path: root/src/parser.mly
diff options
authorAlex AUVOLAT <>2013-11-25 15:06:21 +0100
committerAlex AUVOLAT <>2013-11-25 15:06:21 +0100
commitf9ac80d948ecedcf9e04b94b5b529a31f23589a9 (patch)
treeac566d8756c19367a7eecc39363bd979c61bf8c5 /src/parser.mly
parent415f94f0978fbf3104f93033fe21ec88f2ec454f (diff)
Added localisation for expressions and statements.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/parser.mly')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/parser.mly b/src/parser.mly
index eb0a959..39fdf7d 100644
--- a/src/parser.mly
+++ b/src/parser.mly
@@ -111,10 +111,19 @@ member:
| ident = typed_var
LPAREN args = separated_list(COMMA, typed_var) RPAREN
- { {p_ret_type = Some(fst ident); p_name = snd ident; p_class = None; p_args = args} }
+ { {
+ p_ret_type = Some(fst ident);
+ p_name = snd ident;
+ p_class = None;
+ p_args = args;
+ p_loc = $startpos, $endpos } }
| cls = TIDENT
LPAREN args = separated_list(COMMA, typed_var) RPAREN
- { {p_ret_type = None; p_name = cls; p_class = Some cls; p_args = args} }
+ { {p_ret_type = None;
+ p_name = cls;
+ p_class = Some cls;
+ p_args = args;
+ p_loc = $startpos, $endpos } }
@@ -122,11 +131,11 @@ proto:
LPAREN args = separated_list(COMMA, typed_var) RPAREN
let ty, cl, na = ident in
- { p_ret_type = Some ty; p_name = na; p_class = cl; p_args = args} }
+ { p_ret_type = Some ty; p_name = na; p_class = cl; p_args = args; p_loc = $startpos, $endpos } }
LPAREN args = separated_list(COMMA, typed_var) RPAREN
- {p_ret_type = None; p_name = cls2; p_class = Some cls; p_args = args}
+ {p_ret_type = None; p_name = cls2; p_class = Some cls; p_args = args; p_loc = $startpos, $endpos}
@@ -175,9 +184,12 @@ block:
+| d = statement_desc { { s_loc = $startpos, $endpos; s_desc = d } }
| k = common_statement { k }
| IF LPAREN c = expression RPAREN s = statement
- { SIf(c, s, SEmpty) }
+ { SIf(c, s, { s_loc = $startpos, $endpos; s_desc = SEmpty}) }
| IF LPAREN c = expression RPAREN s = no_if_statement ELSE t = statement
{ SIf(c, s, t) }
| WHILE LPAREN c = expression RPAREN s = statement
@@ -190,6 +202,9 @@ statement:
+| d = no_if_statement_desc { { s_loc = $startpos, $endpos; s_desc = d } }
| WHILE LPAREN c = expression RPAREN s = no_if_statement
{ SWhile(c, s) }
| FOR LPAREN k = separated_list(COMMA, expression) SEMICOLON
@@ -221,10 +236,14 @@ common_statement:
+| e = expression_desc
+ { { e_loc = $startpos, $endpos; e_desc = e } }
+| l = lunop { l }
| e1 = expression ASSIGN e2 = expression { EAssign(e1, e2) }
| a = expression b = binop c = expression { EBinary(a, b, c) }
| a = expression LPAREN arg = separated_list(COMMA, expression) RPAREN { ECall(a, arg) }
-| a = lunop { a }
| NEW c = TIDENT LPAREN args = separated_list(COMMA, expression) RPAREN { ENew(c, args) }
@@ -245,24 +264,41 @@ expression:
+| LPAREN e = expression RPAREN
+ { { e_loc = $startpos, $endpos; e_desc = e.e_desc } }
+| k = primary_desc
+ { { e_loc = $startpos, $endpos; e_desc = k } }
| NULL { ENull }
| THIS { EThis }
| i = INTVAL { EInt(i) }
| TRUE { EBool(true) }
| FALSE { EBool(false) }
| i = IDENT { EIdent(i) }
-| LPAREN e = expression RPAREN { e }
-| a = primary RARROW b = IDENT { EMember(EUnary(Deref, a), b) }
-| a = primary DOT b = IDENT { EMember(a, b) }
+| a = primary RARROW b = IDENT
+ { EMember(
+ { e_loc = $startpos, $endpos; e_desc = EUnary(Deref, a)}
+ , b) }
+| a = primary DOT b = IDENT
+ { EMember(a, b) }
-| e = primary { e }
+| e = runop_desc { { e_loc = $startpos, $endpos; e_desc = e } }
+| p = primary { p }
| e = runop INCR { EUnary(PostIncr, e) }
| e = runop DECR { EUnary(PostDecr, e) }
+| e = lunop_desc
+ { { e_loc = $startpos, $endpos; e_desc = e } }
+| k = runop { k }
| NOT e = lunop { EUnary(Not, e) }
| MINUS e = lunop { EUnary(Minus, e) }
| PLUS e = lunop { EUnary(Plus, e) }
@@ -270,10 +306,9 @@ lunop:
| TIMES e = lunop { EUnary(Deref, e) }
| INCR e = lunop { EUnary(PreIncr, e) }
| DECR e = lunop { EUnary(PreDecr, e) }
-| e = runop { e }
-| e = expression { SEExpr(e) }
-| s = STRVAL { SEStr(s) }
+| e = expression { { se_loc = e.e_loc; se_desc = SEExpr(e.e_desc) } }
+| s = STRVAL { { se_loc = $startpos, $endpos; se_desc = SEStr(s) } }