path: root/mohammad/ctc_cost.py
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1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mohammad/ctc_cost.py b/mohammad/ctc_cost.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..979ed93
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+++ b/mohammad/ctc_cost.py
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+CTC-Connectionist Temporal Classification
+Code provided by Mohammad Pezeshki - May. 2015 -
+Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms
+Referece: Graves, Alex, et al. "Connectionist temporal classification:
+labelling unsegmented sequence data with recurrent neural networks."
+Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning.
+ACM, 2006.
+Credits: Shawn Tan, Rakesh Var
+This code is distributed without any warranty, express or implied.
+import theano
+from theano import tensor
+floatX = theano.config.floatX
+class CTC(object):
+ """Connectionist Temporal Classification
+ y_hat : T x B x C+1
+ y : L x B
+ y_hat_mask : T x B
+ y_mask : L x B
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def add_blanks(y, blank_symbol, y_mask=None):
+ """Add blanks to a matrix and updates mask
+ Input shape: L x B
+ Output shape: 2L+1 x B
+ """
+ # for y
+ y_extended = y.T.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
+ blanks = tensor.zeros_like(y_extended) + blank_symbol
+ concat = tensor.concatenate([y_extended, blanks], axis=2)
+ res = concat.reshape((concat.shape[0],
+ concat.shape[1] * concat.shape[2])).T
+ begining_blanks = tensor.zeros((1, res.shape[1])) + blank_symbol
+ blanked_y = tensor.concatenate([begining_blanks, res], axis=0)
+ # for y_mask
+ if y_mask is not None:
+ y_mask_extended = y_mask.T.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
+ concat = tensor.concatenate([y_mask_extended,
+ y_mask_extended], axis=2)
+ res = concat.reshape((concat.shape[0],
+ concat.shape[1] * concat.shape[2])).T
+ begining_blanks = tensor.ones((1, res.shape[1]), dtype=floatX)
+ blanked_y_mask = tensor.concatenate([begining_blanks, res], axis=0)
+ else:
+ blanked_y_mask = None
+ return blanked_y, blanked_y_mask
+ @staticmethod
+ def class_batch_to_labeling_batch(y, y_hat, y_hat_mask=None):
+ y_hat = y_hat * y_hat_mask.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1)
+ batch_size = y_hat.shape[2]
+ res = y_hat[:, y.astype('int32'), tensor.arange(batch_size)]
+ return res
+ @staticmethod
+ def recurrence_relation(y, y_mask, blank_symbol):
+ n_y = y.shape[0]
+ blanks = tensor.zeros((2, y.shape[1])) + blank_symbol
+ ybb = tensor.concatenate((y, blanks), axis=0).T
+ sec_diag = (tensor.neq(ybb[:, :-2], ybb[:, 2:]) *
+ tensor.eq(ybb[:, 1:-1], blank_symbol) *
+ y_mask.T)
+ # r1: LxL
+ # r2: LxL
+ # r3: LxLxB
+ r2 = tensor.eye(n_y, k=1)
+ r3 = (tensor.eye(n_y, k=2).dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') *
+ sec_diag.dimshuffle(1, 'x', 0))
+ return r2, r3
+ @classmethod
+ def path_probabs(cls, y, y_hat, y_mask, y_hat_mask, blank_symbol):
+ pred_y = cls.class_batch_to_labeling_batch(y, y_hat, y_hat_mask)
+ r2, r3 = cls.recurrence_relation(y, y_mask, blank_symbol)
+ def step(p_curr, p_prev):
+ # instead of dot product, we * first
+ # and then sum oven one dimension.
+ # objective: T.dot((p_prev)BxL, LxLxB)
+ # solusion: Lx1xB * LxLxB --> LxLxB --> (sumover)xLxB
+ dotproduct = (p_prev + tensor.dot(p_prev, r2) +
+ (p_prev.dimshuffle(1, 'x', 0) * r3).sum(axis=0).T)
+ return p_curr.T * dotproduct * y_mask.T # B x L
+ probabilities, _ = theano.scan(
+ step,
+ sequences=[pred_y],
+ outputs_info=[tensor.eye(y.shape[0])[0] * tensor.ones(y.T.shape)])
+ return probabilities, probabilities.shape
+ @classmethod
+ def cost(cls, y, y_hat, y_mask, y_hat_mask, blank_symbol):
+ y_hat_mask_len = tensor.sum(y_hat_mask, axis=0, dtype='int32')
+ y_mask_len = tensor.sum(y_mask, axis=0, dtype='int32')
+ probabilities, sth = cls.path_probabs(y, y_hat,
+ y_mask, y_hat_mask,
+ blank_symbol)
+ batch_size = probabilities.shape[1]
+ labels_probab = (probabilities[y_hat_mask_len - 1,
+ tensor.arange(batch_size),
+ y_mask_len - 1] +
+ probabilities[y_hat_mask_len - 1,
+ tensor.arange(batch_size),
+ y_mask_len - 2])
+ avg_cost = tensor.mean(-tensor.log(labels_probab))
+ return avg_cost, sth
+ @staticmethod
+ def _epslog(x):
+ return tensor.cast(tensor.log(tensor.clip(x, 1E-12, 1E12)),
+ theano.config.floatX)
+ @staticmethod
+ def log_add(a, b):
+ max_ = tensor.maximum(a, b)
+ return (max_ + tensor.log1p(tensor.exp(a + b - 2 * max_)))
+ @staticmethod
+ def log_dot_matrix(x, z):
+ inf = 1E12
+ log_dot = tensor.dot(x, z)
+ zeros_to_minus_inf = (z.max(axis=0) - 1) * inf
+ return log_dot + zeros_to_minus_inf
+ @staticmethod
+ def log_dot_tensor(x, z):
+ inf = 1E12
+ log_dot = (x.dimshuffle(1, 'x', 0) * z).sum(axis=0).T
+ zeros_to_minus_inf = (z.max(axis=0) - 1) * inf
+ return log_dot + zeros_to_minus_inf.T
+ @classmethod
+ def log_path_probabs(cls, y, y_hat, y_mask, y_hat_mask, blank_symbol):
+ pred_y = cls.class_batch_to_labeling_batch(y, y_hat, y_hat_mask)
+ r2, r3 = cls.recurrence_relation(y, y_mask, blank_symbol)
+ def step(log_p_curr, log_p_prev):
+ p1 = log_p_prev
+ p2 = cls.log_dot_matrix(p1, r2)
+ p3 = cls.log_dot_tensor(p1, r3)
+ p123 = cls.log_add(p3, cls.log_add(p1, p2))
+ return (log_p_curr.T +
+ p123 +
+ cls._epslog(y_mask.T))
+ log_probabilities, _ = theano.scan(
+ step,
+ sequences=[cls._epslog(pred_y)],
+ outputs_info=[cls._epslog(tensor.eye(y.shape[0])[0] *
+ tensor.ones(y.T.shape))])
+ return log_probabilities
+ @classmethod
+ def log_cost(cls, y, y_hat, y_mask, y_hat_mask, blank_symbol):
+ y_hat_mask_len = tensor.sum(y_hat_mask, axis=0, dtype='int32')
+ y_mask_len = tensor.sum(y_mask, axis=0, dtype='int32')
+ log_probabs = cls.log_path_probabs(y, y_hat,
+ y_mask, y_hat_mask,
+ blank_symbol)
+ batch_size = log_probabs.shape[1]
+ labels_probab = cls.log_add(
+ log_probabs[y_hat_mask_len - 1,
+ tensor.arange(batch_size),
+ y_mask_len - 1],
+ log_probabs[y_hat_mask_len - 1,
+ tensor.arange(batch_size),
+ y_mask_len - 2])
+ avg_cost = tensor.mean(-labels_probab)
+ return avg_cost
+ @classmethod
+ def apply(cls, y, y_hat, y_mask, y_hat_mask, scale='log_scale'):
+ y_hat = y_hat.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1)
+ num_classes = y_hat.shape[1] - 1
+ blanked_y, blanked_y_mask = cls.add_blanks(
+ y=y,
+ blank_symbol=num_classes.astype(floatX),
+ y_mask=y_mask)
+ if scale == 'log_scale':
+ final_cost = cls.log_cost(blanked_y, y_hat,
+ blanked_y_mask, y_hat_mask,
+ num_classes)
+ else:
+ final_cost, sth = cls.cost(blanked_y, y_hat,
+ blanked_y_mask, y_hat_mask,
+ num_classes)
+ return final_cost