path: root/Source/Kernel/Map.txt
diff options
authorAlexis211 <>2009-08-29 19:03:00 +0200
committerAlexis211 <>2009-08-29 19:03:00 +0200
commit9ad8e2fe0242da26dae7fca2b180640637c8c062 (patch)
tree92fdd3f2195221a110d2c4f1f2e98bd6505578ed /Source/Kernel/Map.txt
parent0139012d683036fb661fed62babb71f59ec9ab45 (diff)
We now have (partial) support for UTF-8.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Kernel/Map.txt')
1 files changed, 631 insertions, 573 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Kernel/Map.txt b/Source/Kernel/Map.txt
index 41a53cd..adb112e 100644
--- a/Source/Kernel/Map.txt
+++ b/Source/Kernel/Map.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Discarded input sections
.group 0x00000000 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
.text._Znwj 0x00000000 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
- .text._ZN15VirtualTerminallsEPc
+ .text._ZN15VirtualTerminallsE6String
0x00000000 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
0x00000000 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ Discarded input sections
0x00000000 0x0 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ .group 0x00000000 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ .group 0x00000000 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
.text._ZdaPv 0x00000000 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 VTManager/VT.ns.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 VTManager/VT.ns.o
@@ -107,13 +109,25 @@ Discarded input sections
.group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
.text._ZnwjPv 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .text._Znaj 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .text._ZdaPv 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .text._ZN5wcharaSEj
+ 0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .group 0x00000000 0x0 Library/wchar.class.o
+ .text._ZN5wchareqEj
+ 0x00000000 0x0 Library/wchar.class.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
.group 0x00000000 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
.text._Znwj 0x00000000 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
- .text._ZN15VirtualTerminallsEPc
+ .text._ZN15VirtualTerminallsE6String
0x00000000 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
0x00000000 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
@@ -148,626 +162,660 @@ Linker script and memory map
.setup 0x00100000 0x1e Core/
0xc010001e . = (. + 0xc0000000)
-.text 0xc0100020 0x64a9 load address 0x00100020
+.text 0xc0100020 0x7d61 load address 0x00100020
- .text 0xc0100020 0x597 Core/
+ .text 0xc0100020 0x917 Core/
0xc0100020 kmain
- *fill* 0xc01005b7 0x9 00
- .text 0xc01005c0 0x75 Core/
- 0xc01005cc loader
- *fill* 0xc0100635 0x3 00
- .text 0xc0100638 0xf Core/
- 0xc0100638 __cxa_pure_virtual
- 0xc010063d __cxa_atexit
- *fill* 0xc0100647 0x1 00
- .text 0xc0100648 0x41a Core/Sys.ns.o
- 0xc01006a2 Sys::bochs_output(char*, char*, unsigned int)
- 0xc0100666 Sys::inb(unsigned short)
- 0xc0100683 Sys::inw(unsigned short)
- 0xc0100826 Sys::panic(char*, char*, unsigned int)
- 0xc0100a46 Sys::reboot()
- 0xc0100648 Sys::outb(unsigned short, unsigned char)
- 0xc010079c Sys::bochs_output_hex(unsigned int)
- 0xc0100936 Sys::panic_assert(char*, unsigned int, char*)
- *fill* 0xc0100a62 0x2 00
- .text 0xc0100a64 0xd5 Core/CMem.ns.o
- 0xc0100a9a CMem::memset(unsigned char*, unsigned char, int)
- 0xc0100ad1 CMem::memsetw(unsigned short*, unsigned short, int)
- 0xc0100b0c CMem::strlen(char const*)
- 0xc0100a64 CMem::memcpy(unsigned char*, unsigned char const*, int)
- *fill* 0xc0100b39 0x3 00
- .text 0xc0100b3c 0x8b4 MemoryManager/Mem.ns.o
- 0xc0100fef Mem::contractHeap()
- 0xc0100bf6 Mem::insertIntoHeapIndex(Mem::heap_header_t*)
- 0xc0100d9a Mem::removeFromHeapIndex(Mem::heap_header_t*)
- 0xc0100d51 Mem::removeFromHeapIndex(unsigned int)
- 0xc0100dc1 Mem::createHeap()
- 0xc0100ecf Mem::expandHeap(unsigned int)
- 0xc010128e Mem::kfree(void*)
- 0xc01010ff Mem::kalloc(unsigned int, bool)
- 0xc0100d0f Mem::heapIndexFindEntry(Mem::heap_header_t*)
- 0xc0100b3c Mem::kallocInternal(unsigned int, bool)
- .text 0xc01013f0 0x35c MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
- 0xc0101742 PhysMem::total()
- 0xc0101592 PhysMem::removeTemporaryPages()
- 0xc01016cd PhysMem::freeFrame(page_t*)
- 0xc010171c PhysMem::free()
- 0xc01015e6 PhysMem::allocFrame(page_t*, bool, bool)
- 0xc01013f0 PhysMem::initPaging(unsigned int)
- *fill* 0xc010174c 0x4 00
- .text 0xc0101750 0x1d MemoryManager/
- 0xc0101750 gdt_flush
- *fill* 0xc010176d 0x3 00
- .text 0xc0101770 0x193 MemoryManager/GDT.ns.o
- 0xc01017ff GDT::init()
- 0xc0101770 GDT::setGate(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char)
- *fill* 0xc0101903 0x1 00
- .text 0xc0101904 0x8f1 MemoryManager/PageDirectory.class.o
- 0xc0102044 PageDirectory::getPage(unsigned int, bool)
- 0xc01019c8 PageDirectory::PageDirectory(PageDirectory*)
- 0xc0101904 PageDirectory::PageDirectory()
- 0xc0101fbe PageDirectory::~PageDirectory()
- 0xc0101f38 PageDirectory::~PageDirectory()
- 0xc0102194 PageDirectory::freeFrame(unsigned int)
- 0xc0101c80 PageDirectory::PageDirectory(PageDirectory*)
- 0xc0101966 PageDirectory::PageDirectory()
- 0xc0102142 PageDirectory::allocFrame(unsigned int, bool, bool)
- 0xc01021ce PageDirectory::switchTo()
- *fill* 0xc01021f5 0x3 00
- .text 0xc01021f8 0x239 MemoryManager/PageAlloc.ns.o
- 0xc0102415 PageAlloc::free(void*)
- 0xc010224c PageAlloc::alloc(unsigned int*)
- 0xc01021f8 PageAlloc::init()
- *fill* 0xc0102431 0x3 00
- .text 0xc0102434 0x16a DeviceManager/Disp.ns.o
- 0xc010243e Disp::textRows()
- 0xc010252a Disp::clear()
- 0xc0102434 Disp::textCols()
- 0xc0102548 Disp::setDisplay(Display*)
- 0xc01024c9 Disp::moveCursor(unsigned short, unsigned short)
- 0xc0102448 Disp::putChar(unsigned short, unsigned short, char, unsigned char)
- *fill* 0xc010259e 0x2 00
- .text 0xc01025a0 0x37d DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc0102651 Dev::registerDevice(Device*)
- 0xc0102725 Dev::findDevice(String)
- 0xc0102677 Dev::unregisterDevice(Device*)
- 0xc01026f9 Dev::requestIRQ(Device*, int)
- 0xc01025a0 Dev::handleIRQ(registers_t, int)
- *fill* 0xc010291d 0x3 00
- .text 0xc0102920 0x37 DeviceManager/Time.ns.o
- 0xc0102920 Time::setTimer(Timer*)
- 0xc0102942 Time::time()
- 0xc010292d Time::uptime()
- *fill* 0xc0102957 0x1 00
- .text 0xc0102958 0x4d5 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc0102cce Process::exit()
- 0xc01029a0 Process::createKernel(String)
- 0xc0102958 Process::Process()
- 0xc0102a7e Process::Process(String, unsigned int)
- 0xc0102c46 Process::stackAlloc()
- 0xc0102d54 Process::threadFinishes(Thread*, unsigned int)
- 0xc0102bf8 Process::~Process()
- 0xc010297c Process::Process()
- 0xc0102baa Process::~Process()
- 0xc0102b14 Process::Process(String, unsigned int)
- 0xc0102d2c Process::registerThread(Thread*)
- 0xc0102e22 Process::getPagedir()
- *fill* 0xc0102e2d 0x3 00
- .text 0xc0102e30 0x3eb TaskManager/Thread.class.o
- 0xc0102f84 Thread::Thread(Process*, unsigned int (*)())
- 0xc0102e52 Thread::Thread()
- 0xc010305c Thread::setup(unsigned int (*)(), unsigned int)
- 0xc0103004 Thread::~Thread()
- 0xc0102e58 Thread::Thread(unsigned int (*)(), bool)
- 0xc010316c Thread::sleep(unsigned int)
- 0xc0102e4c Thread::Thread()
- 0xc0103190 Thread::waitIRQ(unsigned char)
- 0xc0102eee Thread::Thread(unsigned int (*)(), bool)
- 0xc010311e Thread::setState(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)
- 0xc010313e Thread::getEsp()
- 0xc010314a Thread::getEbp()
- 0xc0103162 Thread::getProcess()
- 0xc0103156 Thread::getEip()
- 0xc01030d8 Thread::finish(unsigned int)
- 0xc01031c4 Thread::runnable()
- 0xc0103030 Thread::~Thread()
- 0xc01030fc Thread::run(unsigned int (*)())
- 0xc0102fc4 Thread::Thread(Process*, unsigned int (*)())
- 0xc0102e30 runThread(Thread*, unsigned int (*)())
- *fill* 0xc010321b 0x1 00
- .text 0xc010321c 0x565 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0103484 Task::IRQwakeup(unsigned char)
- 0xc0103467 Task::triggerSwitch()
- 0xc010358e Task::getKernelProcess()
- 0xc0103654 Task::registerProcess(Process*)
- 0xc010346e Task::nextPid()
- 0xc010321c Task::initialize(String)
- 0xc010367a Task::unregisterProcess(Process*)
- 0xc01035d2 Task::unregisterThread(Thread*)
- 0xc01035ac Task::registerThread(Thread*)
- 0xc01032c2 Task::nextThread()
- 0xc0103500 Task::allocKernelPageTable(unsigned int, page_table_t*, unsigned int)
- 0xc0103377 Task::doSwitch()
- *fill* 0xc0103781 0xf 00
- .text 0xc0103790 0x48 TaskManager/
- 0xc0103790 read_eip
- 0xc0103793 idle_task
- 0xc010379a copy_page_physical
- .text 0xc01037d8 0x941 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
- 0xc0103aca VirtualTerminal::map(int, int)
- 0xc0103b44 VirtualTerminal::unmap()
- 0xc0103dd2 VirtualTerminal::put(char, bool)
- 0xc0103d9a VirtualTerminal::setCursorLine(unsigned int)
- 0xc0103940 VirtualTerminal::setColor(unsigned char, unsigned char)
- 0xc01038d8 VirtualTerminal::~VirtualTerminal()
- 0xc0103db6 VirtualTerminal::setCursorCol(unsigned int)
- 0xc0103858 VirtualTerminal::VirtualTerminal(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char)
- 0xc0103d38 VirtualTerminal::updateCursor()
- 0xc0103f28 VirtualTerminal::write(char*, bool)
- 0xc0103f7c VirtualTerminal::writeDec(int, bool)
- 0xc010390c VirtualTerminal::~VirtualTerminal()
- 0xc0103b5e VirtualTerminal::redraw()
- 0xc010398e VirtualTerminal::putChar(unsigned int, unsigned int, char)
- 0xc010407e VirtualTerminal::writeHex(unsigned int, bool)
- 0xc0103c38 VirtualTerminal::scroll()
- 0xc01037d8 VirtualTerminal::VirtualTerminal(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char)
- 0xc0103a60 VirtualTerminal::clear()
- 0xc0103d74 VirtualTerminal::moveCursor(unsigned int, unsigned int)
- *fill* 0xc0104119 0x3 00
- .text 0xc010411c 0x156 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc0104142 VT::unmap(VirtualTerminal*)
- 0xc01041c9 VT::redrawScreen()
- 0xc010411c VT::map(VirtualTerminal*)
- *fill* 0xc0104272 0x2 00
- .text 0xc0104274 0x2f1 Library/Bitset.class.o
- 0xc010455a Bitset::usedBits()
- 0xc0104274 Bitset::Bitset()
- 0xc010447c Bitset::testBit(unsigned int)
- 0xc0104342 Bitset::~Bitset()
- 0xc0104414 Bitset::clearBit(unsigned int)
- 0xc0104358 Bitset::init(unsigned int, unsigned int*)
- 0xc0104280 Bitset::Bitset(unsigned int)
- 0xc010427a Bitset::Bitset()
- 0xc01042b4 Bitset::Bitset(unsigned int)
- 0xc01043ae Bitset::setBit(unsigned int)
- 0xc010432c Bitset::~Bitset()
- 0xc010430a Bitset::Bitset(unsigned int, unsigned int*)
- 0xc01042e8 Bitset::Bitset(unsigned int, unsigned int*)
- 0xc01044c4 Bitset::firstFreeBit()
- *fill* 0xc0104565 0x3 00
- .text 0xc0104568 0xda4 Library/String.class.o
- 0xc0104568 String::hex(unsigned int)
- 0xc0104c04 String::operator==(char*)
- 0xc0104fd6 String::toInt()
- 0xc0104990 String::String(String const&)
- 0xc01047b0 String::String()
- 0xc01047c8 String::String()
- 0xc0105152 String::size()
- 0xc010461c String::number(int)
- 0xc0104ba2 String::operator==(String&)
- 0xc0104f34 String::operator+(char*)
- 0xc0104a3a String::~String()
- 0xc0104904 String::String(String const&)
- 0xc0104fbc String::operator char*()
- 0xc0104a1c String::~String()
- 0xc0104a58 String::operator=(String const&)
- 0xc01047e0 String::String(char*)
- 0xc0104c76 String::operator+=(String&)
- 0xc0105142 String::operator[](int)
- 0xc010515e String::clear()
- 0xc0105186 String::empty()
- 0xc0104e44 String::operator+=(char)
- 0xc0105196 String::split(char)
- 0xc010508a String::toInt16()
- 0xc0105270 String::substr(int, int)
- 0xc0104f74 String::operator+(char)
- 0xc0104872 String::String(char*)
- 0xc0104d52 String::operator+=(char*)
- 0xc0104afa String::operator=(char*)
- 0xc0104ef4 String::operator+(String&)
- .text 0xc010530c 0xc0b SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
- 0xc0105d37 IDT::handleException(registers_t, int)
- 0xc0105515 IDT::init()
- 0xc01054ae IDT::setGate(unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned char)
- 0xc010530c interrupt_handler
- *fill* 0xc0105f17 0x9 00
- .text 0xc0105f20 0x20e SyscallManager/
- 0xc0105f50 isr4
- 0xc010602a isr27
- 0xc0105fa2 isr13
- 0xc01060d4 irq12
- 0xc0105ff8 isr22
- 0xc0105fb2 isr15
- 0xc01060c0 irq10
- 0xc01060e8 irq14
- 0xc0105f80 isr9
- 0xc01060ac irq8
- 0xc0106002 isr23
- 0xc010603e isr29
- 0xc0106052 isr31
- 0xc0105fee isr21
- 0xc01060ca irq11
- 0xc0106034 isr28
- 0xc0105f78 isr8
- 0xc010608e irq5
- 0xc0105fe4 isr20
- 0xc0105faa isr14
- 0xc0105f5a isr5
- 0xc0106098 irq6
- 0xc0106066 irq1
- 0xc0105f32 isr1
- 0xc01060b6 irq9
- 0xc0106020 isr26
- 0xc0105f92 isr11
- 0xc01060de irq13
- 0xc0105f9a isr12
- 0xc0105f28 isr0
- 0xc0106070 irq2
- 0xc010600c isr24
- 0xc0105fbc isr16
- 0xc0105f46 isr3
- 0xc0105f64 isr6
- 0xc01060a2 irq7
- 0xc0105fd0 isr18
- 0xc010605c irq0
- 0xc0105f8a isr10
- 0xc0105fc6 isr17
- 0xc0105f3c isr2
- 0xc01060fc int64
- 0xc0105fda isr19
- 0xc0105f20 idt_flush
- 0xc0106048 isr30
- 0xc01060f2 irq15
- 0xc0105f6e isr7
- 0xc0106016 isr25
- 0xc0106084 irq4
- 0xc010607a irq3
- *fill* 0xc010612e 0x2 00
- .text 0xc0106130 0x17f Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
- 0xc0106158 VGATextOutput::getName()
- 0xc0106180 VGATextOutput::textCols()
- 0xc0106278 VGATextOutput::clear()
- 0xc0106130 VGATextOutput::getClass()
- 0xc01061f2 VGATextOutput::moveCursor(unsigned short, unsigned short)
- 0xc0106194 VGATextOutput::putChar(unsigned short, unsigned short, char, unsigned char)
- 0xc010618a VGATextOutput::textRows()
- *fill* 0xc01062af 0x1 00
- .text 0xc01062b0 0x219 Devices/Timer.class.o
- 0xc01063c8 Timer::setFrequency(unsigned char)
- 0xc01062b0 Timer::Timer(unsigned char)
- 0xc0106378 Timer::getClass()
- 0xc01063a0 Timer::getName()
- 0xc010644c Timer::time()
- 0xc0106486 Timer::handleIRQ(registers_t, int)
- 0xc0106440 Timer::uptime()
- 0xc0106314 Timer::Timer(unsigned char)
-.text._Znwj 0xc01064c9 0x1b load address 0x001064c9
- .text._Znwj 0xc01064c9 0x1b Core/
- 0xc01064c9 operator new(unsigned int)
+ *fill* 0xc0100937 0x9 00
+ .text 0xc0100940 0x75 Core/
+ 0xc010094c loader
+ *fill* 0xc01009b5 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc01009b8 0xf Core/
+ 0xc01009b8 __cxa_pure_virtual
+ 0xc01009bd __cxa_atexit
+ *fill* 0xc01009c7 0x1 00
+ .text 0xc01009c8 0x560 Core/Sys.ns.o
+ 0xc0100a22 Sys::bochs_output(char*, char*, unsigned int)
+ 0xc01009e6 Sys::inb(unsigned short)
+ 0xc0100a03 Sys::inw(unsigned short)
+ 0xc0100ba6 Sys::panic(char*, char*, unsigned int)
+ 0xc0100f0c Sys::reboot()
+ 0xc01009c8 Sys::outb(unsigned short, unsigned char)
+ 0xc0100b1c Sys::bochs_output_hex(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0100d59 Sys::panic_assert(char*, unsigned int, char*)
+ .text 0xc0100f28 0xd5 Core/CMem.ns.o
+ 0xc0100f5e CMem::memset(unsigned char*, unsigned char, int)
+ 0xc0100f95 CMem::memsetw(unsigned short*, unsigned short, int)
+ 0xc0100fd0 CMem::strlen(char const*)
+ 0xc0100f28 CMem::memcpy(unsigned char*, unsigned char const*, int)
+ *fill* 0xc0100ffd 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc0101000 0x8b4 MemoryManager/Mem.ns.o
+ 0xc01014b3 Mem::contractHeap()
+ 0xc01010ba Mem::insertIntoHeapIndex(Mem::heap_header_t*)
+ 0xc010125e Mem::removeFromHeapIndex(Mem::heap_header_t*)
+ 0xc0101215 Mem::removeFromHeapIndex(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0101285 Mem::createHeap()
+ 0xc0101393 Mem::expandHeap(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0101752 Mem::kfree(void*)
+ 0xc01015c3 Mem::kalloc(unsigned int, bool)
+ 0xc01011d3 Mem::heapIndexFindEntry(Mem::heap_header_t*)
+ 0xc0101000 Mem::kallocInternal(unsigned int, bool)
+ .text 0xc01018b4 0x35c MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
+ 0xc0101c06 PhysMem::total()
+ 0xc0101a56 PhysMem::removeTemporaryPages()
+ 0xc0101b91 PhysMem::freeFrame(page_t*)
+ 0xc0101be0 PhysMem::free()
+ 0xc0101aaa PhysMem::allocFrame(page_t*, bool, bool)
+ 0xc01018b4 PhysMem::initPaging(unsigned int)
+ .text 0xc0101c10 0x1d MemoryManager/
+ 0xc0101c10 gdt_flush
+ *fill* 0xc0101c2d 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc0101c30 0x193 MemoryManager/GDT.ns.o
+ 0xc0101cbf GDT::init()
+ 0xc0101c30 GDT::setGate(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char)
+ *fill* 0xc0101dc3 0x1 00
+ .text 0xc0101dc4 0x8f1 MemoryManager/PageDirectory.class.o
+ 0xc0102504 PageDirectory::getPage(unsigned int, bool)
+ 0xc0101e88 PageDirectory::PageDirectory(PageDirectory*)
+ 0xc0101dc4 PageDirectory::PageDirectory()
+ 0xc010247e PageDirectory::~PageDirectory()
+ 0xc01023f8 PageDirectory::~PageDirectory()
+ 0xc0102654 PageDirectory::freeFrame(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0102140 PageDirectory::PageDirectory(PageDirectory*)
+ 0xc0101e26 PageDirectory::PageDirectory()
+ 0xc0102602 PageDirectory::allocFrame(unsigned int, bool, bool)
+ 0xc010268e PageDirectory::switchTo()
+ *fill* 0xc01026b5 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc01026b8 0x239 MemoryManager/PageAlloc.ns.o
+ 0xc01028d5 PageAlloc::free(void*)
+ 0xc010270c PageAlloc::alloc(unsigned int*)
+ 0xc01026b8 PageAlloc::init()
+ *fill* 0xc01028f1 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc01028f4 0x161 DeviceManager/Disp.ns.o
+ 0xc01028fe Disp::textRows()
+ 0xc01029e1 Disp::clear()
+ 0xc01028f4 Disp::textCols()
+ 0xc01029ff Disp::setDisplay(Display*)
+ 0xc0102980 Disp::moveCursor(unsigned short, unsigned short)
+ 0xc0102908 Disp::putChar(unsigned short, unsigned short, wchar, unsigned char)
+ *fill* 0xc0102a55 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc0102a58 0x37d DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0102b09 Dev::registerDevice(Device*)
+ 0xc0102bdd Dev::findDevice(String)
+ 0xc0102b2f Dev::unregisterDevice(Device*)
+ 0xc0102bb1 Dev::requestIRQ(Device*, int)
+ 0xc0102a58 Dev::handleIRQ(registers_t, int)
+ *fill* 0xc0102dd5 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc0102dd8 0x37 DeviceManager/Time.ns.o
+ 0xc0102dd8 Time::setTimer(Timer*)
+ 0xc0102dfa Time::time()
+ 0xc0102de5 Time::uptime()
+ *fill* 0xc0102e0f 0x1 00
+ .text 0xc0102e10 0x4d5 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc0103186 Process::exit()
+ 0xc0102e58 Process::createKernel(String)
+ 0xc0102e10 Process::Process()
+ 0xc0102f36 Process::Process(String, unsigned int)
+ 0xc01030fe Process::stackAlloc()
+ 0xc010320c Process::threadFinishes(Thread*, unsigned int)
+ 0xc01030b0 Process::~Process()
+ 0xc0102e34 Process::Process()
+ 0xc0103062 Process::~Process()
+ 0xc0102fcc Process::Process(String, unsigned int)
+ 0xc01031e4 Process::registerThread(Thread*)
+ 0xc01032da Process::getPagedir()
+ *fill* 0xc01032e5 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc01032e8 0x3eb TaskManager/Thread.class.o
+ 0xc010343c Thread::Thread(Process*, unsigned int (*)())
+ 0xc010330a Thread::Thread()
+ 0xc0103514 Thread::setup(unsigned int (*)(), unsigned int)
+ 0xc01034bc Thread::~Thread()
+ 0xc0103310 Thread::Thread(unsigned int (*)(), bool)
+ 0xc0103624 Thread::sleep(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0103304 Thread::Thread()
+ 0xc0103648 Thread::waitIRQ(unsigned char)
+ 0xc01033a6 Thread::Thread(unsigned int (*)(), bool)
+ 0xc01035d6 Thread::setState(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)
+ 0xc01035f6 Thread::getEsp()
+ 0xc0103602 Thread::getEbp()
+ 0xc010361a Thread::getProcess()
+ 0xc010360e Thread::getEip()
+ 0xc0103590 Thread::finish(unsigned int)
+ 0xc010367c Thread::runnable()
+ 0xc01034e8 Thread::~Thread()
+ 0xc01035b4 Thread::run(unsigned int (*)())
+ 0xc010347c Thread::Thread(Process*, unsigned int (*)())
+ 0xc01032e8 runThread(Thread*, unsigned int (*)())
+ *fill* 0xc01036d3 0x1 00
+ .text 0xc01036d4 0x565 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc010393c Task::IRQwakeup(unsigned char)
+ 0xc010391f Task::triggerSwitch()
+ 0xc0103a46 Task::getKernelProcess()
+ 0xc0103b0c Task::registerProcess(Process*)
+ 0xc0103926 Task::nextPid()
+ 0xc01036d4 Task::initialize(String)
+ 0xc0103b32 Task::unregisterProcess(Process*)
+ 0xc0103a8a Task::unregisterThread(Thread*)
+ 0xc0103a64 Task::registerThread(Thread*)
+ 0xc010377a Task::nextThread()
+ 0xc01039b8 Task::allocKernelPageTable(unsigned int, page_table_t*, unsigned int)
+ 0xc010382f Task::doSwitch()
+ *fill* 0xc0103c39 0x7 00
+ .text 0xc0103c40 0x48 TaskManager/
+ 0xc0103c40 read_eip
+ 0xc0103c43 idle_task
+ 0xc0103c4a copy_page_physical
+ .text 0xc0103c88 0xa5a VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ 0xc0103fec VirtualTerminal::map(int, int)
+ 0xc010430a VirtualTerminal::put(wchar, bool)
+ 0xc0104066 VirtualTerminal::unmap()
+ 0xc01042d2 VirtualTerminal::setCursorLine(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0103e58 VirtualTerminal::setColor(unsigned char, unsigned char)
+ 0xc0103df0 VirtualTerminal::~VirtualTerminal()
+ 0xc01042ee VirtualTerminal::setCursorCol(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0103d3c VirtualTerminal::VirtualTerminal(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char)
+ 0xc0104270 VirtualTerminal::updateCursor()
+ 0xc01044e0 VirtualTerminal::writeDec(int, bool)
+ 0xc0103e24 VirtualTerminal::~VirtualTerminal()
+ 0xc0104080 VirtualTerminal::redraw()
+ 0xc0104618 VirtualTerminal::writeHex(unsigned int, bool)
+ 0xc0104158 VirtualTerminal::scroll()
+ 0xc0103c88 VirtualTerminal::VirtualTerminal(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char)
+ 0xc0104474 VirtualTerminal::write(String, bool)
+ 0xc0103ea6 VirtualTerminal::putChar(unsigned int, unsigned int, wchar)
+ 0xc0103f70 VirtualTerminal::clear()
+ 0xc01042ac VirtualTerminal::moveCursor(unsigned int, unsigned int)
+ *fill* 0xc01046e2 0x2 00
+ .text 0xc01046e4 0x156 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc010470a VT::unmap(VirtualTerminal*)
+ 0xc0104791 VT::redrawScreen()
+ 0xc01046e4 VT::map(VirtualTerminal*)
+ *fill* 0xc010483a 0x2 00
+ .text 0xc010483c 0x2f1 Library/Bitset.class.o
+ 0xc0104b22 Bitset::usedBits()
+ 0xc010483c Bitset::Bitset()
+ 0xc0104a44 Bitset::testBit(unsigned int)
+ 0xc010490a Bitset::~Bitset()
+ 0xc01049dc Bitset::clearBit(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0104920 Bitset::init(unsigned int, unsigned int*)
+ 0xc0104848 Bitset::Bitset(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0104842 Bitset::Bitset()
+ 0xc010487c Bitset::Bitset(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0104976 Bitset::setBit(unsigned int)
+ 0xc01048f4 Bitset::~Bitset()
+ 0xc01048d2 Bitset::Bitset(unsigned int, unsigned int*)
+ 0xc01048b0 Bitset::Bitset(unsigned int, unsigned int*)
+ 0xc0104a8c Bitset::firstFreeBit()
+ *fill* 0xc0104b2d 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc0104b30 0x123c Library/String.class.o
+ 0xc0104b30 String::hex(unsigned int)
+ 0xc01054c2 String::operator==(char*)
+ 0xc0105808 String::operator+=(wchar)
+ 0xc01059b6 String::toInt()
+ 0xc0105110 String::String(String const&)
+ 0xc0104e1e String::String()
+ 0xc0104e36 String::String()
+ 0xc0105b4c String::size()
+ 0xc0104c3e String::number(int)
+ 0xc0105440 String::operator==(String&)
+ 0xc0105936 String::operator+(char*)
+ 0xc010520e String::~String()
+ 0xc010503a String::String(String const&)
+ 0xc01051e6 String::~String()
+ 0xc0105236 String::operator=(String const&)
+ 0xc0104e4e String::String(char*)
+ 0xc0105582 String::operator+=(String&)
+ 0xc0105b3a String::operator[](int)
+ 0xc0105b9a String::split(wchar)
+ 0xc0105b58 String::clear()
+ 0xc0105b8a String::empty()
+ 0xc0105a7e String::toInt16()
+ 0xc0105c8e String::substr(int, int)
+ 0xc0104f44 String::String(char*)
+ 0xc01056b0 String::operator+=(char*)
+ 0xc0105976 String::operator+(wchar)
+ 0xc010532c String::operator=(char*)
+ 0xc01058f6 String::operator+(String&)
+ .text 0xc0105d6c 0xd01 Library/wchar.class.o
+ 0xc0105d7a wchar::wchar()
+ 0xc0105de6 wchar::wchar(char*)
+ 0xc0105d6c wchar::wchar()
+ 0xc0105dcc wchar::wchar(char*)
+ 0xc0105eb0 wchar::affectAscii(char)
+ 0xc0105e00 wchar::utf8len(char*)
+ 0xc0105ec8 wchar::affectUtf8(char*)
+ 0xc0105d88 wchar::wchar(char)
+ 0xc0105daa wchar::wchar(char)
+ 0xc010604a wchar::toAscii()
+ *fill* 0xc0106a6d 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc0106a70 0xd53 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
+ 0xc010749b IDT::handleException(registers_t, int)
+ 0xc0106c79 IDT::init()
+ 0xc0106c12 IDT::setGate(unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned char)
+ 0xc0106a70 interrupt_handler
+ *fill* 0xc01077c3 0xd 00
+ .text 0xc01077d0 0x20e SyscallManager/
+ 0xc0107800 isr4
+ 0xc01078da isr27
+ 0xc0107852 isr13
+ 0xc0107984 irq12
+ 0xc01078a8 isr22
+ 0xc0107862 isr15
+ 0xc0107970 irq10
+ 0xc0107998 irq14
+ 0xc0107830 isr9
+ 0xc010795c irq8
+ 0xc01078b2 isr23
+ 0xc01078ee isr29
+ 0xc0107902 isr31
+ 0xc010789e isr21
+ 0xc010797a irq11
+ 0xc01078e4 isr28
+ 0xc0107828 isr8
+ 0xc010793e irq5
+ 0xc0107894 isr20
+ 0xc010785a isr14
+ 0xc010780a isr5
+ 0xc0107948 irq6
+ 0xc0107916 irq1
+ 0xc01077e2 isr1
+ 0xc0107966 irq9
+ 0xc01078d0 isr26
+ 0xc0107842 isr11
+ 0xc010798e irq13
+ 0xc010784a isr12
+ 0xc01077d8 isr0
+ 0xc0107920 irq2
+ 0xc01078bc isr24
+ 0xc010786c isr16
+ 0xc01077f6 isr3
+ 0xc0107814 isr6
+ 0xc0107952 irq7
+ 0xc0107880 isr18
+ 0xc010790c irq0
+ 0xc010783a isr10
+ 0xc0107876 isr17
+ 0xc01077ec isr2
+ 0xc01079ac int64
+ 0xc010788a isr19
+ 0xc01077d0 idt_flush
+ 0xc01078f8 isr30
+ 0xc01079a2 irq15
+ 0xc010781e isr7
+ 0xc01078c6 isr25
+ 0xc0107934 irq4
+ 0xc010792a irq3
+ *fill* 0xc01079de 0x2 00
+ .text 0xc01079e0 0x185 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
+ 0xc0107a08 VGATextOutput::getName()
+ 0xc0107a30 VGATextOutput::textCols()
+ 0xc0107b2e VGATextOutput::clear()
+ 0xc01079e0 VGATextOutput::getClass()
+ 0xc0107aa8 VGATextOutput::moveCursor(unsigned short, unsigned short)
+ 0xc0107a44 VGATextOutput::putChar(unsigned short, unsigned short, wchar, unsigned char)
+ 0xc0107a3a VGATextOutput::textRows()
+ *fill* 0xc0107b65 0x3 00
+ .text 0xc0107b68 0x219 Devices/Timer.class.o
+ 0xc0107c80 Timer::setFrequency(unsigned char)
+ 0xc0107b68 Timer::Timer(unsigned char)
+ 0xc0107c30 Timer::getClass()
+ 0xc0107c58 Timer::getName()
+ 0xc0107d04 Timer::time()
+ 0xc0107d3e Timer::handleIRQ(registers_t, int)
+ 0xc0107cf8 Timer::uptime()
+ 0xc0107bcc Timer::Timer(unsigned char)
+.text._Znwj 0xc0107d81 0x1b load address 0x00107d81
+ .text._Znwj 0xc0107d81 0x1b Core/
+ 0xc0107d81 operator new(unsigned int)
- 0xc01064e4 0x5 load address 0x001064e4
+ 0xc0107d9c 0x5 load address 0x00107d9c
- 0xc01064e4 0x5 Core/
- 0xc01064e4 Device::handleIRQ(registers_t, int)
+ 0xc0107d9c 0x5 Core/
+ 0xc0107d9c Device::handleIRQ(registers_t, int)
- 0xc01064ea 0x25 load address 0x001064ea
- .text._ZN15VirtualTerminallsEPc
- 0xc01064ea 0x25 Core/
- 0xc01064ea VirtualTerminal::operator<<(char*)
+ 0xc0107da2 0x42 load address 0x00107da2
+ .text._ZN15VirtualTerminallsE6String
+ 0xc0107da2 0x42 Core/
+ 0xc0107da2 VirtualTerminal::operator<<(String)
- 0xc0106510 0x25 load address 0x00106510
+ 0xc0107de4 0x25 load address 0x00107de4
- 0xc0106510 0x25 Core/
- 0xc0106510 VirtualTerminal::operator<<(int)
+ 0xc0107de4 0x25 Core/
+ 0xc0107de4 VirtualTerminal::operator<<(int)
- 0xc0106536 0x25 load address 0x00106536
+ 0xc0107e0a 0x25 load address 0x00107e0a
- 0xc0106536 0x25 Core/
- 0xc0106536 VirtualTerminal::operator<<(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0107e0a 0x25 Core/
+ 0xc0107e0a VirtualTerminal::operator<<(unsigned int)
- 0xc010655c 0xe load address 0x0010655c
+ 0xc0107e30 0xe load address 0x00107e30
- 0xc010655c 0xe Core/
- 0xc010655c Device::Device()
+ 0xc0107e30 0xe Core/
+ 0xc0107e30 Device::Device()
- 0xc010656a 0x1c load address 0x0010656a
+ 0xc0107e3e 0x1c load address 0x00107e3e
- 0xc010656a 0x1c Core/
- 0xc010656a Display::Display()
+ 0xc0107e3e 0x1c Core/
+ 0xc0107e3e Display::Display()
- 0xc0106586 0x1c load address 0x00106586
+ 0xc0107e5a 0x1c load address 0x00107e5a
- 0xc0106586 0x1c Core/
- 0xc0106586 VGATextOutput::VGATextOutput()
+ 0xc0107e5a 0x1c Core/
+ 0xc0107e5a VGATextOutput::VGATextOutput()
-.text._ZnwjPv 0xc01065a2 0x8 load address 0x001065a2
- .text._ZnwjPv 0xc01065a2 0x8 MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
- 0xc01065a2 operator new(unsigned int, void*)
+.text._ZnwjPv 0xc0107e76 0x8 load address 0x00107e76
+ .text._ZnwjPv 0xc0107e76 0x8 MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
+ 0xc0107e76 operator new(unsigned int, void*)
-.text._ZdaPv 0xc01065aa 0x13 load address 0x001065aa
- .text._ZdaPv 0xc01065aa 0x13 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc01065aa operator delete[](void*)
+.text._ZdaPv 0xc0107e7e 0x13 load address 0x00107e7e
+ .text._ZdaPv 0xc0107e7e 0x13 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0107e7e operator delete[](void*)
- 0xc01065be 0x18 load address 0x001065be
+ 0xc0107e92 0x18 load address 0x00107e92
- 0xc01065be 0x18 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc01065be Vector<Device*>::Vector()
+ 0xc0107e92 0x18 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0107e92 Vector<Device*>::Vector()
- 0xc01065d6 0x91 load address 0x001065d6
+ 0xc0107eaa 0x91 load address 0x00107eaa
- 0xc01065d6 0x91 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc01065d6 Vector<Device*>::push(Device*)
+ 0xc0107eaa 0x91 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0107eaa Vector<Device*>::push(Device*)
- 0xc0106668 0xb load address 0x00106668
+ 0xc0107f3c 0xb load address 0x00107f3c
- 0xc0106668 0xb DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc0106668 Vector<Device*>::size()
+ 0xc0107f3c 0xb DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0107f3c Vector<Device*>::size()
- 0xc0106674 0x12 load address 0x00106674
+ 0xc0107f48 0x12 load address 0x00107f48
- 0xc0106674 0x12 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc0106674 Vector<Device*>::operator[](unsigned int)
+ 0xc0107f48 0x12 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0107f48 Vector<Device*>::operator[](unsigned int)
- 0xc0106686 0x19 load address 0x00106686
+ 0xc0107f5a 0x19 load address 0x00107f5a
- 0xc0106686 0x19 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc0106686 Vector<Device*>::back()
+ 0xc0107f5a 0x19 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0107f5a Vector<Device*>::back()
- 0xc01066a0 0x6d load address 0x001066a0
+ 0xc0107f74 0x6d load address 0x00107f74
- 0xc01066a0 0x6d DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc01066a0 Vector<Device*>::pop()
+ 0xc0107f74 0x6d DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0107f74 Vector<Device*>::pop()
- 0xc010670e 0x7f load address 0x0010670e
+ 0xc0107fe2 0x7f load address 0x00107fe2
- 0xc010670e 0x7f DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc010670e Vector<Device*>::Vector(Vector<Device*> const&)
+ 0xc0107fe2 0x7f DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0107fe2 Vector<Device*>::Vector(Vector<Device*> const&)
- 0xc010678e 0x27 load address 0x0010678e
+ 0xc0108062 0x27 load address 0x00108062
- 0xc010678e 0x27 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc010678e Vector<Device*>::~Vector()
+ 0xc0108062 0x27 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc0108062 Vector<Device*>::~Vector()
-.text._ZdlPv 0xc01067b5 0x13 load address 0x001067b5
- .text._ZdlPv 0xc01067b5 0x13 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc01067b5 operator delete(void*)
+.text._ZdlPv 0xc0108089 0x13 load address 0x00108089
+ .text._ZdlPv 0xc0108089 0x13 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc0108089 operator delete(void*)
- 0xc01067c8 0x18 load address 0x001067c8
+ 0xc010809c 0x18 load address 0x0010809c
- 0xc01067c8 0x18 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc01067c8 Vector<Thread*>::Vector()
+ 0xc010809c 0x18 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc010809c Vector<Thread*>::Vector()
- 0xc01067e0 0x27 load address 0x001067e0
+ 0xc01080b4 0x27 load address 0x001080b4
- 0xc01067e0 0x27 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc01067e0 Vector<Thread*>::~Vector()
+ 0xc01080b4 0x27 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc01080b4 Vector<Thread*>::~Vector()
- 0xc0106808 0x10 load address 0x00106808
+ 0xc01080dc 0x10 load address 0x001080dc
- 0xc0106808 0x10 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc0106808 Vector<Thread*>::empty()
+ 0xc01080dc 0x10 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc01080dc Vector<Thread*>::empty()
- 0xc0106818 0x19 load address 0x00106818
+ 0xc01080ec 0x19 load address 0x001080ec
- 0xc0106818 0x19 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc0106818 Vector<Thread*>::back()
+ 0xc01080ec 0x19 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc01080ec Vector<Thread*>::back()
- 0xc0106832 0x6d load address 0x00106832
+ 0xc0108106 0x6d load address 0x00108106
- 0xc0106832 0x6d TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc0106832 Vector<Thread*>::pop()
+ 0xc0108106 0x6d TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc0108106 Vector<Thread*>::pop()
- 0xc01068a0 0x91 load address 0x001068a0
+ 0xc0108174 0x91 load address 0x00108174
- 0xc01068a0 0x91 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc01068a0 Vector<Thread*>::push(Thread*)
+ 0xc0108174 0x91 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc0108174 Vector<Thread*>::push(Thread*)
- 0xc0106932 0x12 load address 0x00106932
+ 0xc0108206 0x12 load address 0x00108206
- 0xc0106932 0x12 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc0106932 Vector<Thread*>::operator[](unsigned int)
+ 0xc0108206 0x12 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc0108206 Vector<Thread*>::operator[](unsigned int)
- 0xc0106944 0xb load address 0x00106944
+ 0xc0108218 0xb load address 0x00108218
- 0xc0106944 0xb TaskManager/Process.class.o
- 0xc0106944 Vector<Thread*>::size()
+ 0xc0108218 0xb TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ 0xc0108218 Vector<Thread*>::size()
- 0xc0106950 0x38 load address 0x00106950
+ 0xc0108224 0x38 load address 0x00108224
- 0xc0106950 0x38 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106950 Thread::irqHappens(unsigned char)
+ 0xc0108224 0x38 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc0108224 Thread::irqHappens(unsigned char)
- 0xc0106988 0x18 load address 0x00106988
+ 0xc010825c 0x18 load address 0x0010825c
- 0xc0106988 0x18 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106988 Vector<Process*>::Vector()
+ 0xc010825c 0x18 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc010825c Vector<Process*>::Vector()
- 0xc01069a0 0x3a load address 0x001069a0
+ 0xc0108274 0x3a load address 0x00108274
- 0xc01069a0 0x3a TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc01069a0 Vector<Thread*>::clear()
+ 0xc0108274 0x3a TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc0108274 Vector<Thread*>::clear()
- 0xc01069da 0x3a load address 0x001069da
+ 0xc01082ae 0x3a load address 0x001082ae
- 0xc01069da 0x3a TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc01069da Vector<Process*>::clear()
+ 0xc01082ae 0x3a TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc01082ae Vector<Process*>::clear()
- 0xc0106a14 0xb load address 0x00106a14
+ 0xc01082e8 0xb load address 0x001082e8
- 0xc0106a14 0xb TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106a14 Vector<Process*>::size()
+ 0xc01082e8 0xb TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc01082e8 Vector<Process*>::size()
- 0xc0106a20 0x12 load address 0x00106a20
+ 0xc01082f4 0x12 load address 0x001082f4
- 0xc0106a20 0x12 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106a20 Vector<Process*>::operator[](unsigned int)
+ 0xc01082f4 0x12 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc01082f4 Vector<Process*>::operator[](unsigned int)
- 0xc0106a32 0x91 load address 0x00106a32
+ 0xc0108306 0x91 load address 0x00108306
- 0xc0106a32 0x91 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106a32 Vector<Process*>::push(Process*)
+ 0xc0108306 0x91 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc0108306 Vector<Process*>::push(Process*)
- 0xc0106ac4 0x19 load address 0x00106ac4
+ 0xc0108398 0x19 load address 0x00108398
- 0xc0106ac4 0x19 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106ac4 Vector<Process*>::back()
+ 0xc0108398 0x19 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc0108398 Vector<Process*>::back()
- 0xc0106ade 0x6d load address 0x00106ade
+ 0xc01083b2 0x6d load address 0x001083b2
- 0xc0106ade 0x6d TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106ade Vector<Process*>::pop()
+ 0xc01083b2 0x6d TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc01083b2 Vector<Process*>::pop()
- 0xc0106b4c 0x10 load address 0x00106b4c
+ 0xc0108420 0x10 load address 0x00108420
- 0xc0106b4c 0x10 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106b4c Vector<Process*>::empty()
+ 0xc0108420 0x10 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc0108420 Vector<Process*>::empty()
- 0xc0106b5c 0x27 load address 0x00106b5c
+ 0xc0108430 0x27 load address 0x00108430
- 0xc0106b5c 0x27 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0106b5c Vector<Process*>::~Vector()
+ 0xc0108430 0x27 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc0108430 Vector<Process*>::~Vector()
+.text._Znaj 0xc0108457 0x1b load address 0x00108457
+ .text._Znaj 0xc0108457 0x1b VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ 0xc0108457 operator new[](unsigned int)
-.text._Znaj 0xc0106b83 0x1b load address 0x00106b83
- .text._Znaj 0xc0106b83 0x1b VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
- 0xc0106b83 operator new[](unsigned int)
+ 0xc0108472 0x10 load address 0x00108472
+ .text._ZN5wcharaSEj
+ 0xc0108472 0x10 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ 0xc0108472 wchar::operator=(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0108482 0x16 load address 0x00108482
+ .text._ZN3chrC1Ev
+ 0xc0108482 0x16 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ 0xc0108482 chr::chr()
- 0xc0106b9e 0x18 load address 0x00106b9e
+ 0xc0108498 0x18 load address 0x00108498
- 0xc0106b9e 0x18 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc0106b9e Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::Vector()
+ 0xc0108498 0x18 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc0108498 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::Vector()
- 0xc0106bb6 0x91 load address 0x00106bb6
+ 0xc01084b0 0x91 load address 0x001084b0
- 0xc0106bb6 0x91 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc0106bb6 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::push(VirtualTerminal*)
+ 0xc01084b0 0x91 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc01084b0 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::push(VirtualTerminal*)
- 0xc0106c48 0xb load address 0x00106c48
+ 0xc0108542 0xb load address 0x00108542
- 0xc0106c48 0xb VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc0106c48 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::size()
+ 0xc0108542 0xb VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc0108542 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::size()
- 0xc0106c54 0x12 load address 0x00106c54
+ 0xc010854e 0x12 load address 0x0010854e
- 0xc0106c54 0x12 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc0106c54 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::operator[](unsigned int)
+ 0xc010854e 0x12 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc010854e Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::operator[](unsigned int)
- 0xc0106c66 0x19 load address 0x00106c66
+ 0xc0108560 0x19 load address 0x00108560
- 0xc0106c66 0x19 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc0106c66 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::back()
+ 0xc0108560 0x19 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc0108560 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::back()
- 0xc0106c80 0x6d load address 0x00106c80
+ 0xc010857a 0x6d load address 0x0010857a
- 0xc0106c80 0x6d VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc0106c80 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::pop()
+ 0xc010857a 0x6d VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc010857a Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::pop()
- 0xc0106cee 0x27 load address 0x00106cee
+ 0xc01085e8 0x27 load address 0x001085e8
- 0xc0106cee 0x27 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc0106cee Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::~Vector()
+ 0xc01085e8 0x27 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc01085e8 Vector<VirtualTerminal*>::~Vector()
+ 0xc0108610 0x10 load address 0x00108610
+ .text._ZN5wchareqEj
+ 0xc0108610 0x10 Library/String.class.o
+ 0xc0108610 wchar::operator==(unsigned int)
+ 0xc0108620 0xa load address 0x00108620
+ .text._ZN5wcharcvjEv
+ 0xc0108620 0xa Library/String.class.o
+ 0xc0108620 wchar::operator unsigned int()
- 0xc0106d16 0x18 load address 0x00106d16
+ 0xc010862a 0x18 load address 0x0010862a
- 0xc0106d16 0x18 Library/String.class.o
- 0xc0106d16 Vector<String>::Vector()
+ 0xc010862a 0x18 Library/String.class.o
+ 0xc010862a Vector<String>::Vector()
- 0xc0106d2e 0x9b load address 0x00106d2e
+ 0xc0108642 0x9b load address 0x00108642
- 0xc0106d2e 0x9b Library/String.class.o
- 0xc0106d2e Vector<String>::push(String)
+ 0xc0108642 0x9b Library/String.class.o
+ 0xc0108642 Vector<String>::push(String)
- 0xc0106dca 0x19 load address 0x00106dca
+ 0xc01086de 0x19 load address 0x001086de
- 0xc0106dca 0x19 Library/String.class.o
- 0xc0106dca Vector<String>::back()
+ 0xc01086de 0x19 Library/String.class.o
+ 0xc01086de Vector<String>::back()
-.rodata 0xc0107000 0x733 load address 0x00107000
+.rodata 0xc0109000 0x8f3 load address 0x00109000
- .rodata 0xc0107000 0x379 Core/
- .rodata 0xc0107379 0x4f Core/Sys.ns.o
- .rodata 0xc01073c8 0x5c MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
- .rodata 0xc0107424 0x6f MemoryManager/PageAlloc.ns.o
- .rodata 0xc0107493 0x3 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
- .rodata 0xc0107496 0x5 Library/String.class.o
- *fill* 0xc010749b 0x5 00
- .rodata 0xc01074a0 0x240 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
- .rodata 0xc01076e0 0x30 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
- .rodata 0xc0107710 0x23 Devices/Timer.class.o
+ .rodata 0xc0109000 0x379 Core/
+ .rodata 0xc0109379 0x4f Core/Sys.ns.o
+ .rodata 0xc01093c8 0x5c MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
+ .rodata 0xc0109424 0x6f MemoryManager/PageAlloc.ns.o
+ .rodata 0xc0109493 0x3 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ .rodata 0xc0109496 0x5 Library/String.class.o
+ .rodata 0xc010949b 0x1be Library/wchar.class.o
+ *fill* 0xc0109659 0x7 00
+ .rodata 0xc0109660 0x240 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
+ .rodata 0xc01098a0 0x30 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
+ .rodata 0xc01098d0 0x23 Devices/Timer.class.o
- 0xc0107740 0x28 load address 0x00107740
+ 0xc0109900 0x28 load address 0x00109900
- 0xc0107740 0x28 Core/
- 0xc0107740 vtable for Display
+ 0xc0109900 0x28 Core/
+ 0xc0109900 vtable for Display
- 0xc0107768 0x14 load address 0x00107768
+ 0xc0109928 0x14 load address 0x00109928
- 0xc0107768 0x14 Core/
- 0xc0107768 vtable for Device
+ 0xc0109928 0x14 Core/
+ 0xc0109928 vtable for Device
- 0xc0107780 0x28 load address 0x00107780
+ 0xc0109940 0x28 load address 0x00109940
- 0xc0107780 0x28 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
- 0xc0107780 vtable for VGATextOutput
+ 0xc0109940 0x28 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
+ 0xc0109940 vtable for VGATextOutput
- 0xc01077a8 0x14 load address 0x001077a8
+ 0xc0109968 0x14 load address 0x00109968
- 0xc01077a8 0x14 Devices/Timer.class.o
- 0xc01077a8 vtable for Timer
+ 0xc0109968 0x14 Devices/Timer.class.o
+ 0xc0109968 vtable for Timer
-.rel.dyn 0xc01077bc 0x0 load address 0x001077bc
+.rel.dyn 0xc010997c 0x0 load address 0x0010997c
.rel.text 0x00000000 0x0 Core/
0x00000000 0x0 Core/
- .rel.text._ZN15VirtualTerminallsEPc
+ .rel.text._ZN15VirtualTerminallsE6String
0x00000000 0x0 Core/
0x00000000 0x0 Core/
@@ -801,6 +849,8 @@ Linker script and memory map
0x00000000 0x0 Core/
0x00000000 0x0 Core/
+ .rel.text._ZN3chrC1Ev
+ 0x00000000 0x0 Core/
0x00000000 0x0 Core/
@@ -810,111 +860,115 @@ Linker script and memory map
0x00000000 0x0 Core/ 0xc0108000 0x34 load address 0x00108000
- 0xc0108000 start_ctors = . 0xc010a000 0x38 load address 0x0010a000
+ 0xc010a000 start_ctors = .
- .ctors 0xc0108000 0x4 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- .ctors 0xc0108004 0x4 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- .ctors 0xc0108008 0x4 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc010800c end_ctors = .
- 0xc010800c start_dtors = .
+ .ctors 0xc010a000 0x4 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ .ctors 0xc010a004 0x4 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ .ctors 0xc010a008 0x4 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ .ctors 0xc010a00c 0x4 Library/wchar.class.o
+ 0xc010a010 end_ctors = .
+ 0xc010a010 start_dtors = .
- 0xc010800c end_dtors = .
+ 0xc010a010 end_dtors = .
- .data 0xc010800c 0x24 Core/
- 0xc010802c melonLogoCols
- 0xc010800c melonLogo
- 0xc0108028 melonLogoLines
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 Core/
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 Core/CMem.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 MemoryManager/Mem.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 MemoryManager/GDT.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 MemoryManager/PageDirectory.class.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 MemoryManager/PageAlloc.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 DeviceManager/Disp.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 DeviceManager/Time.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x0 TaskManager/Thread.class.o
- .data 0xc0108030 0x4 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc0108030 Task::nextpid
- .data 0xc0108034 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
- .data 0xc0108034 0x0 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108034 0x0 Library/Bitset.class.o
- .data 0xc0108034 0x0 Library/String.class.o
- .data 0xc0108034 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
- .data 0xc0108034 0x0 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
- .data 0xc0108034 0x0 Devices/Timer.class.o
-.bss 0xc0108040 0x4948 load address 0x00108040
- 0xc0108040 sbss = .
+ .data 0xc010a010 0x24 Core/
+ 0xc010a030 melonLogoCols
+ 0xc010a010 melonLogo
+ 0xc010a02c melonLogoLines
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 Core/
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 Core/CMem.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 MemoryManager/Mem.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 MemoryManager/GDT.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 MemoryManager/PageDirectory.class.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 MemoryManager/PageAlloc.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 DeviceManager/Disp.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 DeviceManager/Time.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x0 TaskManager/Thread.class.o
+ .data 0xc010a034 0x4 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc010a034 Task::nextpid
+ .data 0xc010a038 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ .data 0xc010a038 0x0 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a038 0x0 Library/Bitset.class.o
+ .data 0xc010a038 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ .data 0xc010a038 0x0 Library/wchar.class.o
+ .data 0xc010a038 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
+ .data 0xc010a038 0x0 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
+ .data 0xc010a038 0x0 Devices/Timer.class.o
+.bss 0xc010a040 0x4b48 load address 0x0010a040
+ 0xc010a040 sbss = .
- .bss 0xc0108040 0x0 Core/
- .bss 0xc0108040 0x4000 Core/
- .bss 0xc010c040 0x4 Core/
- 0xc010c040 __dso_handle
- .bss 0xc010c044 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
- .bss 0xc010c044 0x0 Core/CMem.ns.o
- .bss 0xc010c044 0x1c MemoryManager/Mem.ns.o
- 0xc010c058 Mem::heapStart
- 0xc010c045 Mem::pagingEnabled
- 0xc010c04c Mem::kheapFree
- 0xc010c05c Mem::heapEnd
- 0xc010c044 Mem::kheapUsable
- 0xc010c048 Mem::placementAddress
- 0xc010c050 Mem::heapIndex
- .bss 0xc010c060 0xc MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
- 0xc010c060 kernelPageDirectory
- 0xc010c068 PhysMem::frames
- 0xc010c064 PhysMem::nframes
- *fill* 0xc010c06c 0x14 00
- .bss 0xc010c080 0x2e MemoryManager/GDT.ns.o
- 0xc010c0a8 GDT::gdt_ptr
- 0xc010c080 GDT::gdt_entries
- *fill* 0xc010c0ae 0x2 00
- .bss 0xc010c0b0 0x0 MemoryManager/PageDirectory.class.o
- .bss 0xc010c0b0 0x12 MemoryManager/PageAlloc.ns.o
- 0xc010c0c0 PageAlloc::usable
- 0xc010c0b0 PageAlloc::freePage
- 0xc010c0bc PageAlloc::freec
- 0xc010c0c1 PageAlloc::locked
- *fill* 0xc010c0c2 0x2 00
- .bss 0xc010c0c4 0xc DeviceManager/Disp.ns.o
- 0xc010c0c4 Disp::mode
- *fill* 0xc010c0d0 0x10 00
- .bss 0xc010c0e0 0x60 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
- 0xc010c0e0 Dev::devices
- 0xc010c100 Dev::irqHandler
- .bss 0xc010c140 0x4 DeviceManager/Time.ns.o
- 0xc010c140 Time::timer
- .bss 0xc010c144 0x0 TaskManager/Process.class.o
- .bss 0xc010c144 0x0 TaskManager/Thread.class.o
- .bss 0xc010c144 0x20 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
- 0xc010c144 Task::processes
- 0xc010c154 Task::currentThread
- 0xc010c15c Task::idleThread
- 0xc010c160 Task::currentThreadId
- 0xc010c14c Task::threads
- 0xc010c158 Task::currentProcess
- .bss 0xc010c164 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
- .bss 0xc010c164 0x8 VTManager/VT.ns.o
- 0xc010c164 VT::mappedVTs
- .bss 0xc010c16c 0x0 Library/Bitset.class.o
- .bss 0xc010c16c 0x0 Library/String.class.o
- *fill* 0xc010c16c 0x14 00
- .bss 0xc010c180 0x806 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
- 0xc010c180 IDT::idt_entries
- 0xc010c980 IDT::idt_ptr
- *fill* 0xc010c986 0x2 00
- .bss 0xc010c988 0x0 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
- .bss 0xc010c988 0x0 Devices/Timer.class.o
- 0xc010c988 ebss = .
- 0xc010c988 end = .
- 0xc010c988 _end = .
- 0xc010c988 __end = .
+ .bss 0xc010a040 0x0 Core/
+ .bss 0xc010a040 0x4000 Core/
+ .bss 0xc010e040 0x4 Core/
+ 0xc010e040 __dso_handle
+ .bss 0xc010e044 0x0 Core/Sys.ns.o
+ .bss 0xc010e044 0x0 Core/CMem.ns.o
+ .bss 0xc010e044 0x1c MemoryManager/Mem.ns.o
+ 0xc010e058 Mem::heapStart
+ 0xc010e045 Mem::pagingEnabled
+ 0xc010e04c Mem::kheapFree
+ 0xc010e05c Mem::heapEnd
+ 0xc010e044 Mem::kheapUsable
+ 0xc010e048 Mem::placementAddress
+ 0xc010e050 Mem::heapIndex
+ .bss 0xc010e060 0xc MemoryManager/PhysMem.ns.o
+ 0xc010e060 kernelPageDirectory
+ 0xc010e068 PhysMem::frames
+ 0xc010e064 PhysMem::nframes
+ *fill* 0xc010e06c 0x14 00
+ .bss 0xc010e080 0x2e MemoryManager/GDT.ns.o
+ 0xc010e0a8 GDT::gdt_ptr
+ 0xc010e080 GDT::gdt_entries
+ *fill* 0xc010e0ae 0x2 00
+ .bss 0xc010e0b0 0x0 MemoryManager/PageDirectory.class.o
+ .bss 0xc010e0b0 0x12 MemoryManager/PageAlloc.ns.o
+ 0xc010e0c0 PageAlloc::usable
+ 0xc010e0b0 PageAlloc::freePage
+ 0xc010e0bc PageAlloc::freec
+ 0xc010e0c1 PageAlloc::locked
+ *fill* 0xc010e0c2 0x2 00
+ .bss 0xc010e0c4 0xc DeviceManager/Disp.ns.o
+ 0xc010e0c4 Disp::mode
+ *fill* 0xc010e0d0 0x10 00
+ .bss 0xc010e0e0 0x60 DeviceManager/Dev.ns.o
+ 0xc010e0e0 Dev::devices
+ 0xc010e100 Dev::irqHandler
+ .bss 0xc010e140 0x4 DeviceManager/Time.ns.o
+ 0xc010e140 Time::timer
+ .bss 0xc010e144 0x0 TaskManager/Process.class.o
+ .bss 0xc010e144 0x0 TaskManager/Thread.class.o
+ .bss 0xc010e144 0x20 TaskManager/Task.ns.o
+ 0xc010e144 Task::processes
+ 0xc010e154 Task::currentThread
+ 0xc010e15c Task::idleThread
+ 0xc010e160 Task::currentThreadId
+ 0xc010e14c Task::threads
+ 0xc010e158 Task::currentProcess
+ .bss 0xc010e164 0x0 VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
+ .bss 0xc010e164 0x8 VTManager/VT.ns.o
+ 0xc010e164 VT::mappedVTs
+ .bss 0xc010e16c 0x0 Library/Bitset.class.o
+ .bss 0xc010e16c 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ *fill* 0xc010e16c 0x14 00
+ .bss 0xc010e180 0x200 Library/wchar.class.o
+ 0xc010e180 wchar::CP437
+ .bss 0xc010e380 0x806 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
+ 0xc010e380 IDT::idt_entries
+ 0xc010eb80 IDT::idt_ptr
+ *fill* 0xc010eb86 0x2 00
+ .bss 0xc010eb88 0x0 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
+ .bss 0xc010eb88 0x0 Devices/Timer.class.o
+ 0xc010eb88 ebss = .
+ 0xc010eb88 end = .
+ 0xc010eb88 _end = .
+ 0xc010eb88 __end = .
LOAD Core/
LOAD Core/
LOAD Core/
@@ -937,13 +991,14 @@ LOAD VTManager/VirtualTerminal.class.o
LOAD VTManager/VT.ns.o
LOAD Library/Bitset.class.o
LOAD Library/String.class.o
+LOAD Library/wchar.class.o
LOAD SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
LOAD SyscallManager/
LOAD Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
LOAD Devices/Timer.class.o
OUTPUT( elf32-i386)
-.comment 0x00000000 0x208
+.comment 0x00000000 0x21a
.comment 0x00000000 0x12 Core/
.comment 0x00000012 0x1f Core/
.comment 0x00000031 0x12 Core/
@@ -966,10 +1021,11 @@ OUTPUT( elf32-i386)
.comment 0x0000017d 0x12 VTManager/VT.ns.o
.comment 0x0000018f 0x12 Library/Bitset.class.o
.comment 0x000001a1 0x12 Library/String.class.o
- .comment 0x000001b3 0x12 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
- .comment 0x000001c5 0x1f SyscallManager/
- .comment 0x000001e4 0x12 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
- .comment 0x000001f6 0x12 Devices/Timer.class.o
+ .comment 0x000001b3 0x12 Library/wchar.class.o
+ .comment 0x000001c5 0x12 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
+ .comment 0x000001d7 0x1f SyscallManager/
+ .comment 0x000001f6 0x12 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o
+ .comment 0x00000208 0x12 Devices/Timer.class.o
0x00000000 0x0
@@ -1012,6 +1068,8 @@ OUTPUT( elf32-i386)
0x00000000 0x0 Library/String.class.o
+ 0x00000000 0x0 Library/wchar.class.o
+ .note.GNU-stack
0x00000000 0x0 SyscallManager/IDT.ns.o
0x00000000 0x0 Devices/Display/VGATextOutput.class.o