path: root/abstract/
blob: d216276b95434104f592df35d858946d5d357cce (plain) (tree)






open Ast
open Formula
open Util

exception Bot

    type t

    type item = string

    (* construction *)
    val top           : (id * item list) list -> t

    (* variable management *)
    val vars          : t -> (id * item list) list

    val forgetvar     : t -> id -> t
    val project       : t -> id -> item list

    (* set-theoretic operations *)
    val join          : t -> t -> t   (* union *)
    val meet          : t -> t -> t   (* intersection, may raise Bot *)

    val subset        : t -> t -> bool
    val eq            : t -> t -> bool

    (* abstract operations *)
    val apply_cons    : t -> enum_cons -> t list (* may disjunct *)
    val assign        : t -> (id * id) list -> t

    (* pretty-printing *)
    val print         : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

    Simple domain : one valuation for each variable, or T

module Valuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
    type item = string

    type t = {
        vars      : (id * item list) list;
        value     : item VarMap.t;

    let top vars = { vars; value = VarMap.empty }

    let vars x = x.vars

    let forgetvar x id =
        { x with value = VarMap.remove id x.value }
    let project x id =
        try [VarMap.find id x.value]
        with Not_found -> List.assoc id x.vars

    let join x1 x2 =
        let v = VarMap.merge
          (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
            | Some a, Some b when a = b -> Some a
            | _ -> None)
          x1.value x2.value in
        { x1 with value = v }
    let meet x1 x2 =
        let v = VarMap.merge
          (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
            | Some a, None | None, Some a -> Some a
            | Some a, Some b -> if a = b then Some a else raise Bot
            | _ -> None)
          x1.value x2.value in
        { x1 with value = v }

    let subset a b =
          (fun id v ->
              try v = VarMap.find id b.value
              with Not_found -> true)
    let eq a b =
        VarMap.equal (=) a.value b.value

    let cc op = match op with
        | E_EQ -> (=)
        | E_NE -> (<>)

    let apply_cons x (op, id, e) =
        match e with
        | EItem s ->
          begin try let t = VarMap.find id x.value in
              if cc op s t then [x] else []
          with Not_found ->
   (fun v -> { x with value = VarMap.add id v x.value })
              (List.filter (cc op s) (List.assoc id x.vars))
        | EIdent id2 ->
            (try Some (VarMap.find id x.value) with _  -> None),
            (try Some (VarMap.find id2 x.value) with _  -> None)
          | None, None -> [x]
          | None, Some s ->
   (fun v -> { x with value = VarMap.add id v x.value})
              (List.filter (cc op s) (List.assoc id x.vars))
          | Some s, None ->
   (fun v -> { x with value = VarMap.add id2 v x.value})
              (List.filter (cc op s) (List.assoc id2 x.vars))
          | Some s, Some t ->
            if cc op s t then [x] else []
    let assign x idl =
        let v = List.fold_left
            (fun v (id, id2) ->
                try VarMap.add id (VarMap.find id2 x.value) v
                with Not_found -> VarMap.remove id v )
            x.value idl
        in { x with value = v }

    let print fmt x =
        let b = (fun (x, y) -> y, x) (VarMap.bindings x.value) in
        let s = List.sort b in
        let rec bl = function
          | [] -> []
          | (v, id)::q ->
            begin match bl q with
            | (vv, ids)::q when vv = v -> (v, id::ids)::q
            | r -> (v, [id])::r
        let sbl = bl s in
        Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>{ ";
          (fun j (v, ids) ->
            if j > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt "@ ";
            Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>";
              (fun i id ->
                if i > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ";
                Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Formula_printer.print_id id)
            Format.fprintf fmt " ≡ %s@]" v)
        Format.fprintf fmt " }@]"


    Less simple domain : a set of possible values for each variable, or T

module MultiValuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
    type item = string

    type t = {
        vars      : (id * item list) list;
        value     : item list VarMap.t;

    let sort = List.sort
    let uniq x = uniq_sorted (sort x)

    let top vars = { vars; value = VarMap.empty }

    let vars x = x.vars

    let forgetvar x id =
        { x with value = VarMap.remove id x.value }
    let project x id =
        try VarMap.find id x.value
        with Not_found -> List.assoc id x.vars

    let join x1 x2 =
        let v = VarMap.merge
          (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
            | Some a, Some b -> Some (uniq (a@b))
            | _ -> None)
          x1.value x2.value in
        { x1 with value = v }
    let meet x1 x2 =
        let v = VarMap.merge
          (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
            | Some a, None | None, Some a -> Some a
            | Some a, Some b ->
              begin match List.filter (fun x -> List.mem x b) a with
              | [] -> raise Bot | l -> Some l end
            | _ -> None)
          x1.value x2.value in
        { x1 with value = v }

    let subset a b =
          (fun id v ->
              try let v2 = VarMap.find id b.value in
                  List.for_all (fun x -> List.mem x v2) v
              with Not_found -> true)
    let eq a b = subset a b && subset b a

    let apply_cons x (op, id, e) =
        let op = match op with | E_EQ -> (=) | E_NE -> (<>) in

        match e with
        | EItem s ->
          let pv = project x id in
          begin match List.filter (op s) pv with
          | [] -> []
          | vals -> [{ x with value = VarMap.add id vals x.value }]
        | EIdent id2 ->
          let v1 = project x id in
          let v2 = project x id2 in
            (fun l v1 ->
                let v2 = List.filter (op v1) v2 in
                let x = { x with value = VarMap.add id [v1] x.value } in
                match v2 with
                | [] -> l
                | _ -> { x with value = VarMap.add id2 v2 x.value }::l)
            [] v1
    let assign x idl =
        let v = List.fold_left
            (fun v (id, id2) ->
                try VarMap.add id (VarMap.find id2 x.value) v
                with Not_found -> VarMap.remove id v )
            x.value idl
        in { x with value = v }

    let print fmt x =
        let b = (fun (x, y) -> y, x) (VarMap.bindings x.value) in
        let s = List.sort b in
        let rec bl = function
          | [] -> []
          | (v, id)::q ->
            let v = sort v in
            if v <> sort (List.assoc id x.vars) then
              match bl q with
              | (vv, ids)::q when vv = v -> (v, id::ids)::q
              | r -> (v, [id])::r
              bl q
        let sbl = bl s in
        Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>{ ";
          (fun j (v, ids) ->
            if j > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt "@ ";
            Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>";
              (fun i id ->
                if i > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ";
                Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Formula_printer.print_id id)
            match v with
            | [v0] -> Format.fprintf fmt " ≡ %s@]" v0
            | l -> Format.fprintf fmt " ∊ @[<hov>{ %a }@]@]" (print_list Format.pp_print_string ", ") l)
        Format.fprintf fmt " }@]"


    Complicated domain : a set of values for each variables, plus some
    constraints on couples of variables
      (eg. (x, y) in [ tt, tt ; ff, ff ]

    WARNING : This domain is not proved to be safe. In particular, it may represent
    a set of contraints that imply Bot (ie that are impossible) without raising the
    Bot exception. (there is potentially exponential cost in the checking that all
    the constraints are coherent, and I have no idea of an algorithm for doing that

    Therefore, do not use this domain unless you know what you are doing (which is
    probably not the case anyway).

module MultiValuationCCons : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct

    module VarC = struct
        type t = id * id
        let compare =
    module VarCMap = Mapext.Make(VarC)

    type item = string

    type t = {
        vars      : (id * item list) list;
        value     : item list VarMap.t;

        (* in ccond (x, y) -> l, must have x < y (textual order on identifiers) -> unicity *)
        ccons     : (item * item) list VarCMap.t;

    let sort = List.sort
    let uniq x = uniq_sorted (sort x)
    let list_inter x y = List.filter (fun k -> List.mem k y) x

    let all_couples l1 l2 =
          ( (fun x -> (fun y -> x, y) l2) l1)

    let top vars = { vars; value = VarMap.empty; ccons = VarCMap.empty }

    let vars x = x.vars

    let forgetvar x id =
        (* TODO : try to find a substitution variable so that some contraints can be propagated.
                  this is important so that cycle passing can be done correctly ! *)
        { x with
          value = VarMap.remove id x.value;
          ccons = VarCMap.filter (fun (a, b) _ -> a <> id && b <> id) x.ccons }

    let project x id =
        try VarMap.find id x.value
        with Not_found -> List.assoc id x.vars

    let project2 x id1 id2 =
          let id1', id2' = ord_couple (id1, id2) in
          if id1' = id1 then
            VarCMap.find (id1, id2) x.ccons
   (fun (a, b) -> b, a) (VarCMap.find (id1', id2') x.ccons)
        with _ ->
          let v1, v2 = project x id1, project x id2 in
          all_couples v1 v2

    let strict x =
        let rec f x =
              - if (x, y) in [ a, b1 ; a, b2 ; ... ; a, bn ],
                  replace this by x = a and y in { b1, ..., bn }
              - filter (x, y) in [ ... ] with x in specified itv, y in specified itv
          let usefull, vv, cc =
              (fun (x, y) l (usefull, vv, cc) ->
                  let p1, p2 = uniq ( fst l), uniq ( snd l) in
                  let p1 = try list_inter p1 (VarMap.find x vv) with _ -> p1 in
                  let p2 = try list_inter p2 (VarMap.find y vv) with _ -> p2 in

                  if p1 = [] || p2 = [] then raise Bot;
                  let vv = VarMap.add x p1 (VarMap.add y p2 vv) in

                  if List.length p1 = 1 || List.length p2 = 1
                    true, vv, cc
                    match List.filter (fun (u, v) -> List.mem u p1 && List.mem v p2) l with
                    | [] -> raise Bot
                    | l2 -> List.length l2 < List.length l, vv, VarCMap.add (x, y) l2 cc)
              x.ccons (false, x.value, VarCMap.empty) in

          let x = { x with value = vv; ccons = cc } in
          if usefull then f x else x
        f x

    let join x1 x2 =
        let v = VarMap.merge
          (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
            | Some a, Some b -> Some (uniq (a@b))
            | _ -> None)
          x1.value x2.value in
        let x = { x1 with value = v } in

        let cc = VarCMap.merge
          (fun (id1, id2) l1 l2 ->
              let v1, v2 = project x1 id1, project x id2 in
              let ac = all_couples v1 v2 in
              let c = List.filter
                  (fun q ->
                    (match l1 with Some l -> List.mem q l | _ -> true) ||
                    (match l2 with Some l -> List.mem q l | _ -> true))
                  ac in 
              if List.length c < List.length ac then Some c else None)
          x1.ccons x2.ccons in

        strict { x with ccons = cc }

    let meet x1 x2 =
        let v = VarMap.merge
          (fun _ a b -> match a, b with
            | Some a, None | None, Some a -> Some a
            | Some a, Some b ->
              begin match list_inter a b with
              | [] -> raise Bot | l -> Some l end
            | _ -> None)
          x1.value x2.value in
        let x = { x1 with value = v } in 

        let cc = VarCMap.merge
          (fun (id1, id2) l1 l2 ->
              let v1, v2 = project x id1, project x id2 in
              let ac = all_couples v1 v2 in
              let c1 = match l1 with Some l -> list_inter l ac | None -> ac in
              let c2 = match l2 with Some l -> list_inter l ac | None -> ac in
              match list_inter c1 c2 with
              | [] -> raise Bot
              | l -> if List.length l < List.length ac then Some l else None)
          x1.ccons x2.ccons in

        strict { x with ccons = cc }

    let subset a b =
          (fun id v ->
              let vs = project a id in
              List.for_all (fun c -> List.mem c vs) v)
          (fun (id1, id2) l ->
              let l2 = project2 a id1 id2 in
              List.for_all (fun c -> List.mem c l) l2)
    let eq a b =
      subset a b && subset b a

    let apply_cons x (op, id, e) =
        let op = match op with | E_EQ -> (=) | E_NE -> (<>) in
        match e with
        | EItem s ->
          let pv = project x id in
          begin match List.filter (op s) pv with
          | [] -> []
          | vals -> try [strict { x with value = VarMap.add id vals x.value }] with Bot -> []
        | EIdent id2 ->
          let id, id2 = ord_couple (id, id2) in
          let c = project2 x id id2 in
          let ok_c = List.filter (fun (a, b) -> op a b) c in
            [match uniq ( fst ok_c), uniq ( snd ok_c) with
              | [], _ | _, [] -> raise Bot
              | [a], q -> strict { x with value = VarMap.add id [a] (VarMap.add id2 q x.value) }
              | q, [b] -> strict { x with value = VarMap.add id q (VarMap.add id2 [b] x.value) }
              | _ -> strict { x with ccons = VarCMap.add (id, id2) ok_c x.ccons}
          with Bot -> []
    let assign x idl =
        let x2 = List.fold_left (fun x (v, _) -> forgetvar x v) x idl in
        let v = List.fold_left
            (fun v (id, id2) ->
                try VarMap.add id (VarMap.find id2 x.value) v
                with Not_found -> v)
            x2.value idl in
        let c = VarCMap.fold
            (fun (v1, v2) l c ->
                let v1' = try List.assoc v1 idl with _ -> v1 in
                let v2' = try List.assoc v2 idl with _ -> v2 in
                VarCMap.add (v1', v2') l c)
            x.ccons x2.ccons in
        strict { x with value = v; ccons = c }

    let print fmt x =
        let b = (fun (x, y) -> y, x) (VarMap.bindings x.value) in
        let s = List.sort b in
        let rec bl = function
          | [] -> []
          | (v, id)::q ->
            let v = sort v in
            if v <> sort (List.assoc id x.vars) then
              match bl q with
              | (vv, ids)::q when vv = v -> (v, id::ids)::q
              | r -> (v, [id])::r
              bl q
        let sbl = bl s in
        Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>{ ";
          (fun j (v, ids) ->
            if j > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt "@ ";
            Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>";
              (fun i id ->
                if i > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ";
                Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Formula_printer.print_id id)
            match v with
            | [v0] -> Format.fprintf fmt " ≡ %s@]" v0
            | l -> Format.fprintf fmt " ∊ @[<hov>{ %a }@]@]" (print_list Format.pp_print_string ", ") l)
        Format.fprintf fmt " }@]"
