diff options
authorAlex AUVOLAT <alex.auvolat@ens.fr>2014-11-09 22:18:01 +0100
committerAlex AUVOLAT <alex.auvolat@ens.fr>2014-11-09 22:18:01 +0100
commit67332d5f6542601fede361af23647bf3afaf19ee (patch)
parent415c2c5529e7d33f6ec1236e607ee1f62509de4b (diff)
2 files changed, 61 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/judge/core.ml b/judge/core.ml
index 4411937..8b437d3 100644
--- a/judge/core.ml
+++ b/judge/core.ml
@@ -280,76 +280,68 @@ module Core (G: GAME) : CORE = struct
let p = match pi with P1 -> g.p1 | P2 -> g.p2 in
let op = match pi with P1 -> g.p2 | P2 -> g.p1 in
begin try match decode (input_line p.i), p.s with
- | Hello x, Loading when x = G.id ->
- p.s <- StandBy !game_time;
- begin match g.s, g.p1.s, g.p2.s, g.p1, g.p2 with
- | TurnOf P1, StandBy t, StandBy _, p, _
- | TurnOf P2, StandBy _, StandBy t, _, p ->
- send_m p (YourTurn t);
- p.s <- Thinking (t, Unix.gettimeofday());
- | _ -> ()
- end
- | Play act, Thinking (time, beg_r) ->
- let end_r = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- let new_g, new_s = G.turn (List.hd g.hist) pi act in
- begin match new_s with
- | Eliminated _ -> raise (Eliminated_ex ("invalid move: " ^ act)) | _ -> ()
- end;
- send_m p OK;
- send_m op (Play act);
- g.s <- new_s;
- g.hist <- new_g::g.hist;
- let finished = match new_s with
- | Tie ->
- send_m p Tie;
- send_m op Tie;
- Format.printf "%s vs. %s: tie!@." g.p1.p.name g.p2.p.name;
- p.p.score <- p.p.score + !pt_tie;
- op.p.score <- op.p.score + !pt_tie;
- true
- | Won x ->
- let (w, l) = if x = P1 then (g.p1, g.p2) else (g.p2, g.p1) in
- send_m w YouWin;
- send_m l YouLose;
- Format.printf "%s vs. %s: %s wins!@." g.p1.p.name g.p2.p.name w.p.name;
- w.p.score <- w.p.score + !pt_win;
- l.p.score <- l.p.score + !pt_lose;
- true
- | TurnOf _ -> false
- | Eliminated x -> assert false
- in
- if finished then begin
- p.s <- Saving;
- op.s <- Saving;
- end else begin
- p.s <- StandBy (time -. (end_r -. beg_r));
- match op.s with
- | StandBy t ->
- send_m op (YourTurn t);
- op.s <- Thinking (t, Unix.gettimeofday ())
- | _ -> assert false
- end
- | FairEnough, Saving ->
- kill p.pid Sys.sigterm;
- p.s <- Dead;
- p.p.running <- None;
- | bad_m, _ -> raise (Eliminated_ex ("unexpected message: '" ^ encode bad_m ^ "'"))
- | exception Invalid_message m -> raise (Eliminated_ex ("invalid message: '" ^ m ^"'"))
- | exception _ -> raise (Eliminated_ex "exception when reading message")
+ | Hello x, Loading when x = G.id ->
+ p.s <- StandBy !game_time;
+ | Play act, Thinking (time, beg_r) ->
+ let end_r = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ let new_g, new_s = G.turn (List.hd g.hist) pi act in
+ send_m p OK;
+ send_m op (Play act);
+ g.s <- new_s;
+ g.hist <- new_g::g.hist;
+ let finished = match new_s with
+ | Tie ->
+ send_m p Tie;
+ send_m op Tie;
+ Format.printf "%s vs. %s: tie!@." g.p1.p.name g.p2.p.name;
+ p.p.score <- p.p.score + !pt_tie;
+ op.p.score <- op.p.score + !pt_tie;
+ true
+ | Won x ->
+ let (w, l) = if x = P1 then (g.p1, g.p2) else (g.p2, g.p1) in
+ send_m w YouWin;
+ send_m l YouLose;
+ Format.printf "%s vs. %s: %s wins!@." g.p1.p.name g.p2.p.name w.p.name;
+ w.p.score <- w.p.score + !pt_win;
+ l.p.score <- l.p.score + !pt_lose;
+ true
+ | TurnOf _ -> false
+ | Eliminated _ -> raise (Eliminated_ex ("invalid move: " ^ act))
+ in
+ if finished then begin
+ p.s <- Saving;
+ op.s <- Saving;
+ end else begin
+ p.s <- StandBy (time -. (end_r -. beg_r));
+ end
+ | FairEnough, Saving ->
+ kill p.pid Sys.sigterm;
+ p.s <- Dead;
+ p.p.running <- None;
+ | bad_m, _ -> raise (Eliminated_ex ("unexpected message: '" ^ encode bad_m ^ "'"))
+ | exception Invalid_message m -> raise (Eliminated_ex ("invalid message: '" ^ m ^"'"))
+ | exception _ -> raise (Eliminated_ex "exception when reading message")
- | Eliminated_ex r ->
- send_m p Eliminated;
- send_m op YouWin;
- (* since process is not respecting the protocol, we cannot assume
- it is doing anything reasonable, so we kill it... *)
- kill p.pid Sys.sigterm;
- Format.printf "%s vs. %s: %s eliminated (%s)!@." g.p1.p.name g.p2.p.name p.p.name r;
- p.s <- Dead;
- p.p.running <- None;
- p.p.score <- p.p.score + !pt_elim;
- op.s <- Saving;
- g.s <- Eliminated pi
+ | Eliminated_ex r ->
+ send_m p Eliminated;
+ send_m op YouWin;
+ (* since process is not respecting the protocol, we cannot assume
+ it is doing anything reasonable, so we kill it... *)
+ kill p.pid Sys.sigterm;
+ Format.printf "%s vs. %s: %s eliminated (%s)!@." g.p1.p.name g.p2.p.name p.p.name r;
+ p.s <- Dead;
+ p.p.running <- None;
+ p.p.score <- p.p.score + !pt_elim;
+ op.s <- Saving;
+ g.s <- Eliminated pi
+ begin match g.s, g.p1.s, g.p2.s, g.p1, g.p2 with
+ | TurnOf P1, StandBy t, StandBy _, p, _
+ | TurnOf P2, StandBy _, StandBy t, _, p ->
+ send_m p (YourTurn t);
+ p.s <- Thinking (t, Unix.gettimeofday());
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
in List.iter do_fd in_fd
diff --git a/judge/dummy_game.ml b/judge/dummy_game.ml
index 869513a..0fac26b 100644
--- a/judge/dummy_game.ml
+++ b/judge/dummy_game.ml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Dummy : GAME = struct
let id = "dummy_game"
- let name = "Dumm game for testing purposes"
+ let name = "Dummy game for testing purposes"