#pragma once
#include <proc.h>
typedef int fd_t;
typedef int pid_t;
typedef struct { fd_t a, b; } fd_pair_t;
#define SC_MAX 128 // maximum number of syscalls
#define SC_DBG_PRINT 0 // args: msg, msg_strlen
#define SC_EXIT 1 // args: code
#define SC_YIELD 2 // args: ()
#define SC_USLEEP 3 // args: usecs
#define SC_NEW_THREAD 4 // args: eip, esp
#define SC_EXIT_THREAD 5 // args: ()
#define SC_MMAP 10 // args: addr, size, mode
#define SC_MMAP_FILE 11 // args: handle, offset, addr, size, mode
#define SC_MCHMAP 12 // args: addr, new_mode
#define SC_MUNMAP 13 // args: addr
#define SC_CREATE 20 // args: file, file_strlen, type
#define SC_DELETE 21 // args: file, file_strlen
#define SC_MOVE 22 // args: old_file, old_file_strlen, new_file, new_file_strlen
#define SC_STAT 23 // args: file, file_strlen, out stat_t* data
#define SC_OPEN 30 // args: file, file_strlen, mode
#define SC_CLOSE 31 // args: fd
#define SC_READ 32 // args: fd, offset, size, out char* data
#define SC_WRITE 33 // args: fd, offset, size, data
#define SC_READDIR 34 // args: fd, ent_no, out dirent_t *data
#define SC_STAT_OPEN 35 // args: fd, out stat_t *data -- stat on open file handle
#define SC_IOCTL 36 // args: fd, command, out void* data
#define SC_GET_MODE 37 // args: fd -- get mode for open file handle
#define SC_MK_CHANNEL 40 // args: blocking?, (int, int)*
#define SC_GEN_TOKEN 41 // args: fd, token_t*
#define SC_USE_TOKEN 42 // args: token_t*
#define SC_MAKE_FS 50 // args: sc_make_fs_args_t
#define SC_FS_ADD_SRC 51 // args: fs_name, fs_name_strlen, fd, opts, opts_strlen
#define SC_SUBFS 52 // args: sc_subfs_args_t
#define SC_RM_FS 53 // args: fs_name, fs_name_strlen
// TODO : how do we enumerate filesystems ?
#define SC_NEW_PROC 60 // args: nothing ?
#define SC_BIND_FS 61 // args: pid, new_name, new_name_strlen, fs_name, fs_name_strlen -- bind FS to child process
#define SC_BIND_SUBFS 62 // args: sc_subfs_args_t -- subfs & bind to child process
#define SC_BIND_MAKE_FS 63 // args: sc_make_fs_args_t
#define SC_BIND_FD 64 // args: pid, new_fd, local_fd -- copy a file descriptor to child process
#define SC_PROC_EXEC 65 // args: pid, exec_name, exec_name_strlen -- execute binary in process
#define SC_PROC_STATUS 66 // args: pid, proc_status_t*
#define SC_PROC_KILL 67 // args: pid, proc_status_t* -- inconditionnally kill child process
#define SC_PROC_WAIT 68 // args: pid?, block?, proc_status_t*
#define INVALID_PID 0 // do a wait with this PID to wayt for any child
typedef struct {
const char* driver;
size_t driver_strlen;
const char* fs_name;
size_t fs_name_strlen;
fd_t source_fd;
const char* opts;
size_t opts_strlen;
pid_t bind_to_pid; // zero = bind to current proc
} sc_make_fs_args_t;
typedef struct {
const char* new_name;
size_t new_name_strlen;
const char* from_fs;
size_t from_fs_strlen;
const char* root;
size_t root_strlen;
int ok_modes;
pid_t bind_to_pid; // 0 = bind to current proc
} sc_subfs_args_t;
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