path: root/tp1/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tp1/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/tp1/ b/tp1/
deleted file mode 100644
index 20c20f5..0000000
--- a/tp1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-let print_only = ref false
-let number_steps = ref (-1)
-let compile filename =
- try
- let p = Netlist.read_file filename in
- let out_name = (Filename.chop_suffix filename ".net") ^ "" in
- let out = open_out out_name in
- let close_all () =
- close_out out
- in
- begin try
- let p = Scheduler.schedule p in
- Netlist_printer.print_program out p;
- with
- | Scheduler.Combinational_cycle ->
- Format.eprintf "The netlist has a combinatory cycle.@.";
- close_all (); exit 2
- end;
- close_all ();
- if not !print_only then (
- let simulator =
- if !number_steps = -1 then
- "./netlist_simulator.byte"
- else
- "./netlist_simulator.byte -n "^(string_of_int !number_steps)
- in
- ignore (Unix.system (simulator^" "^out_name))
- )
- with
- | Netlist.Parse_error s -> Format.eprintf "An error accurred: %s@." s; exit 2
-let main () =
- Arg.parse
- ["-print", Arg.Set print_only, "Only print the result of scheduling";
- "-n", Arg.Set_int number_steps, "Number of steps to simulate"]
- compile
- ""
-main ()