#include <TaskManager/Process.class.h>
#include <SyscallManager/IDT.ns.h>
#define T_ZOMBIE 0
#define T_RUNNING 1
#define T_SLEEPING 2
#define T_IRQWAIT 3
typedef u32int(*thread_entry_t)(void*);
class Thread : public Ressource {
friend class Process; //This might be useful
friend void runThread(Thread*, void*, thread_entry_t);
Thread(); //Creates a thread without initializing anything. Used by Process::createKernel();
Process *m_process; //Associated process
u32int m_esp, m_ebp, m_eip;
u8int m_state; //Is one of T_* defined above
void* m_xchgspace;
union { //What the thread might be waiting for
u32int m_time;
u8int m_irq; //An IRQ number
} waitfor;
bool m_isKernel; //Says if stack is in kernel pagedir, and if thread should run in ring 0
struct {
void* addr;
u32int size;
} m_userStack, m_kernelStack;
void setup(Process* process, thread_entry_t entry_point, void* data, bool isKernel);
static call_t m_callTable[];
u32int sleepSC(u32int msecs);
u32int finishSC(u32int errcode);
static u32int scall(u8int, u32int, u32int, u32int, u32int);
Thread(thread_entry_t entry_point, void* data, bool iskernel = false); //Assumes process is current process, or is kprocess if isk
Thread(Process* process, thread_entry_t entry_point, void* data);
void finish(u32int errcode); //Called by run() when thread returns, and by exception handler. Can also be called by the thread itself
void handleException(registers_t regs, int no);
void setState(u32int esp, u32int ebp, u32int eip);
void setKernelStack();
u32int getEsp();
u32int getEbp();
u32int getEip();
Process* getProcess();
void* mkXchgSpace(u32int sz);
void sleep(u32int msecs);
void waitIRQ(u8int irq);
bool runnable(); //Called by scheduler
inline bool irqHappens(u8int irq) { //Inline for speed
if (m_state == T_IRQWAIT and waitfor.m_irq == irq) {
m_state = T_RUNNING;
return true;
return false;