path: root/sos-code-article6.75/sos/kwaitq.h
blob: 9bc6c39ff92ec95bfad854a0edd8e24591f32464 (plain) (tree)

/* Copyright (C) 2004 David Decotigny

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
#ifndef _SOS_KWAITQ_H_
#define _SOS_KWAITQ_H_

#include <sos/errno.h>
#include <sos/thread.h>
#include <sos/time.h>

 * @kwaitq.h
 * Low-level functions to manage queues of threads waiting for a
 * resource. These functions are public, except
 * sos_kwaitq_change_priority() that is a callback for the thread
 * subsystem. However, for higher-level synchronization primitives
 * such as mutex, semaphores, conditions, ... prefer to look at the
 * corresponding libraries.

 * Define this if you want to know the names of the kwaitq
// #define SOS_KWQ_DEBUG

/* Forward declaration */
struct sos_kwaitq_entry;

 * The threads in the kwaitqs can be ordered in FIFO or in decreasing
 * priority order.
typedef enum { SOS_KWQ_ORDER_FIFO, SOS_KWQ_ORDER_PRIO } sos_kwaitq_ordering_t;

#include <sos/sched.h>

 * Definition of a waitqueue. In a kwaitq, the threads can be ordererd
 * either in FIFO order (SOS_KWQ_ORDER_FIFO) or in decreasing priority
 * order (SOS_KWQ_ORDER_PRIO ; with FIFO ordering for same-prio
 * threads).
 * A more efficient method to store the threads ordered by their
 * priority would have been to use 1 list for each priority level. But
 * we have to be careful to the size of a kwaitq structure here:
 * potentially there are thousands of kwaitq in a running system
 * (basically: 1 per opened file !). The algorithm we use to order the
 * threads in the kwaitq in this case is highly under-optimal (naive
 * linear insertion): as an exercise, one can implement a more
 * efficient algorithm (think of a heap).
struct sos_kwaitq
  sos_kwaitq_ordering_t ordering;
  struct sos_kwaitq_entry *waiting_list;

 * Definition of an entry for a thread waiting in the waitqueue
struct sos_kwaitq_entry
  /** The thread associted with this entry */
  struct sos_thread *thread;

  /** The kwaitqueue this entry belongs to */
  struct sos_kwaitq *kwaitq;

  /** TRUE when somebody woke up this entry */
  sos_bool_t wakeup_triggered;

  /** The status of wakeup for this entry. @see wakeup_status argument
      of sos_kwaitq_wakeup() */
  sos_ret_t wakeup_status;

  /** Other entries in this kwaitqueue */
  struct sos_kwaitq_entry *prev_entry_in_kwaitq, *next_entry_in_kwaitq;

  /** Other entries for the thread */
  struct sos_kwaitq_entry *prev_entry_for_thread, *next_entry_for_thread;  

 * Initialize an empty waitqueue.
 * @param name Used only if SOS_KWQ_DEBUG is defined (safe [deep
 * copied])
sos_ret_t sos_kwaitq_init(struct sos_kwaitq *kwq,
			  const char *name,
			  sos_kwaitq_ordering_t ordering);

 * Release a waitqueue, making sure that no thread is in it.
 * @return -SOS_EBUSY in case a thread is still in the waitqueue.
sos_ret_t sos_kwaitq_dispose(struct sos_kwaitq *kwq);

 * Return whether there are no threads in the waitq
sos_bool_t sos_kwaitq_is_empty(const struct sos_kwaitq *kwq);

 * Initialize a waitqueue entry. Mainly consists in updating the
 * "thread" field of the entry (set to current running thread), and
 * initializing the remaining of the entry as to indicate it does not
 * belong to any waitq.
sos_ret_t sos_kwaitq_init_entry(struct sos_kwaitq_entry *kwq_entry);

 * Add an entry (previously initialized with sos_kwaitq_init_entry())
 * in the given waitqueue.
 * @note: No state change/context switch can occur here ! Among other
 * things: the current executing thread is not preempted.
sos_ret_t sos_kwaitq_add_entry(struct sos_kwaitq *kwq,
			       struct sos_kwaitq_entry *kwq_entry);

 * Remove the given kwaitq_entry from the kwaitq.
 * @note: No state change/context switch can occur here ! Among other
 * things: the thread associated with the entry is not necessarilly
 * the same as the one currently running, and does not preempt the
 * current running thread if they are different.
sos_ret_t sos_kwaitq_remove_entry(struct sos_kwaitq *kwq,
				  struct sos_kwaitq_entry *kwq_entry);

 * Helper function to make the current running thread block in the
 * given kwaitq, waiting to be woken up by somedy else or by the given
 * timeout. It calls the sos_kwaitq_add_entry() and
 * sos_kwaitq_remove_entry().
 * @param timeout The desired timeout (can be NULL => wait for
 * ever). It is updated by the function to reflect the remaining
 * timeout in case the thread has been woken-up prior to its
 * expiration.
 * @return -SOS_EINTR when the thread is resumed while it has not be
 * explicitely woken up by someone calling sos_kwaitq_wakeup() upon
 * the same waitqueue... This can only happen 1/ if the timeout
 * expired, or 2/ if the current thread is also in another kwaitq
 * different to "kwq". Otherwise return the value set by
 * sos_kwaitq_wakeup(). The timeout remaining is updated in timeout.
 * @note This is a BLOCKING FUNCTION
sos_ret_t sos_kwaitq_wait(struct sos_kwaitq *kwq,
			  struct sos_time *timeout);

 * Wake up as much as nb_thread threads (SOS_KWQ_WAKEUP_ALL to wake
 * up all threads) in the kwaitq kwq, in FIFO or decreasing priority
 * order (depends on the ordering scheme selected at kwaitq
 * initialization time).
 * @param wakeup_status The value returned by sos_kwaitq_wait() when
 * the thread will effectively woken up due to this wakeup.
sos_ret_t sos_kwaitq_wakeup(struct sos_kwaitq *kwq,
			    unsigned int nb_threads,
			    sos_ret_t wakeup_status);
#define SOS_KWQ_WAKEUP_ALL (~((unsigned int)0))

 * @note INTERNAL function (in particular: interrupts not disabled) !
 * @note: The use of this function is RESERVED (to thread.c). Do not
 * call it directly: use sos_thread_set_priority() for that !
sos_ret_t sos_kwaitq_change_priority(struct sos_kwaitq *kwq,
				     struct sos_kwaitq_entry *kwq_entry,
				     sos_sched_priority_t priority);

#endif /* _SOS_KWAITQ_H_ */