path: root/judge
diff options
authorAlex AUVOLAT <alex.auvolat@ens.fr>2014-11-10 12:24:46 +0100
committerAlex AUVOLAT <alex.auvolat@ens.fr>2014-11-10 12:24:46 +0100
commitbcb124d26b40bd70fc22af49e4b7c994b37ee184 (patch)
treea730e69f37e79128d5795ca59d33595dc8811565 /judge
parent053f2090ebccd14f875b806c578e0f5467d68f5a (diff)
Improved handling of the dead ; correct bug in Amane.
Diffstat (limited to 'judge')
3 files changed, 59 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/judge/core.ml b/judge/core.ml
index dd6c31c..ce542dc 100644
--- a/judge/core.ml
+++ b/judge/core.ml
@@ -83,11 +83,6 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
o: out_channel;
mutable s: player_proc_status;
- let send_m pp m =
- let m = encode m in
- Format.printf ">%s< %s@." pp.p.name m;
- output_string pp.o (m ^ "\n");
- flush pp.o
type game = {
mutable hist: G.game list;
@@ -115,6 +110,7 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
let pt_tie = ref 1 (* default: on tie, score += 1 *)
let pt_lose = ref 0 (* default: on lose, score does not change *)
let pt_elim = ref (-1) (* default: on eliminated, score -= 1 *)
+ let log_games = ref false (* default: do not log games *)
let scores () =
Hashtbl.fold (fun _ p l -> (p.name, p.score)::l) players []
@@ -131,6 +127,7 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
"-t", Arg.Set_int pt_tie, "Points granted on tie (+1)";
"-l", Arg.Set_int pt_lose, "Points granted on lose (0)";
"-e", Arg.Set_int pt_elim, "Points granted on eliminated (-1)";
+ "-l", Arg.Set log_games, "Log all games (false)";
] in
Arg.parse args (fun s -> game_dir := s)
@@ -197,9 +194,20 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
let finish () =
(* TODO :
- save scores
- - kill all child processes and wait for them
- ()
+ let childs = ref [] in
+ List.iter
+ (fun g ->
+ if g.p1.s <> Dead then childs := g.p1.pid::!childs;
+ if g.p2.s <> Dead then childs := g.p2.pid::!childs)
+ !r_games;
+ List.iter (fun pid -> kill pid Sys.sigterm) !childs;
+ while !childs <> [] do
+ try
+ let pid, _ = waitpid [] (-1) in
+ childs := List.filter (( <> ) pid) !childs
+ with _ -> ()
+ done
let add_rounds () =
@@ -208,6 +216,12 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
+ let send_m pp m =
+ let m = encode m in
+ if !log_games then Format.printf ">%s< %s@." pp.p.name m;
+ output_string pp.o (m ^ "\n");
+ flush pp.o
let handle_events () =
let matches_in_progress = List.length
@@ -231,7 +245,7 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
dup2 p.log_out stderr;
execvp p.binary [| p.binary |];
- Format.printf "- %s: pid %d@." p.name pid;
+ Format.printf "[%s start, pid: %d]@." p.name pid;
let pl = { pid; p;
i = in_channel_of_descr p2j_i;
o = out_channel_of_descr j2p_o;
@@ -286,7 +300,7 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
let op = match pi with P1 -> g.p2 | P2 -> g.p1 in
begin try
let l = input_line p.i in
- Format.printf "<%s> %s@." p.p.name l;
+ if !log_games then Format.printf "<%s> %s@." p.p.name l;
match decode l, p.s with
| Hello x, Loading when x = G.id ->
p.s <- StandBy !game_time;
@@ -327,8 +341,6 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
| FairEnough, Saving ->
kill p.pid Sys.sigterm;
- p.s <- Dead;
- p.p.running <- None;
| bad_m, _ -> raise (Eliminated_ex ("unexpected message: '" ^ encode bad_m ^ "'"))
| exception Invalid_message m -> raise (Eliminated_ex ("invalid message: '" ^ m ^"'"))
| exception _ -> raise (Eliminated_ex "exception when reading message")
@@ -337,13 +349,12 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
send_m p Eliminated;
send_m op YouWin;
(* since process is not respecting the protocol, we cannot assume
- it is doing anything reasonable, so we kill it... *)
+ it is doing anything reasonable, so we kill it now rather than later... *)
kill p.pid Sys.sigterm;
Format.printf "%s vs. %s: %s eliminated (%s)!@." g.p1.p.name g.p2.p.name p.p.name r;
- p.s <- Dead;
- p.p.running <- None;
p.p.score <- p.p.score + !pt_elim;
op.s <- Saving;
+ p.s <- Saving;
g.s <- Eliminated pi
begin match g.s, g.p1.s, g.p2.s, g.p1, g.p2 with
@@ -353,6 +364,31 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
p.s <- Thinking (t, Unix.gettimeofday());
| _ -> ()
- in List.iter do_fd in_fd
+ in List.iter do_fd in_fd;
+ (* Check if somebody has died on us *)
+ begin try
+ let pid, _ = waitpid [WNOHANG] (-1) in
+ if pid <> 0 then begin
+ let g = List.find
+ (fun g ->
+ (g.p1.s <> Dead && g.p1.pid = pid)
+ || (g.p2.s <> Dead && g.p2.pid = pid))
+ !r_games
+ in
+ let pi = if g.p1.pid = pid then P1 else P2 in
+ let p, op = if g.p1.pid = pid then g.p1, g.p2 else g.p2, g.p1 in
+ Format.printf "[%s (%d) died.]@." p.p.name pid;
+ if p.s <> Saving then begin
+ send_m op YouWin;
+ Format.printf "%s vs. %s: %s eliminated (died...)!@." g.p1.p.name g.p2.p.name p.p.name;
+ p.p.score <- p.p.score + !pt_elim;
+ op.s <- Saving;
+ g.s <- Eliminated pi
+ end;
+ p.s <- Dead;
+ p.p.running <- None;
+ end
+ with _ -> () end
diff --git a/judge/g_util.ml b/judge/g_util.ml
index 95bfcba..3679280 100644
--- a/judge/g_util.ml
+++ b/judge/g_util.ml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ open Core
let grey = rgb 112 112 112
let red = rgb 200 0 0
let green = rgb 0 150 0
+let orange = rgb 200 140 0
let p1c = blue
let p2c = red
diff --git a/judge/main.ml b/judge/main.ml
index ea7c2ef..8c74be6 100644
--- a/judge/main.ml
+++ b/judge/main.ml
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ end = struct
| Won P1 -> green, red
| Won P2 -> red, green
| Tie -> grey, grey
- | Eliminated P1 -> red, grey
- | Eliminated P2 -> grey, red
+ | Eliminated P1 -> orange, grey
+ | Eliminated P2 -> grey, orange
let mp = function
- | Loading -> grey, ">>>"
- | Saving -> grey, "<<<"
+ | Loading -> grey, "-> []"
+ | Saving -> grey, "[] ->"
| Dead -> black, ""
| StandBy t -> grey, Format.sprintf "%.2f" t
| Thinking (t, tb) -> black,
@@ -176,8 +176,9 @@ end = struct
let n = if n = -1 then List.length (C.hist g) -1 else n in
let put_st i g =
- let cx = 10 * i + 30 in
- let cy = size_y () - 60 in
+ let ni = (size_x() - 60) / 12 + 1 in
+ let cx = 12 * (i mod ni) + 30 in
+ let cy = size_y () - 60 - (20 * (i / ni)) in
begin match G.s g with
| TurnOf p ->
set_color (pc p);