->
+ if td.rp.init_scope clock_scope
+ then
- (f_and (BRel(AST_EQ, NIdent(node^"/"^prefix^"time"), NIntConst 0))
+ (f_and (f_e_eq (EIdent (clock_scope^"init")) (EItem bool_true))
(sub where a))
- (f_and (BRel(AST_GE, NIdent(node^"/"^prefix^"time"), NIntConst 1))
+ (f_and (f_e_eq (EIdent (clock_scope^"init")) (EItem bool_false))
(sub where b))
+ else if not (td.rp.no_time_scope clock_scope)
+ then
+ f_or
+ (f_and (BRel(AST_EQ, NIdent(clock_scope^"time"), NIntConst 0))
+ (sub where a))
+ (f_and (BRel(AST_GE, NIdent(clock_scope^"time"), NIntConst 1))
+ (sub where b))
+ else
+ f_or (sub where a) (sub where b)
(* Enumerations... *)
| _ when type_expr td.rp node expr = [bool_type] ->
let ff = function
@@ -156,23 +171,53 @@ and f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix) where expr =
(f_and (f_e_eq x (EItem bool_false)) (where (BConst false)))
| _ -> assert false
- f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) ff expr
+ f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) ff expr
| _ -> type_error "Expected boolean value."
-and f_of_expr td (node, prefix) expr =
- f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix) (fun x -> x) expr
+and f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) expr =
+ f_of_bexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) (fun x -> x) expr
Translate program into one big formula
-let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) assume_guarantees =
+let clock_scope_here (node, prefix, _) =
+ node^"/"^prefix
+let gen_clock td (node, prefix, _) active =
+ let clock_scope = node^"/"^prefix in
+ let clock_eq =
+ if active then
+ f_and
+ (if not (td.rp.no_time_scope clock_scope)
+ then BRel(AST_EQ, NIdent("N"^clock_scope^"time"),
+ NBinary(AST_PLUS, NIntConst 1, NIdent(clock_scope^"time")))
+ else BConst true)
+ (if td.rp.init_scope clock_scope
+ then f_e_eq (EIdent("N"^clock_scope^"init")) (EItem bool_false)
+ else BConst true)
+ else
+ f_and
+ (if not (td.rp.no_time_scope clock_scope)
+ then BRel(AST_EQ,
+ NIdent("N"^clock_scope^"time"),
+ NIdent(clock_scope^"time"))
+ else BConst true)
+ (if td.rp.init_scope clock_scope
+ then f_e_eq (EIdent("N"^clock_scope^"init"))
+ (EIdent (clock_scope^"init"))
+ else BConst true)
+ in
+ clock_scope, clock_eq
+let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) clock_scope assume_guarantees =
let expr_eq e =
let instance_eq (_, id, eqs, args) =
- let eq = f_of_scope active td (node^"/"^id, "", eqs) assume_guarantees in
+ let eq = f_of_scope active td (node^"/"^id, "", eqs) clock_scope assume_guarantees in
if active then
let arg_eq ((_,argname,_), expr) =
- f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) (function
+ f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) (function
| [NE v] -> BRel(AST_EQ, NIdent(node^"/"^id^"/"^argname), v)
| [EE v] -> f_e_eq (EIdent(node^"/"^id^"/"^argname)) v
| _ -> invalid_arity "in argument")
@@ -186,7 +231,7 @@ let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) assume_guarantees =
let pre_expr (id, expr) =
let id = node^"/"^id in
if active then
- f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) (fun elist ->
+ f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) (fun elist ->
list_fold_op f_and
(fun i v -> let x = ("N"^id^"."^(string_of_int i)) in
@@ -222,7 +267,7 @@ let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) assume_guarantees =
f_and_list rels
- f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix) apply_f e
+ f_of_neexpr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) apply_f e
BConst true
@@ -230,7 +275,7 @@ let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) assume_guarantees =
| AST_assume (_, e) ->
let assume_eq =
if active then
- f_of_expr td (node, prefix) e
+ f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) e
BConst true
@@ -239,13 +284,13 @@ let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) assume_guarantees =
let gn = node^"/g_"^id in
let guarantee_eq =
if active && assume_guarantees then
- f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) e)
+ f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) e)
(BEnumCons(E_EQ, gn, EItem bool_true))
- (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) e)
+ (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) e)
(BEnumCons(E_EQ, gn, EItem bool_true)))
- (f_and (BNot (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) e))
+ (f_and (BNot (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) e))
(BEnumCons(E_EQ, gn, EItem bool_false)))
f_and (expr_eq e) guarantee_eq
@@ -258,16 +303,20 @@ let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) assume_guarantees =
let rec do_tree_act = function
| AST_activate_body b ->
- f_of_scope true td (node, b.act_id^".", b.body) assume_guarantees
+ let b_scope = node, b.act_id^".", b.body in
+ let clock_scope, clock_eq = gen_clock td b_scope true in
+ f_and clock_eq (f_of_scope true td b_scope clock_scope assume_guarantees)
| AST_activate_if(c, a, b) ->
- (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) c)
+ (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) c)
(f_and (do_tree_act a) (do_tree_inact b)))
- (f_and (BNot(f_of_expr td (node, prefix) c))
+ (f_and (BNot(f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) c))
(f_and (do_tree_act b) (do_tree_inact a)))
and do_tree_inact = function
| AST_activate_body b ->
- f_of_scope false td (node, b.act_id^".", b.body) assume_guarantees
+ let b_scope = node, b.act_id^".", b.body in
+ let clock_scope, clock_eq = gen_clock td b_scope false in
+ f_and clock_eq (f_of_scope false td b_scope clock_scope assume_guarantees)
| AST_activate_if(_, a, b) ->
f_and (do_tree_inact a) (do_tree_inact b)
@@ -276,24 +325,27 @@ let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) assume_guarantees =
let stv = node^"/"^aid^".state" in
let nstv = "N"^node^"/"^aid^".state" in
let st_eq_inact (st, _) =
- f_and
- (f_of_scope false td
- (node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body) assume_guarantees)
- (f_and_list ( (fun (c, _, _) -> expr_eq c) st.until))
+ let st_scope = node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body in
+ let clock_scope, clock_eq = gen_clock td st_scope false in
+ f_and clock_eq
+ (f_and
+ (f_of_scope false td st_scope clock_scope assume_guarantees)
+ (f_and_list ( (fun (c, _, _) -> expr_eq c) st.until)))
if active then
let st_eq_act (st, l) =
let act_eq =
- let st_eq = f_of_scope true td
- (node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body) assume_guarantees in
+ let st_scope = node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body in
+ let clock_scope, clock_eq = gen_clock td st_scope true in
+ let st_eq = f_and clock_eq (f_of_scope true td st_scope clock_scope assume_guarantees) in
let rec aux = function
| [] -> BEnumCons(E_EQ, nstv, EItem st.st_name)
| (c, (target, l), rst)::q ->
if rst then loc_error l error "Resetting transitions not supported.";
- (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) c)
+ (f_and (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) c)
(BEnumCons(E_EQ, nstv, EItem target)))
- (f_and (BNot (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) c)) (aux q))
+ (f_and (BNot (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) c)) (aux q))
in f_and st_eq (aux st.until)
@@ -305,31 +357,7 @@ let rec f_of_scope active td (node, prefix, eqs) assume_guarantees =
f_and_list ( st_eq_inact states)
- let time_incr_eq =
- if active then
- f_and
- (if not (td.rp.no_time_scope (node^"/"))
- then BRel(AST_EQ, NIdent("N"^node^"/"^prefix^"time"),
- NBinary(AST_PLUS, NIntConst 1, NIdent(node^"/"^prefix^"time")))
- else BConst true)
- (if td.rp.init_scope (node^"/")
- then f_e_eq (EIdent("N"^node^"/"^prefix^"init")) (EItem bool_false)
- else BConst true)
- else
- f_and
- (if not (td.rp.no_time_scope (node^"/"))
- then BRel(AST_EQ,
- NIdent("N"^node^"/"^prefix^"time"),
- NIdent(node^"/"^prefix^"time"))
- else BConst true)
- (if td.rp.init_scope (node^"/")
- then f_e_eq (EIdent("N"^node^"/"^prefix^"init"))
- (EIdent (node^"/"^prefix^"init"))
- else BConst true)
- in
- List.fold_left f_and
- time_incr_eq
- ( do_eq eqs)
+ f_and_list ( do_eq eqs)
and f_of_prog rp assume_guarantees =
let td = {
@@ -337,15 +365,34 @@ and f_of_prog rp assume_guarantees =
consts = I.consts rp;
} in
- f_of_scope true td td.rp.root_scope assume_guarantees
+ let clock_scope, clock_eq = gen_clock td rp.root_scope true in
+ f_and clock_eq (f_of_scope true td td.rp.root_scope clock_scope assume_guarantees)
Translate init state into a formula
-let rec init_f_of_scope rp (node, prefix, eqs) =
+let gen_clock_init rp (node, prefix, _) =
+ let clock_scope = node^"/"^prefix in
+ let time_eq =
+ f_and
+ (if not (rp.no_time_scope clock_scope)
+ then
+ BRel(AST_EQ,
+ NIdent(clock_scope^"time"),
+ NIntConst 0)
+ else BConst true)
+ (if rp.init_scope clock_scope
+ then
+ f_e_eq (EIdent(clock_scope^"init")) (EItem bool_true)
+ else BConst true)
+ in
+ clock_scope, time_eq
+let rec init_f_of_scope rp (node, prefix, eqs) clock_scope =
let expr_eq e =
let instance_eq (_, id, eqs, args) =
- init_f_of_scope rp (node^"/"^id, "", eqs)
+ init_f_of_scope rp (node^"/"^id, "", eqs) clock_scope
List.fold_left (fun x i -> f_and (instance_eq i) x)
(BConst true) (extract_instances rp.p e)
@@ -356,7 +403,9 @@ let rec init_f_of_scope rp (node, prefix, eqs) =
| AST_activate (b, _) ->
let rec cond_eq = function
| AST_activate_body b ->
- init_f_of_scope rp (node, b.act_id^".", b.body)
+ let bscope = (node, b.act_id^".", b.body) in
+ let clock_scope, clock_eq = gen_clock_init rp bscope in
+ f_and clock_eq (init_f_of_scope rp bscope clock_scope)
| AST_activate_if(c, a, b) ->
f_and (expr_eq c)
(f_and (cond_eq a) (cond_eq b))
@@ -367,37 +416,27 @@ let rec init_f_of_scope rp (node, prefix, eqs) =
let init_eq = BEnumCons(E_EQ, node^"/"^aid^".state", EItem st.st_name) in
let state_eq (st, _) =
let sc_f =
- init_f_of_scope rp (node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body)
+ let st_scope = (node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body) in
+ let clock_scope, clock_eq = gen_clock_init rp st_scope in
+ f_and clock_eq (init_f_of_scope rp st_scope clock_scope)
in List.fold_left (fun f (c, _, _) -> f_and f (expr_eq c)) sc_f st.until
List.fold_left f_and init_eq
( state_eq states)
- let time_eq =
- f_and
- (if not (rp.no_time_scope (node^"/"))
- then
- BRel(AST_EQ,
- NIdent(node^"/"^prefix^"time"),
- NIntConst 0)
- else BConst true)
- (if rp.init_scope (node^"/")
- then
- f_e_eq (EIdent(node^"/"^prefix^"init")) (EItem bool_true)
- else BConst true)
- in
- List.fold_left f_and time_eq ( do_eq eqs)
+ f_and_list ( do_eq eqs)
and init_f_of_prog rp =
- init_f_of_scope rp rp.root_scope
+ let clock_scope, clock_eq = gen_clock_init rp rp.root_scope in
+ f_and clock_eq (init_f_of_scope rp rp.root_scope clock_scope)
Get expressions for guarantee violation
-let rec g_of_scope td (node, prefix, eqs) cond =
+let rec g_of_scope td (node, prefix, eqs) clock_scope cond =
let expr_g e =
let instance_g (_, id, eqs, args) =
- g_of_scope td (node^"/"^id, "", eqs) cond
+ g_of_scope td (node^"/"^id, "", eqs) clock_scope cond
List.fold_left (fun x i -> (instance_g i) @ x)
[] (extract_instances td.rp.p e)
@@ -406,21 +445,23 @@ let rec g_of_scope td (node, prefix, eqs) cond =
| AST_assign(_, e) | AST_assume(_, e) ->
expr_g e
| AST_guarantee((id, _), e) ->
- (id, f_and cond (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) (AST_not(e), snd e)))
+ (id, f_and cond (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) (AST_not(e), snd e)))
:: (expr_g e)
| AST_activate (b, _) ->
let rec cond_g cond = function
| AST_activate_body b ->
- g_of_scope td (node, b.act_id^".", b.body) cond
+ let bscope = node, b.act_id^".", b.body in
+ g_of_scope td bscope (clock_scope_here bscope) cond
| AST_activate_if(c, a, b) ->
- (cond_g (f_and cond (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) c)) a) @
- (cond_g (f_and cond (f_of_expr td (node, prefix) (AST_not(c), snd c))) b) @
+ (cond_g (f_and cond (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) c)) a) @
+ (cond_g (f_and cond (f_of_expr td (node, prefix, clock_scope) (AST_not(c), snd c))) b) @
(expr_g c)
cond_g cond b
| AST_automaton (aid, states, _) ->
let st_g (st, _) =
- g_of_scope td (node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body)
+ let stscope = (node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body) in
+ g_of_scope td stscope (clock_scope_here stscope)
(f_and cond (BEnumCons(E_EQ, node^"/"^aid^".state", EItem st.st_name)))
List.flatten ( st_g states)
@@ -433,4 +474,4 @@ and guarantees_of_prog rp =
consts = I.consts rp;
} in
- g_of_scope td rp.root_scope (BConst true)
+ g_of_scope td rp.root_scope "" (BConst true)