path: root/src/
blob: a149742d1020c7fc2a95efd19c2fc38930e29af2 (plain) (tree)

open Unix

open Util
open Kahn
open Proto

module ProtoKahn: S = struct

	type 'a process = (('a -> unit) option) -> unit

	type 'a channel = id
	type 'a in_port = 'a channel
	type 'a out_port = 'a channel

	let send m = Marshal.to_channel Pervasives.stdout m []; flush Pervasives.stdout
	let read () : message = read_one_msg stdin

	let task_desc t = Marshal.to_string t [Marshal.Closures]

	let send_task t is_io =
		send (GiveTask(task_desc t, is_io))

	let new_channel () =
		let x = new_id() in x, x
	let push_cont cont arg is_io =
		match cont with
		| None -> ()
		| Some cont ->
			send_task (fun () -> cont arg) is_io
	let put v prt =
		fun cont ->
			send (Put(prt, Marshal.to_string v []));
			push_cont cont () false
	let get prt =
		fun cont ->
			send (Get(prt, 
						(fun s -> match cont with
							| None -> ()
							| Some cont -> cont (Marshal.from_string s 0))
	let select pl = fun cont -> assert false
	let select_default = fun cont -> assert false

	let doco plist =
		fun cont ->
			let f_ch_id = new_id () in
				(fun p ->
						(fun () -> p
							(Some (fun () -> send (Put(f_ch_id, ""))))
				) plist;
			let rec push_x = function
			| 0 -> push_cont cont () false
			| n -> send (Get(f_ch_id, task_desc (fun s -> push_x (n-1))))
			in push_x (List.length plist)
	let return v =
		fun cont ->
			match cont with
			| None -> ()
			| Some cont -> cont v
	let bind a f =
		fun cont ->
			a (Some (fun va -> 
				let b = (f va) in
				b cont))
	let bind_io a f = 
		fun cont ->
			a (Some (fun va ->
				(fun () ->
					let b = f va in
					send_task (fun () -> b cont) false)

	let origin = ref false
	let dbg_out = ref false
	let dbg x = if !dbg_out then Format.eprintf "(cli) %s@." x

	let parse_args () =
		let usage = "Usage: ./program [options]" in
		let options = [
			"-org", Arg.Set origin, "Launch root process";
			"-dbg", Arg.Set dbg_out, "Show debug output";
		] in
		Arg.parse options (fun _ -> assert false) usage

	let run proc =
		(* Initialize protocol *)
		send Hello;
		if read () <> Hello then raise (ProtocolError "Server did not say Hello correctly.");
		(* Start task if necessary *)
		if !origin then proc (Some (fun r -> send (FinalResult (Marshal.to_string r []))));
		(* While there are things to do... *)
		let result = ref None in
		while !result = None do
			dbg "Requesting task...";
			send RequestTask;
			dbg "Reading...";
			match read() with
			| GiveTask(td, _) ->
				dbg "Got task!";
				let t : task = Marshal.from_string td 0 in
			| GiveMsgTask(msg, td) ->
				dbg "Got msg task!";
				let t : msg_task = Marshal.from_string td 0 in
				t msg;
			| FinalResult(x) ->
				dbg "Got result!";
				result := Some (Marshal.from_string x 0)
			| _ -> raise (ProtocolError "Invalid message in main loop.")
		(* Return result *)
		match !result with
		| None -> assert false
		| Some r -> r