path: root/_khb_experiment/
diff options
authorAlex AUVOLAT <>2014-05-25 21:56:04 +0200
committerAlex AUVOLAT <>2014-05-25 21:56:04 +0200
commit0140792c8111d2dd1cf9004f2e3e602ec34ed30a (patch)
treeedce9a1f3f65d1ad107e9e9dd2d28797e653a67d /_khb_experiment/
parent8456506c0b9c8e78eec2cc464851cef36ca03398 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '_khb_experiment/')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_khb_experiment/ b/_khb_experiment/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e34767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_khb_experiment/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+open Util
+open Khs_ast
+open Khs_exec
+let chans = Hashtbl.create 12
+let ch_id =
+ let p = ref 0 in
+ fun () -> p := !p + 1; !p
+let proc = ref []
+let proc_spawned = ref []
+let spawn proc pos =
+ proc_spawned :=
+ { proc with xpos = pos }::(!proc_spawned)
+let newchan proc =
+ let id = ch_id () in
+ Hashtbl.add chans id (Queue.create());
+ Many (Smap.add (psep^"in") (VInt id)
+ (Smap.add (psep^"out") (VInt id) Smap.empty))
+let proc_step proc =
+ match proc.xstatus with
+ | PSDone -> false
+ | PSExec | PSExecRecvd _ ->
+ exec_stmt proc;
+ true
+ | PSSend(c, kv) ->
+ proc.xstatus <- PSExec;
+ begin
+ if (int_of_kbval c) == 0 then
+ Format.printf "%s@." (kval_descr kv)
+ else
+ Queue.push kv (Hashtbl.find chans (int_of_kbval c))
+ end;
+ true
+ | PSRecv(c) ->
+ let q = Hashtbl.find chans (int_of_kbval c) in
+ if not (Queue.is_empty q) then
+ proc.xstatus <- PSExecRecvd (Queue.pop q);
+ true
+let exec_program p =
+ let proc0 = {
+ xspawn = spawn;
+ xnewchan = newchan;
+ xprog = p;
+ xvals = Smap.empty;
+ xstatus = PSExec;
+ xpos = 0
+ } in
+ proc0.xvals <- Smap.add framevar (VInt 0) proc0.xvals;
+ proc0.xvals <- Smap.add "stdout" (VInt 0) proc0.xvals;
+ proc := [ proc0 ];
+ while List.length !proc > 0 do
+ proc := List.filter proc_step !proc;
+ proc := !proc_spawned @ !proc;
+ proc_spawned := [];
+ done