path: root/abstract
diff options
authorAlex Auvolat <>2014-07-22 09:04:13 +0200
committerAlex Auvolat <>2014-07-22 09:04:13 +0200
commit7e1cf88f181aa0596361b5b5d784f8e4b9b19266 (patch)
treeb6a112c49083605aaea837cb7b4bcf51a9a4b89c /abstract
parentbebab48e94ad156341f12fe90224e67e98477ca8 (diff)
Add support for octagons.
Diffstat (limited to 'abstract')
2 files changed, 147 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index a929c0b..58cd544 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ open Apron
Mostly direct translation between the two.
+(* Polyhedra *)
(* manager *)
type man = Polka.loose Polka.t
@@ -127,9 +129,142 @@ module ND : NUMERICAL_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
(* Pretty-printing *)
let print fmt x =
- Abstract1.minimize manager x;
- Abstract1.print fmt x;
- Format.fprintf fmt "@?"
+ if not (Oct.manager_is_oct manager) then Abstract1.minimize manager x;
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%a@?" Abstract1.print x
+ let print_vars fmt x idl =
+ let prevars = vars x in
+ let rm_vars_l = List.filter (fun (id, _) -> not (List.mem id idl)) prevars in
+ let rm_vars = Array.of_list
+ ( (fun (id, _) -> Var.of_string id) rm_vars_l) in
+ let xx = Abstract1.forget_array manager x rm_vars false in
+ print fmt xx
+ let print_itv = Interval.print
+(* Octagons *)
+ (* manager *)
+ type man = Oct.t
+ let manager = Oct.manager_alloc()
+ type itv = Interval.t
+ (* abstract elements *)
+ type t = man Abstract1.t
+ (* direct translation of numerical expressions into Apron tree expressions *)
+ let rec texpr_of_nexpr = function
+ | NIdent id -> Texpr1.Var (Var.of_string id)
+ | NIntConst i -> Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.s_of_mpqf (Mpqf.of_int i))
+ | NRealConst r -> Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.s_of_mpqf (Mpqf.of_float r))
+ | NUnary(AST_UPLUS, e, is_real) ->
+ Texpr1.Unop(
+ Texpr1.Cast,
+ texpr_of_nexpr e,
+ (if is_real then Texpr1.Real else Texpr1.Int),
+ Texpr1.Rnd)
+ | NUnary(AST_UMINUS, e, is_real) ->
+ (* APRON bug ? Unary negate seems to not work correctly... *)
+ Texpr1.Binop(
+ Texpr1.Sub,
+ Texpr1.Cst(Coeff.s_of_mpqf (Mpqf.of_string "0")),
+ (texpr_of_nexpr e),
+ (if is_real then Texpr1.Real else Texpr1.Int),
+ Texpr1.Rnd)
+ | NBinary(op, e1, e2, is_real) ->
+ let f = match op with
+ | AST_PLUS -> Texpr1.Add
+ | AST_MINUS -> Texpr1.Sub
+ | AST_MUL -> Texpr1.Mul
+ | AST_DIV -> Texpr1.Div
+ | AST_MOD -> Texpr1.Mod
+ in
+ Texpr1.Binop(
+ f,
+ (texpr_of_nexpr e1),
+ (texpr_of_nexpr e2),
+ (if is_real then Texpr1.Real else Texpr1.Int),
+ Texpr1.Rnd)
+ (* direct translation of constraints into Apron constraints *)
+ let tcons_of_cons env (eq, op) =
+ let op = match op with
+ | CONS_EQ -> Tcons1.EQ
+ | CONS_NE -> Tcons1.DISEQ
+ | CONS_GT -> Tcons1.SUP
+ | CONS_GE -> Tcons1.SUPEQ
+ in Tcons1.make (Texpr1.of_expr env (texpr_of_nexpr eq)) op
+ (* implementation *)
+ let v_env vars =
+ let intv =
+ (fun (s, _) -> Var.of_string s)
+ (List.filter (fun (_, n) -> not n) vars) in
+ let realv =
+ (fun (s, _) -> Var.of_string s)
+ (List.filter (fun (_, n) -> n) vars) in
+ (Environment.make (Array.of_list intv) (Array.of_list realv))
+ let top vars =
+ manager (v_env vars)
+ let bottom vars = Abstract1.bottom manager (v_env vars)
+ let is_bot = Abstract1.is_bottom manager
+ let is_top = Abstract1.is_top manager
+ let forgetvar x id =
+ let v = [| Var.of_string id |] in
+ Abstract1.forget_array manager x v false
+ let vars x =
+ let (ivt, fvt) = Environment.vars (Abstract1.env x) in
+ let ivl = Var.to_string (Array.to_list ivt) in
+ let fvl = Var.to_string (Array.to_list fvt) in
+ ( (fun x -> x, false) ivl) @ ( (fun x -> x, true) fvl)
+ let vbottom x =
+ Abstract1.bottom manager (Abstract1.env x)
+ let project x id =
+ Abstract1.bound_variable manager x (Var.of_string id)
+ (* Apply some formula to the environment *)
+ let apply_cl x cons =
+ let env = Abstract1.env x in
+ let tca = Array.of_list ( (tcons_of_cons env) cons) in
+ let ar = Tcons1.array_make env (Array.length tca) in
+ Array.iteri (Tcons1.array_set ar) tca;
+ Abstract1.meet_tcons_array manager x ar
+ let apply_cons x cons = apply_cl x [cons]
+ let assign x eqs =
+ let env = Abstract1.env x in
+ let vars = Array.of_list
+ ( (fun (id, _) -> Var.of_string id) eqs) in
+ let vals = Array.of_list
+ ( (fun (_, v) -> Texpr1.of_expr env (texpr_of_nexpr v)) eqs) in
+ Abstract1.assign_texpr_array manager x vars vals None
+ (* Ensemblistic operations *)
+ let join = Abstract1.join manager
+ let meet = manager
+ let widen = Abstract1.widening manager
+ let subset = Abstract1.is_leq manager
+ let eq = Abstract1.is_eq manager
+ (* Pretty-printing *)
+ let print fmt x =
+ if not (Oct.manager_is_oct manager) then Abstract1.minimize manager x;
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%a@?" Abstract1.print x
let print_vars fmt x idl =
let prevars = vars x in
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index ed029da..dbc17c9 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -33,9 +33,14 @@ module ND (V : VALUE_DOMAIN) : NUMERICAL_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
| NIdent id -> get_var env id
| NIntConst i -> V.const i
| NRealConst f -> V.const (int_of_float f) (* TODO floats *)
- | NUnary (AST_UPLUS, e, _) -> eval env e
- | NUnary (AST_UMINUS, e, _) -> V.neg (eval env e)
- | NBinary (op, e1, e2, _) ->
+ | NUnary (AST_UPLUS, e, isreal) ->
+ if isreal then not_implemented "real type for nonrelationnal domain";
+ eval env e
+ | NUnary (AST_UMINUS, e, isreal) ->
+ if isreal then not_implemented "real type for nonrelationnal domain";
+ V.neg (eval env e)
+ | NBinary (op, e1, e2, isreal) ->
+ if isreal then not_implemented "real type for nonrelationnal domain";
let f = match op with
| AST_PLUS -> V.add
| AST_MINUS -> V.sub