open Lexing
open Ast
open Parser
let kwd_table = Hashtbl.create 10
let () = List.iter (fun (a, b) -> Hashtbl.add kwd_table a b)
"bool", BOOL;
"int", INT;
"real", REAL;
"const", CONST;
"node", NODE;
"returns", RETURNS;
"var", VAR;
"let", LET;
"tel", TEL;
"if", IF;
"then", THEN;
"else", ELSE;
"pre", PRE;
"not", NOT;
"and", AND;
"or", OR;
"mod", MOD;
"automaton", AUTOMATON;
"state", STATE;
"initial", INITIAL;
"unless", UNLESS;
"until", UNTIL;
"resume", RESUME;
"true", TRUE;
"false", FALSE;
"assume", ASSUME;
"guarantee", GUARANTEE;
"probe", PROBE;
let space = [' ' '\t' '\r']+
let newline = "\n" | "\r" | "\r\n"
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let digit_ = ['0'-'9' '_']
let int_dec = digit digit_*
let int_bin = ("0b" | "0B") ['0'-'1'] ['0'-'1' '_']*
let int_oct = ("0o" | "0O") ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7' '_']*
let int_hex = ("0x" | "0X") ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F' '_']*
let const_int = int_bin | int_oct | int_dec | int_hex
let const_real = digit_+ '.' digit*
rule token = parse
(* identifier (TOK_id) or reserved keyword *)
| ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_'] ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '_']* as id
{ try Hashtbl.find kwd_table id with Not_found -> IDENT id }
(* symbols *)
| "(" { LPAREN }
| ")" { RPAREN }
| "{" { LCURLY }
| "}" { RCURLY }
| "*" { STAR }
| "+" { PLUS }
| "-" { MINUS }
| "/" { DIVIDE }
| "<" { LESS }
| ">" { GREATER }
| "<=" { LESS_EQUAL }
| ">=" { GREATER_EQUAL }
| "<>" { DIFF }
| "=" { EQUAL }
| ";" { SEMICOLON }
| ":" { COLON }
| "," { COMMA }
| "->" { ARROW }
(* literals *)
| const_int as c { INTVAL c }
| const_real as c { REALVAL c }
(* spaces, comments *)
| "(*" { comment lexbuf; token lexbuf }
| "--" [^ '\n' '\r']* { token lexbuf }
| newline { new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
| space { token lexbuf }
(* end of files *)
| eof { EOF }
and comment = parse
| "*)" { () }
| [^ '\n' '\r'] { comment lexbuf }
| newline { new_line lexbuf; comment lexbuf }