path: root/data.py
diff options
authorÉtienne Simon <esimon@esimon.eu>2015-05-05 21:55:13 -0400
committerÉtienne Simon <esimon@esimon.eu>2015-05-05 22:05:21 -0400
commit1f2ff96e6480a62089fcac35154a956c218ed678 (patch)
treed0bb7a2a6d7ba6ae512a2ce3729b1ccbdc21c822 /data.py
parent54613c1f9cf510ca7a71d6619418f2247515aec6 (diff)
Clean data module and generalize use of hdf5.
Diffstat (limited to 'data.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/data.py b/data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 42ebe1c..0000000
--- a/data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-import ast, csv
-import socket
-import fuel
-import numpy
-import h5py
-from enum import Enum
-from fuel.datasets import Dataset
-from fuel.streams import DataStream
-from fuel.iterator import DataIterator
-import theano
-if socket.gethostname() == "adeb.laptop":
- DATA_PATH = "/Users/adeb/data/taxi"
- DATA_PATH="/data/lisatmp3/auvolat/taxikaggle"
-H5DATA_PATH = '/data/lisatmp3/simonet/taxi/data.hdf5'
-porto_center = numpy.array([41.1573, -8.61612], dtype=theano.config.floatX)
-data_std = numpy.sqrt(numpy.array([0.00549598, 0.00333233], dtype=theano.config.floatX))
-n_clients = 57124
-n_train_clients = 57105
-n_stands = 63
-dataset_size = 1710670
-# ---- Read client IDs and create reverse dictionnary
-def make_client_ids():
- f = h5py.File(H5DATA_PATH, "r")
- l = f['unique_origin_call']
- r = {l[i]: i for i in range(l.shape[0])}
- return r
-client_ids = make_client_ids()
-def get_client_id(n):
- if n in client_ids and client_ids[n] <= n_train_clients:
- return client_ids[n]
- else:
- return 0
-# ---- Read taxi IDs and create reverse dictionnary
-def make_taxi_ids():
- f = h5py.File(H5DATA_PATH, "r")
- l = f['unique_taxi_id']
- r = {l[i]: i for i in range(l.shape[0])}
- return r
-taxi_ids = make_taxi_ids()
-# ---- Enum types
-class CallType(Enum):
- STAND = 1
- STREET = 2
- @classmethod
- def from_data(cls, val):
- if val=='A':
- return cls.CENTRAL
- elif val=='B':
- return cls.STAND
- elif val=='C':
- return cls.STREET
- @classmethod
- def to_data(cls, val):
- if val==cls.CENTRAL:
- return 'A'
- elif val==cls.STAND:
- return 'B'
- elif val==cls.STREET:
- return 'C'
-class DayType(Enum):
- NORMAL = 0
- @classmethod
- def from_data(cls, val):
- if val=='A':
- return cls.NORMAL
- elif val=='B':
- return cls.HOLIDAY
- elif val=='C':
- return cls.HOLIDAY_EVE
- @classmethod
- def to_data(cls, val):
- if val==cls.NORMAL:
- return 'A'
- elif val==cls.HOLIDAY:
- return 'B'
- elif val==cls.HOLIDAY_EVE:
- return 'C'
-class TaxiData(Dataset):
- example_iteration_scheme=None
- class State:
- __slots__ = ('file', 'index', 'reader')
- def __init__(self, pathes, columns, has_header=False):
- if not isinstance(pathes, list):
- pathes=[pathes]
- assert len(pathes)>0
- self.columns=columns
- self.provides_sources = tuple(map(lambda x: x[0], columns))
- self.pathes=pathes
- self.has_header=has_header
- super(TaxiData, self).__init__()
- def open(self):
- state=self.State()
- state.file=open(self.pathes[0])
- state.index=0
- state.reader=csv.reader(state.file)
- if self.has_header:
- state.reader.next()
- return state
- def close(self, state):
- state.file.close()
- def reset(self, state):
- if state.index==0:
- state.file.seek(0)
- else:
- state.index=0
- state.file.close()
- state.file=open(self.pathes[0])
- state.reader=csv.reader(state.file)
- return state
- def get_data(self, state, request=None):
- if request is not None:
- raise ValueError
- try:
- line=state.reader.next()
- except (ValueError, StopIteration):
- # print state.index
- state.file.close()
- state.index+=1
- if state.index>=len(self.pathes):
- raise StopIteration
- state.file=open(self.pathes[state.index])
- state.reader=csv.reader(state.file)
- if self.has_header:
- state.reader.next()
- return self.get_data(state)
- values = []
- for _, constructor in self.columns:
- values.append(constructor(line))
- return tuple(values)
-taxi_columns = [
- ("trip_id", lambda l: l[0]),
- ("call_type", lambda l: CallType.from_data(l[1])),
- ("origin_call", lambda l: 0 if l[2] == '' or l[2] == 'NA' else get_client_id(int(l[2]))),
- ("origin_stand", lambda l: 0 if l[3] == '' or l[3] == 'NA' else int(l[3])),
- ("taxi_id", lambda l: taxi_ids[int(l[4])]),
- ("timestamp", lambda l: int(l[5])),
- ("day_type", lambda l: ord(l[6])-ord('A')),
- ("missing_data", lambda l: l[7][0] == 'T'),
- ("polyline", lambda l: map(tuple, ast.literal_eval(l[8]))),
- ("longitude", lambda l: map(lambda p: p[0], ast.literal_eval(l[8]))),
- ("latitude", lambda l: map(lambda p: p[1], ast.literal_eval(l[8]))),
-taxi_columns_valid = taxi_columns + [
- ("destination_longitude", lambda l: numpy.float32(float(l[9]))),
- ("destination_latitude", lambda l: numpy.float32(float(l[10]))),
- ("time", lambda l: int(l[11])),
-valid_files=["%s/valid2-cut.csv" % (DATA_PATH,)]
-test_file="%s/test.csv" % (DATA_PATH,)
-valid_data = TaxiData(valid_files, taxi_columns_valid)
-test_data = TaxiData(test_file, taxi_columns, has_header=True)
-valid_trips = [l for l in open(DATA_PATH + "/valid2-cut-ids.txt")]
-def train_it():
- return DataIterator(DataStream(train_data))
-def test_it():
- return DataIterator(DataStream(valid_data))