path: root/minijazz/src/global/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'minijazz/src/global/')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/minijazz/src/global/ b/minijazz/src/global/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95ce30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minijazz/src/global/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+open Static
+let pow a n =
+ let rec g p x = function
+ | 0 -> x
+ | i ->
+ g (p * p) (if i mod 2 = 1 then p * x else x) (i/2)
+ in
+ g a 1 n
+let fun_of_op op = match op with
+ | SAdd -> (+) | SMinus -> (-)
+ | SMult -> (fun i1 i2 -> i1 * i2)
+ | SDiv -> (/)
+ | SPower -> pow
+ | _ -> assert false
+let fun_of_comp_op op = match op with
+ | SEqual -> (=) | SLeq -> (<=) | SLess -> (<)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec simplify env se = match se.se_desc with
+ | SInt _ | SBool _ -> se
+ | SVar n ->
+ (try
+ let se = NameEnv.find n env in
+ simplify env se
+ with
+ | Not_found -> se)
+ | SBinOp(op, se1, se2) ->
+ let se1 = simplify env se1 in
+ let se2 = simplify env se2 in
+ let desc =
+ match op, se1.se_desc, se2.se_desc with
+ | (SAdd | SMinus | SDiv | SMult | SPower), SInt i1, SInt i2 ->
+ let f = fun_of_op op in
+ SInt (f i1 i2)
+ | (SEqual | SLess | SLeq | SGreater | SGeq), SInt i1, SInt i2 ->
+ let f = fun_of_comp_op op in
+ SBool (f i1 i2)
+ | _, _, _ -> SBinOp(op, se1, se2)
+ in
+ { se with se_desc = desc }
+ | SIf(c, se1, se2) ->
+ let c = simplify env c in
+ let se1 = simplify env se1 in
+ let se2 = simplify env se2 in
+ (match c.se_desc, se1.se_desc, se2.se_desc with
+ | SBool true, _, _ -> se1
+ | SBool false, _, _ -> se2
+ | _, sed1, sed2 when sed1 = sed2 -> { se with se_desc = sed1 }
+ | _, _, _ -> { se with se_desc = SIf(c, se1, se2) })
+let rec subst env se = match se.se_desc with
+ | SInt _ | SBool _ -> se
+ | SVar n ->
+ (try
+ NameEnv.find n env
+ with
+ | Not_found -> se)
+ | SBinOp(op, se1, se2) ->
+ { se with se_desc = SBinOp(op, subst env se1, subst env se2) }
+ | SIf(c, se1, se2) ->
+ { se with se_desc = SIf(subst env c, subst env se1, subst env se2) }
+exception Unsatisfiable of static_exp
+let check_true env cl =
+ let check_one c =
+ let res = simplify env c in
+ match res.se_desc with
+ | SBool true -> ()
+ | _ -> raise (Unsatisfiable c)
+ in
+ List.iter check_one cl