defprotocol SData.Page do
Protocol to be implemented by objects that are used as data pages
in a pagestore and that may reference other data pages by their hash.
@fallback_to_any true
Get hashes of all pages referenced by this page.
def refs(page)
defimpl SData.Page, for: Any do
def refs(_page), do: []
defprotocol SData.PageStore do
Protocol to be implemented for page stores to allow their
This protocol may also be implemented by store proxies that track
operations and implement different synchronization or caching mechanisms.
A page store is an object that stores data pages (arbitrary Erlang terms) and
identifies them by their hash. Dependencies may exist between pages, in which
case they form a Merkle DAG.
Put a page. Argument is the content of the page, returns the
hash that the store has associated to it.
Returns {hash, store}
def put(store, page)
Get a page referenced by its hash.
Returns page
def get(store, hash)
Copy to the store a page and all its references from the other store.
In the case of pages on the network in a distributed store, this may
be lazy.
Returns store
def copy(store, other_store, hash)
Free a page referenced by its hash, marking it as no longer needed.
Returns store
def free(store, hash)
defmodule SData.LocalStore do
A page store that saves all pages locally in RAM. The store is basically a dictionnary
of hash to term mappings, which is mutated by put operations.
defstruct [:pages]
Create empty LocalStore.
def new() do
%SData.LocalStore{ pages: %{} }
defimpl SData.PageStore, for: SData.LocalStore do
def put(store, page) do
hash = SData.term_hash page
store = %{ store | pages: Map.put(store.pages, hash, page) }
{ hash, store }
def get(store, hash) do
def copy(store, other_store, hash) do
page = SData.PageStore.get(other_store, hash)
refs = SData.Page.refs(page)
store = Enum.reduce(refs, store, fn x, acc -> copy(acc, other_store, x) end)
%{ store | pages: Map.put(store.pages, hash, page) }
def free(store, hash) do
%{ store | pages: Map.delete(store.pages, hash) }