path: root/model/
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Diffstat (limited to 'model/')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/model/ b/model/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c9cd90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# HPC-LSTM : Hierarchical Predictive Coding LSTM
+import theano
+from theano import tensor
+import numpy
+from blocks.bricks import Softmax, Tanh, Logistic, Linear, MLP, Identity
+from blocks.bricks.recurrent import LSTM
+from blocks.initialization import IsotropicGaussian, Constant
+from blocks.filter import VariableFilter
+from blocks.roles import WEIGHT
+from blocks.graph import ComputationGraph, apply_noise, apply_dropout
+class Model():
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ inp = tensor.imatrix('bytes')
+ in_onehot = tensor.eq(tensor.arange(config.io_dim, dtype='int16').reshape((1, 1, config.io_dim)),
+ inp[:, :, None])
+ = 'in_onehot'
+ bricks = []
+ states = []
+ # Construct predictive LSTM hierarchy
+ hidden = []
+ costs = []
+ next_target = in_onehot.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)
+ for i, (hdim, cf, q) in enumerate(zip(config.hidden_dims, config.cost_factors, config.hidden_q)):
+ init_state = theano.shared(numpy.zeros((config.num_seqs, hdim)).astype(theano.config.floatX),
+ name='st0_%d'%i)
+ init_cell = theano.shared(numpy.zeros((config.num_seqs, hdim)).astype(theano.config.floatX),
+ name='cell0_%d'%i)
+ linear = Linear(input_dim=config.io_dim, output_dim=4*hdim,
+ name="lstm_in_%d"%i)
+ lstm = LSTM(dim=hdim, activation=config.activation_function,
+ name="lstm_rec_%d"%i)
+ linear2 = Linear(input_dim=hdim, output_dim=config.io_dim, name='lstm_out_%d'%i)
+ tanh = Tanh('lstm_out_tanh_%d'%i)
+ bricks += [linear, lstm, linear2, tanh]
+ inter = linear.apply(theano.gradient.disconnected_grad(next_target))
+ new_hidden, new_cells = lstm.apply(inter,
+ states=init_state,
+ cells=init_cell)
+ states.append((init_state, new_hidden[-1, :, :]))
+ states.append((init_cell, new_cells[-1, :, :]))
+ hidden += [tensor.concatenate([init_state[None,:,:], new_hidden[:-1,:,:]],axis=0)]
+ pred = tanh.apply(linear2.apply(hidden[-1]))
+ diff = next_target - pred
+ costs += [numpy.float32(cf) * ((abs(next_target)+q)*(diff**2)).sum(axis=2).mean()]
+ next_target = diff
+ # Construct output from hidden states
+ hidden = [s.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2) for s in hidden]
+ out_parts = []
+ out_dims = config.out_hidden + [config.io_dim]
+ for i, (dim, state) in enumerate(zip(config.hidden_dims, hidden)):
+ pred_linear = Linear(input_dim=dim, output_dim=out_dims[0],
+ name='pred_linear_%d'%i)
+ bricks.append(pred_linear)
+ out_parts.append(pred_linear.apply(theano.gradient.disconnected_grad(state)))
+ # Do prediction and calculate cost
+ out = sum(out_parts)
+ if len(out_dims) > 1:
+ out = config.out_hidden_act[0](name='out_act0').apply(out)
+ mlp = MLP(dims=out_dims,
+ activations=[x(name='out_act%d'%i) for i, x in enumerate(config.out_hidden_act[1:])]
+ +[Identity()],
+ name='out_mlp')
+ bricks.append(mlp)
+ out = mlp.apply(out.reshape((inp.shape[0]*inp.shape[1],-1))).reshape((inp.shape[0],inp.shape[1],-1))
+ pred = out.argmax(axis=2)
+ cost = Softmax().categorical_cross_entropy(inp.flatten(),
+ out.reshape((inp.shape[0]*inp.shape[1],
+ config.io_dim))).mean()
+ error_rate = tensor.neq(inp.flatten(), pred.flatten()).mean()
+ sgd_cost = cost + sum(costs)
+ # Initialize all bricks
+ for brick in bricks:
+ brick.weights_init = IsotropicGaussian(0.1)
+ brick.biases_init = Constant(0.)
+ brick.initialize()
+ # put stuff into self that is usefull for training or extensions
+ self.sgd_cost = sgd_cost
+ = 'sgd_cost'
+ for i in range(len(costs)):
+ costs[i].name = 'pred_cost_%d'%i
+ = 'cost'
+ = 'error_rate'
+ self.monitor_vars = [costs, [cost],
+ [error_rate]]
+ self.out = out
+ self.pred = pred
+ self.states = states
+# vim: set sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 et :