open Ast
open Util
open Ast_util
(* AST for logical formulas *)
(* Numerical part *)
type num_expr =
(* constants *)
| NIntConst of int
| NRealConst of float
(* operators *)
| NBinary of binary_op * num_expr * num_expr
| NUnary of unary_op * num_expr
(* identifier *)
| NIdent of id
type num_cons_op =
type num_cons = num_expr * num_cons_op (* always imply right member = 0 *)
(* Logical part *)
(* Enumerated types *)
type enum_expr =
| EIdent of id
| EItem of string
type enum_op =
| E_EQ | E_NE
type enum_cons = enum_op * enum_expr * enum_expr
type bool_expr =
(* constants *)
| BConst of bool
(* operators from numeric values to boolean values *)
| BRel of binary_rel_op * num_expr * num_expr
(* operators on enumerated types *)
| BEnumCons of enum_cons
(* boolean operators *)
| BAnd of bool_expr * bool_expr
| BOr of bool_expr * bool_expr
| BNot of bool_expr
let f_and a b = match a, b with
| BConst false, _ | _, BConst false -> BConst false
| BConst true, b -> b
| a, BConst true -> a
| a, b -> BAnd(a, b)
let f_and_list = List.fold_left f_and (BConst true)
let f_or a b = match a, b with
| BConst true, _ | _, BConst true -> BConst true
| BConst false, b -> b
| a, BConst false -> a
| a, b -> BOr(a, b)
let f_e_eq a b = match a, b with
| EItem u, EItem v -> BConst (u = v)
| _ -> BEnumCons(E_EQ, a, b)
(* Write all formula without using the NOT operator *)
let rec eliminate_not = function
| BNot e -> eliminate_not_negate e
| BAnd(a, b) -> BAnd(eliminate_not a, eliminate_not b)
| BOr(a, b) -> BOr(eliminate_not a, eliminate_not b)
| x -> x
and eliminate_not_negate = function
| BConst x -> BConst(not x)
| BEnumCons(op, a, b) -> BEnumCons((if op = E_EQ then E_NE else E_EQ), a, b)
| BNot e -> eliminate_not e
| BRel(r, a, b) ->
if r = AST_EQ then
BOr(BRel(AST_LT, a, b), BRel(AST_GT, a, b))
let r' = match r with
BRel(r', a, b)
| BAnd(a, b) ->
BOr(eliminate_not_negate a, eliminate_not_negate b)
| BOr(a, b) ->
BAnd(eliminate_not_negate a, eliminate_not_negate b)
In big ANDs, try to separate levels of /\ and levels of \/
We also use this step to simplify trues and falses that may be present.
type conslist = enum_cons list * num_cons list * conslist_bool_expr
and conslist_bool_expr =
| CLTrue
| CLFalse
| CLAnd of conslist_bool_expr * conslist_bool_expr
| CLOr of conslist * conslist
let rec conslist_of_f = function
| BNot e -> conslist_of_f (eliminate_not_negate e)
| BRel (op, a, b) ->
let x, y, op = match op with
| AST_EQ -> a, b, CONS_EQ
| AST_NE -> a, b, CONS_NE
| AST_GT -> a, b, CONS_GT
| AST_GE -> a, b, CONS_GE
| AST_LT -> b, a, CONS_GT
| AST_LE -> b, a, CONS_GE
let cons = if y = NIntConst 0
then (x, op)
else (NBinary(AST_MINUS, x, y), op)
in [], [cons], CLTrue
| BConst x ->
[], [], if x then CLTrue else CLFalse
| BEnumCons e ->
[e], [], CLTrue
| BOr(a, b) ->
let eca, ca, ra = conslist_of_f a in
let ecb, cb, rb = conslist_of_f b in
begin match eca, ca, ra, ecb, cb, rb with
| _, _, CLFalse, _, _, _ -> ecb, cb, rb
| _, _, _, _, _, CLFalse -> eca, ca, ra
| [], [], CLTrue, _, _, _ -> [], [], CLTrue
| _, _, _, [], [], CLTrue -> [], [], CLTrue
| _ -> [], [], CLOr((eca, ca, ra), (ecb, cb, rb))
| BAnd(a, b) ->
let eca, ca, ra = conslist_of_f a in
let ecb, cb, rb = conslist_of_f b in
let cons = ca @ cb in
let econs = eca @ ecb in
begin match ra, rb with
| CLFalse, _ | _, CLFalse -> [], [], CLFalse
| CLTrue, _ -> econs, cons, rb
| _, CLTrue -> econs, cons, ra
| _, _ -> econs, cons, CLAnd(ra, rb)