#pragma once
// A process is basically :
// - a page directory and a list of segments mapped in user space
// - a list of file systems each associated to a name
// - some threads (currently, only one thread per process supported)
// Notes on memory mapping :
// - mmap creates an empty zone (zero-initialized)
// - mmap_file increments the refcount of the file handle
// - mchmap = change mode on already mapped zone (eg. after loading code)
#include <hashtbl.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include <vfs.h>
// Modes for mmaping regions
#define MM_READ (0x01)
#define MM_WRITE (0x02)
#define MM_EXEC (0x04)
#define USERSTACK_ADDR 0xB8000000
#define USERSTACK_SIZE 0x00020000 // 32 KB
struct process;
typedef struct process process_t;
typedef void* proc_entry_t;
process_t *current_process();
process_t *new_process(process_t *parent);
// void delete_process(process_t *p); // TODO define semantics for freeing stuff
pagedir_t *proc_pagedir(process_t *p);
int proc_pid(process_t *p);
bool start_process(process_t *p, proc_entry_t entry); // maps a region for user stack
bool proc_add_fs(process_t *p, fs_t *fs, const char* name);
fs_t *proc_find_fs(process_t *p, const char* name);
bool proc_rm_fs(process_t *p, const char* name);
bool mmap(process_t *proc, void* addr, size_t size, int mode); // create empty zone
bool mmap_file(process_t *proc, fs_handle_t *h, size_t offset, void* addr, size_t size, int mode);
bool mchmap(process_t *proc, void* addr, int mode);
bool munmap(process_t *proc, void* addr);
// for syscalls : check that process is authorized to do that
// (if not, process exits with a segfault)
void probe_for_read(const void* addr, size_t len);
void probe_for_write(const void* addr, size_t len);
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 noet :*/