path: root/judge/guiplay.ml
diff options
authorAlex Auvolat <alex.auvolat@ens.fr>2014-11-16 12:44:32 +0100
committerAlex Auvolat <alex.auvolat@ens.fr>2014-11-16 12:44:32 +0100
commit80475db04ef557abc6d7e1cb708a954d501f4f3a (patch)
tree0fc15d06f0f468c1da1d987131e98cedc9e914f4 /judge/guiplay.ml
parent0e83991e3f8739ec00d744f038fdfaea2b60c98e (diff)
Implement GUI interface for playingHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'judge/guiplay.ml')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/judge/guiplay.ml b/judge/guiplay.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50add3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/judge/guiplay.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+open Core
+open Graphics
+open Unix
+open Protocol
+module A (G : GAME) : sig
+ val run : unit -> unit
+end = struct
+ exception Unexpected of msg
+ open G_util
+ (* Init/Close *)
+ let gui_init () =
+ open_graph " 800x600";
+ set_font "-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--15-120-90--c-90-iso8859-1";
+ auto_synchronize false;
+ display_mode false;
+ remember_mode true;
+ fullscreen_msg "Starting up..."
+ let gui_close () =
+ close_graph ()
+ (* The functions *)
+ let dg t g pnx =
+ clear_graph();
+ text3 1 black t;
+ hl();
+ G.display_game g pnx;
+ synchronize()
+ let display_result r (p1n, p2n) =
+ let s = match r with
+ | Won P1 -> p1n ^ " won"
+ | Won P2 -> p2n ^ " won"
+ | Tie -> "Tie"
+ | Eliminated P1 -> p1n ^ " eliminated"
+ | Eliminated P2 -> p2n ^ " eliminated"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ fullscreen_msg (s ^ ". Press a key to exit.");
+ ignore @@ read_key()
+ let fwd ff g (send, recv) (p1n, p2n) =
+ match G.s g with
+ | TurnOf _ -> ff g (send, recv) (p1n, p2n)
+ | s ->
+ display_result s (p1n, p2n);
+ send (match s with
+ | Tie -> Tie
+ | Won P1 when p1n = "AI" -> YouWin
+ | Won P2 when p2n = "AI" -> YouWin
+ | Won _ -> YouLose
+ | _ -> Eliminated);
+ match (recv ()) with
+ | FairEnough -> ()
+ | x -> raise (Unexpected x)
+ let rec human_turn g (send, recv) pnx =
+ dg "Your turn !" g pnx;
+ let rec x pmc =
+ let st = wait_next_event [Button_down; Button_up; Mouse_motion; Key_pressed] in
+ let act = G.gui_act_at g (st.mouse_x, st.mouse_y) in
+ let g', ok = try G.play g act, true with _ -> g, false in
+ let ok = ok && (match G.s g' with Eliminated _ -> false | _ -> true) in
+ dg "Your turn !" (if ok then g' else g) pnx;
+ if st.keypressed && st.key = 'q' then begin
+ send (YouWin);
+ fullscreen_msg "You abandon! Coward!"
+ end else
+ if pmc && not st.button && ok then begin
+ send (Play act);
+ fwd ai_turn g' (send, recv) pnx
+ end else
+ x st.button
+ in x false
+ and ai_turn g (send, recv) pnx =
+ dg "AI's turn..." g pnx;
+ send (YourTurn 30.0);
+ match recv() with
+ | Play x ->
+ let g' = G.play g x in
+ send OK;
+ fwd human_turn g' (send, recv) pnx
+ | x -> raise (Unexpected x)
+ (* Arg parsing && Initialization *)
+ let human_begin = ref false
+ let start_proc player_dir =
+ let b = Filename.concat player_dir "player" in
+ let st = Unix.stat b in
+ if not ((st.st_kind = S_REG || st.st_kind = S_LNK)
+ && (st.st_perm land 0o100 <> 0)) then
+ begin
+ Format.eprintf "Could not find player binary in %s@." player_dir;
+ exit 1
+ end;
+ let (ff_i, o) = pipe () in
+ let (i, ff_o) = pipe () in
+ let pid = fork() in
+ if pid = 0 then begin
+ chdir player_dir;
+ dup2 ff_i stdin;
+ dup2 ff_o stdout;
+ execvp b [| b |];
+ end;
+ Format.eprintf "Started IA process, pid %d@." pid;
+ i, o, pid
+ let run () =
+ let player_dir = ref "." in
+ let args = [
+ "-h", Arg.Set human_begin, "Human begins (default: AI begins";
+ ] in
+ Arg.parse args (fun s -> player_dir := s)
+ "Usage: xx_guiplay [<option> ...] [<player directory>]";
+ let player_dir =
+ if Filename.is_relative !player_dir
+ then Filename.concat (Unix.getcwd()) !player_dir
+ else !player_dir
+ in
+ gui_init();
+ let i, o, pid = start_proc player_dir in
+ let ic = in_channel_of_descr i in
+ let oc = out_channel_of_descr o in
+ let send m = output_string oc (encode m ^ "\n"); flush oc in
+ let recv () = decode (input_line ic) in
+ send (Hello G.id);
+ let pnc = if !human_begin then ("human", "AI") else ("AI", "human") in
+ begin try
+ match recv () with
+ | Hello x when x = G.id ->
+ if !human_begin
+ then human_turn G.new_game (send, recv) pnc
+ else ai_turn G.new_game (send, recv) pnc
+ | x -> raise (Unexpected x)
+ with
+ | Unexpected x ->
+ Format.eprintf "Unexpected message: %s@." (encode x)
+ end;
+ Unix.kill pid Sys.sigterm;
+ gui_close()