blob: 698c4c6d5dffe2b77de8cc32a983b8150dd4c32c (
plain) (
#pragma once
#include <sys.h>
#include <paging.h>
#include <region.h>
#include <idt.h>
#define T_STATE_PAUSED 2
#define KPROC_STACK_SIZE 0x2000 // 8Kb
#define TASK_SWITCH_FREQUENCY 100 // in herz
typedef struct saved_context {
uint32_t *esp;
void (*eip)();
} saved_context_t;
typedef struct process process_t;
typedef struct thread {
saved_context_t ctx;
pagedir_t *current_pd_d;
uint32_t state;
uint64_t last_ran;
int critical_level;
region_info_t *stack_region;
process_t *proc;
isr_handler_t user_ex_handler; // exception in user code
struct thread *next_in_queue;
struct thread *next_in_proc;
bool must_exit;
} thread_t;
typedef void (*entry_t)(void*);
void threading_setup(entry_t cont, void* data); // never returns
thread_t *new_thread(entry_t entry, void* data); // thread is PAUSED, and must be started with start_thread
void start_thread(thread_t *t);
void delete_thread(thread_t *t);
void threading_irq0_handler();
extern thread_t *current_thread;
void yield();
void exit();
void usleep(int usecs);
// Important notice about waiting, resuming and killing :
// Threads may now communicate via wait_on(void* ressource) and resume_on (void* ressource).
// Previous pause() is replaced by wait_on(current_thread) and resume(thread) by resume_on(thread).
// wait_on(x) may return false, indicating that the reason for returning is NOT that resume_on(x) was
// called but something else happenned. Typically false indicates that the curent thread is being
// killed and must terminate its kernel-land processing as soon as possible.
bool wait_on(void* x); // true : resumed normally, false : resumed because thread was killed, or someone else already waiting
bool wait_on_many(void** x, size_t count); // true only if we could wait on ALL objects
bool resume_on(void* x);
void kill_thread(thread_t *thread); // cannot be called for current thread
// Kernel critical sections
#define CL_EXCL 3 // No interruptions accepted, context switching not allowed
#define CL_NOINT 2 // No interruptions accepted, timer context switching disabled (manual switch allowed)
#define CL_NOSWITCH 1 // Interruptions accepted, timer context switching disabled (manual switch allowed)
#define CL_USER 0 // Anything can happen
int enter_critical(int level);
void exit_critical(int prev_level);
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 noet :*/