path: root/abstract/
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authorAlex Auvolat <>2014-06-17 14:34:40 +0200
committerAlex Auvolat <>2014-06-17 14:34:40 +0200
commitd57e3491720e912b4e2fd6c73f9d356901a42df5 (patch)
treebc0feb8577b162e3e735fa57c7b4b0d82be808ce /abstract/
parent860ad2752ef0544bc6874d895875a78f91db9084 (diff)
Write transformation of program into logical formula.
Diffstat (limited to 'abstract/')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index 389000c..2c83b32 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -22,3 +22,81 @@ type bool_expr =
| BOr of bool_expr * bool_expr
| BNot of bool_expr
+(* Write all formula without using the NOT operator *)
+let rec eliminate_not = function
+ | BNot e -> eliminate_not_negate e
+ | BAnd(a, b) -> BAnd(eliminate_not a, eliminate_not b)
+ | BOr(a, b) -> BOr(eliminate_not a, eliminate_not b)
+ | x -> x
+and eliminate_not_negate = function
+ | BConst x -> BConst(not x)
+ | BNot e -> eliminate_not e
+ | BRel(r, a, b) ->
+ let r' = match r with
+ | AST_EQ -> AST_NE
+ | AST_NE -> AST_EQ
+ | AST_LT -> AST_GE
+ | AST_LE -> AST_GT
+ | AST_GT -> AST_LE
+ | AST_GE -> AST_LT
+ in
+ BRel(r', a, b)
+ | BAnd(a, b) ->
+ BOr(eliminate_not_negate a, eliminate_not_negate b)
+ | BOr(a, b) ->
+ BAnd(eliminate_not_negate a, eliminate_not_negate b)
+ In big ANDs, try to separate levels of /\ and levels of \/
+ We also use this step to simplify trues and falses that may be present.
+type cons_op =
+type cons = num_expr * cons_op (* always imply right member = 0 *)
+type conslist = cons list * conslist_bool_expr
+and conslist_bool_expr =
+ | CLTrue
+ | CLFalse
+ | CLAnd of conslist_bool_expr * conslist_bool_expr
+ | CLOr of conslist * conslist
+let rec conslist_of_f = function
+ | BNot e -> conslist_of_f (eliminate_not_negate e)
+ | BRel (op, a, b) ->
+ let cons = match op with
+ | AST_EQ -> NBinary(AST_MINUS, a, b), CONS_EQ
+ | AST_NE -> NBinary(AST_MINUS, a, b), CONS_NE
+ | AST_GT -> NBinary(AST_MINUS, a, b), CONS_GT
+ | AST_GE -> NBinary(AST_MINUS, a, b), CONS_GE
+ | AST_LT -> NBinary(AST_MINUS, b, a), CONS_GT
+ | AST_LE -> NBinary(AST_MINUS, b, a), CONS_GE
+ in [cons], CLTrue
+ | BConst x ->
+ [], if x then CLTrue else CLFalse
+ | BOr(a, b) ->
+ let ca, ra = conslist_of_f a in
+ let cb, rb = conslist_of_f b in
+ begin match ca, ra, cb, rb with
+ | _, CLFalse, _, _ -> cb, rb
+ | _, _, _, CLFalse -> ca, ra
+ | [], CLTrue, _, _ -> [], CLTrue
+ | _, _, [], CLTrue -> [], CLTrue
+ | _ -> [], CLOr((ca, ra), (cb, rb))
+ end
+ | BAnd(a, b) ->
+ let ca, ra = conslist_of_f a in
+ let cb, rb = conslist_of_f b in
+ let cons = ca @ cb in
+ begin match ra, rb with
+ | CLFalse, _ | _, CLFalse -> [], CLFalse
+ | CLTrue, _ -> cons, rb
+ | ra, CLTrue -> cons, ra
+ | _, _ -> cons, CLAnd(ra, rb)
+ end