path: root/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy
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authorAlexis211 <>2009-08-31 21:44:26 +0200
committerAlexis211 <>2009-08-31 21:44:26 +0200
commitdf76b24fed5ac3b5af406aad3df277d7f4c347e5 (patch)
treeea8a0ca4856cce9da63c047eff6e72a58c643159 /Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy
parent6bf215215e1ebaa9613b51500031e6963c12d33b (diff)
Now we can read frop floppy drives !!! Next : FAT driver.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy')
4 files changed, 657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyController.class.cpp b/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyController.class.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bafc0a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyController.class.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#include "FloppyController.class.h"
+#include "FloppyDrive.class.h"
+#include <TaskManager/Task.ns.h>
+#include <DeviceManager/Dev.ns.h>
+#include <VFS/Part.ns.h>
+using namespace Sys; //For outb/inb
+Mutex FloppyController::dmaMutex(false);
+u8int FloppyController::dmabuff[FLOPPY_DMALEN]
+ __attribute__((aligned(0x8000)));
+bool FloppyController::dmaInit(u8int direction, u32int length) {
+ dmaMutex.waitLock();
+ union {
+ u8int b[4];
+ u32int l;
+ } a, c; //Address, count
+ //We want the physical address of dmabuff. We simply remove 0xC0000000, because we've mapped memory linearly.
+ a.l = (u32int) &dmabuff - 0xC0000000;
+ c.l = (u32int) length - 1;
+ if (
+ (a.l >> 24) || //Address must be under 16mb
+ (c.l >> 16) || //Count must be < 64k
+ (((a.l & 0xFFFF) + c.l) >> 16) //We must not cross a 64k boundary
+ ) { //Something is wrong
+ dmaMutex.unlock();
+ return false;
+ }
+ u8int mode;
+ switch (direction) {
+ case FD_READ:
+ mode = 0x46;
+ break;
+ case FD_WRITE:
+ mode = 0x4A;
+ break;
+ default: //Invalid direction
+ dmaMutex.unlock();
+ return false;
+ }
+ outb(0x0a, 0x06); //Mask chan 2
+ outb(0x0c, 0xff); //Reset flip-flop
+ outb(0x04, a.b[0]); //Address low
+ outb(0x04, a.b[1]); //Address high
+ outb(0x81, a.b[2]); //External page register
+ outb(0x0c, 0xff); //Reset flip-flop
+ outb(0x05, c.b[0]); //Count low
+ outb(0x05, c.b[1]); //Count high
+ outb(0x0b, mode); //Mode
+ outb(0x0a, 0x02); //Unmask chan 2
+ return true;
+void FloppyController::dmaRelease() {
+ dmaMutex.unlock();
+u32int floppyMotorTimer() { //This will be an independant thread
+ while(1) {
+ Task::currentThread->sleep(1000); //Check only every second
+ Vector<Device*> floppys = Dev::findDevices("block.floppy");
+ for (u32int i = 0; i < floppys.size(); i++) {
+ FloppyDrive* f = (FloppyDrive*)floppys[i];
+ if (f->m_motorTimeout > 0 && f->m_motorState == FS_MOTORWAIT) {
+ f->m_motorTimeout--;
+ if (f->m_motorTimeout == 0)
+ f->killMotor();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+FloppyController::FloppyController(u32int base, u8int irq) : m_driveMutex(false) {
+ m_activeDrive = 0;
+ m_base = base;
+ m_irq = irq;
+ m_drives[0] = NULL;
+ m_drives[1] = NULL;
+ m_first = false;
+void FloppyController::detect() { //TODO : do this better
+ FloppyController *fdc = new FloppyController(0x03F0, 6); //Standard controller, IRQ6 and base port 0x03F0
+ Dev::registerDevice(fdc);
+ outb(0x70, 0x10); //CMOS detect
+ u8int drives = inb(0x71);
+ u8int fdd0 = (drives >> 4), fdd1 = (drives & 0x0F);
+ if (fdd0 != FT_NONE)
+ Dev::registerDevice(new FloppyDrive(fdc, 0, fdd0));
+ if (fdd1 != FT_NONE)
+ Dev::registerDevice(new FloppyDrive(fdc, 1, fdd1));
+ fdc->reset();
+ Vector<Device*> fdds = Dev::findDevices("block.floppy");
+ for (u32int i = 0; i < fdds.size(); i++) {
+ Part::registerDevice((BlockDevice*)fdds[i]); //TODO
+ }
+ new Thread(floppyMotorTimer, true);
+String FloppyController::getClass() {
+ return "controller.floppy";
+String FloppyController::getName() {
+ String irq = String::number(m_irq);
+ return String("Floppy controller at IRQ ") += irq;
+void FloppyController::checkInterrupt(int *st0, int *cyl) {
+ *st0 = readData();
+ *cyl = readData();
+void FloppyController::setDOR() {
+ u8int dor = 0x0C;
+ if (m_activeDrive == 1)
+ dor |= 0x01;
+ if (m_drives[0] != NULL and m_drives[0]->m_motorState != 0)
+ dor |= 0x10;
+ if (m_drives[1] != NULL and m_drives[1]->m_motorState != 0)
+ dor |= 0x20;
+ asm volatile ("cli");
+ outb(m_base + FR_DOR, dor);
+ if (m_first) { //First time we set the DOR, controller initialized
+ Task::currentThread->waitIRQ(m_irq);
+ int st0, cyl;
+ checkInterrupt(&st0, &cyl);
+ m_first = false;
+ }
+ asm volatile ("sti");
+ //PANIC("test");
+void FloppyController::setActiveDrive(u8int drive) {
+ m_driveMutex.waitLock();
+ m_activeDrive = drive;
+ setDOR();
+void FloppyController::setNoActiveDrive() {
+ m_driveMutex.unlock();
+bool FloppyController::writeCmd(u8int cmd) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++) {
+ if (0x80 & inb(m_base + FR_MSR)) {
+ outb(m_base + FR_FIFO, cmd);
+ return true;
+ }
+ Task::currentThread->sleep(10);
+ }
+ return false;
+u8int FloppyController::readData() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++) {
+ if (0x80 & inb(m_base + FR_MSR)) {
+ return inb(m_base + FR_FIFO);
+ }
+ Task::currentThread->sleep(10);
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool FloppyController::reset() {
+ outb(m_base + FR_DOR, 0x00); //Disable controller
+ m_first = true;
+ setNoActiveDrive();
+ if (m_drives[0] != NULL) m_drives[0]->m_motorState = 0;
+ if (m_drives[1] != NULL) m_drives[1]->m_motorState = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (m_drives[i] != NULL) {
+ if (!m_drives[i]->setup())
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyController.class.h b/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyController.class.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d0104b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyController.class.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#include <Devices/Device.proto.h>
+#include <TaskManager/Mutex.class.h>
+#define FLOPPY_DMALEN 0x4800 //This is one cylinder
+//Floppy registers
+#define FR_DOR 2 //Digital Output Register
+#define FR_MSR 4 //Main Status Register
+#define FR_FIFO 5
+#define FR_CCR 7 //Configuration Control Register
+//Floppy commands
+#define FC_SPECIFY 3
+#define FC_WRITE_DATA 5
+#define FC_READ_DATA 6
+#define FC_SEEK 15
+//Floppy drives types
+#define FT_NONE 0
+#define FT_360K525 1 //360kB 5.25in
+#define FT_12M525 2 //1.2MB 5.25in
+#define FT_720K35 3 //720kB 3.5in
+#define FT_144M35 4 //1.44MB 3.5in
+#define FT_288M35 5 //2.88MB 3.5in
+//Floppy drive motor states
+#define FS_MOTOROFF 0
+#define FS_MOTORON 1
+#define FS_MOTORWAIT 2
+//Floppy transfer directions
+#define FD_READ 1
+#define FD_WRITE 2
+class FloppyDrive;
+class FloppyController : public Device {
+ friend class FloppyDrive;
+ private:
+ //For DMA
+ static Mutex dmaMutex;
+ static u8int dmabuff[FLOPPY_DMALEN];
+ static bool dmaInit(u8int direction, u32int length); //Locks the DMA Mutex. Called on each r/w operation.
+ static void dmaRelease(); //Unlocks the DMA Mutex
+ //For the FDC
+ FloppyController(u32int base, u8int irq); //Private constructor, called by Detect();
+ u8int m_activeDrive;
+ Mutex m_driveMutex;
+ u32int m_base; //I/O port base
+ u8int m_irq;
+ bool m_first;
+ FloppyDrive* m_drives[2];
+ void checkInterrupt(int *st0, int *cyl);
+ void setDOR(); //Updates the Digital Output Register
+ void setActiveDrive(u8int drive); //Locks driveMutex and sets activeDrive.
+ void setNoActiveDrive(); //Unlocks driveMutex
+ bool writeCmd(u8int cmd); //Sends command to controller
+ u8int readData(); //Reads a byte from controller
+ bool reset();
+ public:
+ static void detect();
+ String getClass();
+ String getName();
diff --git a/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyDrive.class.cpp b/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyDrive.class.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d1b5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyDrive.class.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+#include "FloppyDrive.class.h"
+#include "FloppyController.class.h"
+#include <TaskManager/Task.ns.h>
+#include <DeviceManager/Time.ns.h>
+using namespace Sys;
+FloppyDrive::FloppyDrive(FloppyController *fdc, u8int number, u8int type) {
+ m_fdc = fdc;
+ m_driveNumber = number;
+ m_driveType = type;
+ fdc->m_drives[number] = this;
+ switch (m_driveType) {
+ case FT_360K525:
+ m_cylinders = 40;
+ m_sectors = 9;
+ break;
+ case FT_12M525:
+ m_cylinders = 80;
+ m_sectors = 15;
+ break;
+ case FT_720K35:
+ m_cylinders = 80;
+ m_sectors = 9;
+ break;
+ case FT_288M35:
+ m_cylinders = 80;
+ m_sectors = 36;
+ break;
+ case FT_144M35:
+ default: //all unknown types are 1.44M
+ m_cylinders = 80;
+ m_sectors = 18;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_buffCyl = 0xFFFF; //Invalid cylinder
+ m_buffTime = 0;
+String FloppyDrive::getClass() {
+ return "block.floppy";
+String FloppyDrive::getName() {
+ char *fdTypes[] = {
+ "NONE",
+ "360kB 5.25in",
+ "1.2MB 5.25in",
+ "720kB 3.5in",
+ "1.44MB 3.5in",
+ "2.88MB 3.5in" };
+ String ret;
+ if (m_driveNumber == 0) {
+ ret = "Floppy drive #0 : ";
+ } else {
+ ret = "Floppy drive #1 : ";
+ }
+ ret += fdTypes[m_driveType];
+ return ret;
+bool FloppyDrive::setup() {
+ m_fdc->setActiveDrive(m_driveNumber);
+ //Set transfer rate
+ u8int xfer_rate;
+ if (m_driveType == FT_360K525) {
+ xfer_rate = 2;
+ } else if (m_driveType == FT_720K35) {
+ xfer_rate = 1;
+ } else {
+ xfer_rate = 0;
+ }
+ outb(m_fdc->m_base + FR_CCR, xfer_rate);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(FC_SPECIFY);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(0xDF);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(0x02);
+ bool ret = calibrate();
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ return ret;
+bool FloppyDrive::calibrate() {
+ if (!m_fdc->m_driveMutex.locked() or m_fdc->m_activeDrive != m_driveNumber) return false;
+ int st0, cyl = -1;
+ if (!setMotorState(true)) return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ asm volatile("cli");
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(FC_RECALIBRATE);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(m_driveNumber);
+ Task::currentThread->waitIRQ(m_fdc->m_irq);
+ m_fdc->checkInterrupt(&st0, &cyl);
+ asm volatile("sti");
+ if (st0 & 0xC0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!cyl) { //Cylinder 0 reached
+ setMotorState(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ setMotorState(false);
+ return false;
+bool FloppyDrive::setMotorState(bool on) {
+ if (!m_fdc->m_driveMutex.locked() or m_fdc->m_activeDrive != m_driveNumber) return false;
+ if (on) {
+ if (m_motorState == FS_MOTOROFF) {
+ m_motorState = FS_MOTORON;
+ m_fdc->setDOR();
+ Task::currentThread->sleep(500);
+ }
+ m_motorState = FS_MOTORON;
+ } else {
+ m_motorState = FS_MOTORWAIT;
+ m_motorTimeout = 4;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool FloppyDrive::killMotor() {
+ m_motorState = FS_MOTOROFF;
+ m_fdc->setDOR();
+ return true;
+bool FloppyDrive::seek(u32int cyli, s32int head) {
+ if (cyli >= m_cylinders) return false;
+ m_fdc->setActiveDrive(m_driveNumber);
+ setMotorState(true); //Turn on motor
+ int st0, cyl = -1;
+ for (u32int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ asm volatile ("cli");
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(FC_SEEK);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(head << 2);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(cyl);
+ Task::currentThread->waitIRQ(m_fdc->m_irq);
+ m_fdc->checkInterrupt(&st0, &cyl);
+ asm volatile("sti");
+ if (st0 & 0xC0) { //Error
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (cyl == 0xFF or cyl == 0x00) { //0xFF for bochs, 0x00 for qemu :D
+ setMotorState(false);
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cyl == (int)cyli) {
+ setMotorState(false);
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ setMotorState(false);
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ return false;
+bool FloppyDrive::doTrack(u32int cyl, u8int dir) {
+ if (!seek(cyl, 0)) return false;
+ if (!seek(cyl, 1)) return false;
+ m_fdc->setActiveDrive(m_driveNumber);
+ u8int cmd, flags = 0xC0;
+ switch (dir) {
+ case FD_READ:
+ cmd = FC_READ_DATA | flags;
+ break;
+ case FD_WRITE:
+ cmd = FC_WRITE_DATA | flags;
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
+ setMotorState(true);
+ if (!FloppyController::dmaInit(dir, 0x4800)) {
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ setMotorState(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Task::currentThread->sleep(100);
+ asm volatile("cli");
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(cmd);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(m_driveNumber); //Drive number & first head << 2
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(cyl); //Cylinder
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(0); //First head
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(1); //First sector
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(2);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(18); //Number of sectors
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(0x1B);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(0xFF);
+ Task::currentThread->waitIRQ(m_fdc->m_irq);
+ u8int st0, st1, st2, rcy, rhe, rse, bps;
+ st0 = m_fdc->readData();
+ st1 = m_fdc->readData();
+ st2 = m_fdc->readData();
+ rcy = m_fdc->readData();
+ rhe = m_fdc->readData();
+ rse = m_fdc->readData();
+ bps = m_fdc->readData();
+ asm volatile("sti");
+ int error = 0;
+ if (st0 & 0xC0) error = 1;
+ if (st1 & 0x80) error = 1; //End of cylinder
+ if (st0 & 0x08) error = 1; //Drive not ready
+ if (st1 & 0x20) error = 1; //CRC error
+ if (st1 & 0x10) error = 1; //Controller timeout
+ if (st1 & 0x04) error = 1; //No data found
+ if ((st2|st1) & 0x01) error=1; //No address mark found
+ if (st2 & 0x40) error = 1; //Deleted address mark
+ if (st2 & 0x20) error = 1; //CRC error in data
+ if (st2 & 0x10) error = 1; //Wrong cylinder
+ if (st2 & 0x04) error = 1; //uPD765 sector not found
+ if (st2 & 0x02) error = 1; //Bad cylinder
+ if (bps != 0x2) error = 1; //Wanted 512 bytes/sector, got (1<<(bps+7))
+ if (st1 & 0x02) error = 2; //Not writable
+ if (!error) CMem::memcpy(m_buffer, FloppyController::dmabuff, FLOPPY_DMALEN); //Copy data to internal buffer
+ FloppyController::dmaRelease();
+ if (!error) {
+ setMotorState(false);
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (error > 1) {
+ //Not retrying
+ setMotorState(false);
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ setMotorState(false);
+ return false;
+bool FloppyDrive::readOnly() {
+ m_fdc->setActiveDrive(m_driveNumber);
+ asm volatile("cli");
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(FC_SENSE_DRIVE_STATUS);
+ m_fdc->writeCmd(m_driveNumber);
+ Task::currentThread->waitIRQ(m_fdc->m_irq);
+ u8int st3 = m_fdc->readData();
+ asm volatile("sti");
+ bool ret = (st3 & 0x80 ? true : false);
+ m_fdc->setNoActiveDrive();
+ return ret;
+u64int FloppyDrive::blocks() {
+ return m_cylinders * m_sectors * 2;
+bool FloppyDrive::readBlocks(u64int start, u32int count, u8int *data) {
+ u32int startblock = start;
+ if (count == 1) {
+ u32int cylinder = (startblock / (m_sectors * 2)), offset = (startblock % (m_sectors * 2)) * 512;
+ if (m_buffCyl == cylinder && m_buffTime >= Time::uptime() - 4) {
+ memcpy(data, (const u8int*)(&m_buffer[offset]), 512);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if (!doTrack(cylinder, FD_READ)) return false;
+ m_buffCyl = cylinder;
+ m_buffTime = Time::uptime();
+ memcpy(data, (const u8int*)(&m_buffer[offset]), 512);
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_buffCyl = 0xFFFF; //Invalid cylinder
+ m_buffTime = 0;
+ u32int startcylinder = (startblock / (m_sectors * 2)), stoffset = startblock % (m_sectors * 2);
+ u32int endcylinder = ((startblock + count - 1) / (m_sectors * 2)),
+ endoffset = (startblock + count - 1) % (m_sectors * 2);
+ for (u32int i = startcylinder; i <= endcylinder; i++) {
+ if (!doTrack(i, FD_READ)) return false; //Read cylinder
+ //Figure out what to memcpy in data
+ u32int start = 0; //Where to start memcpying in buffer
+ if (i == startcylinder) start = stoffset * 512;
+ u32int count = FLOPPY_DMALEN - start; //How much we must memcpy
+ if (i == endcylinder) count = (endoffset * 512) - start + 512;
+ u32int where = 0;
+ if (i != startcylinder) where = (i - startcylinder - 1) * (512 * 2 * m_sectors) + (stoffset * 512);
+ memcpy(&data[where], (const u8int*)(&m_buffer[start]), count);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool FloppyDrive::writeBlocks(u64int start, u32int count, u8int *data) { //TODO
+ return false;
+u32int FloppyDrive::blockSize() {
+ return 512;
+u64int FloppyDrive::chs2lba(u32int cylinder, u32int head, u32int sector) {
+ return ((u64int)cylinder * (u64int)m_cylinders) + ((u64int)head + 2ULL) + (u64int)sector - 1ULL;
diff --git a/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyDrive.class.h b/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyDrive.class.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff832b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Kernel/Devices/Floppy/FloppyDrive.class.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <Devices/BlockDevice.proto.h>
+#include "FloppyController.class.h"
+class FloppyDrive : public BlockDevice {
+ friend class FloppyController;
+ friend u32int floppyMotorTimer();
+ private:
+ FloppyDrive(FloppyController *fdc, u8int number, u8int type); //Private constructor, called by FloppyController()
+ u8int m_motorState, m_motorTimeout, m_driveNumber, m_driveType;
+ u32int m_cylinders, m_sectors;
+ FloppyController *m_fdc;
+ u8int m_buffer[FLOPPY_DMALEN];
+ u32int m_buffCyl, m_buffTime; //Used for keeping track of what is in buffer, this is a sort of cache system
+ bool setup();
+ bool calibrate();
+ bool setMotorState(bool on);
+ bool killMotor();
+ bool seek(u32int cyli, s32int head);
+ bool doTrack(u32int cyl, u8int dir);
+ public:
+ String getClass();
+ String getName();
+ bool readOnly();
+ u64int blocks();
+ bool readBlocks(u64int startblock, u32int count, u8int *data);
+ bool writeBlocks(u64int startblock, u32int count, u8int* data);
+ u32int blockSize(); //Always 512
+ u64int chs2lba(u32int cylinder, u32int head, u32int sector);