path: root/minijazz/src/global/
diff options
authorAlex AUVOLAT <>2013-10-31 15:35:11 +0100
committerAlex AUVOLAT <>2013-10-31 15:35:11 +0100
commit0b269f32dd9b8d349f94793dad44e728473e9f0a (patch)
tree066a30fee1efe19d897f5e153d7ea9aa3d7448af /minijazz/src/global/
First commit ; includes first TP and minijazz compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'minijazz/src/global/')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/minijazz/src/global/ b/minijazz/src/global/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50ffbaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minijazz/src/global/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+open Ast
+open Static
+open Misc
+exception Fallback
+type 'a it_funs = {
+ static_exp : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> static_exp -> static_exp * 'a;
+ static_exp_desc : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> static_exp_desc -> static_exp_desc * 'a;
+ ty : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> ty -> ty * 'a;
+ link : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> link -> link * 'a;
+ edesc : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> edesc -> edesc * 'a;
+ exp : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> exp -> exp * 'a;
+ pat : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> pat -> pat * 'a;
+ equation : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> equation -> equation * 'a;
+ var_dec : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> var_dec -> var_dec * 'a;
+ block : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> block -> block * 'a;
+ node_dec : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> node_dec -> node_dec * 'a;
+ const_dec : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> const_dec -> const_dec * 'a;
+ program : 'a it_funs -> 'a -> program -> program * 'a;
+let rec exp_it funs acc e = funs.exp funs acc e
+and exp funs acc e =
+ let e_desc, acc = edesc_it funs acc e.e_desc in
+ let e_ty, acc = ty_it funs acc e.e_ty in
+ { e with e_desc = e_desc; e_ty = e_ty }, acc
+and edesc_it funs acc ed =
+ try funs.edesc funs acc ed
+ with Fallback -> edesc funs acc ed
+and edesc funs acc ed = match ed with
+ | Econst v -> Econst v, acc
+ | Evar id -> Evar id, acc
+ | Ereg e ->
+ let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
+ Ereg e, acc
+ | Emem(k, addr_size, word_size, s, args) ->
+ let addr_size, acc = static_exp_it funs acc addr_size in
+ let word_size, acc = static_exp_it funs acc word_size in
+ let args, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc args in
+ Emem(k, addr_size, word_size, s, args), acc
+ | Ecall(id, params, args) ->
+ let params, acc = mapfold (static_exp_it funs) acc params in
+ let args, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc args in
+ Ecall(id, params, args), acc
+and static_exp_it funs acc sd =
+ try funs.static_exp funs acc sd
+ with Fallback -> static_exp funs acc sd
+and static_exp funs acc se =
+ let se_desc, acc = static_exp_desc_it funs acc se.se_desc in
+ { se with se_desc = se_desc }, acc
+and static_exp_desc_it funs acc sed =
+ try funs.static_exp_desc funs acc sed
+ with Fallback -> static_exp_desc funs acc sed
+and static_exp_desc funs acc sed = match sed with
+ | SInt _ | SBool _ | SVar _ -> sed, acc
+ | SBinOp (sop, se1, se2) ->
+ let se1, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se1 in
+ let se2, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se2 in
+ SBinOp(sop, se1, se2), acc
+ | SIf(c, se1, se2) ->
+ let c, acc = static_exp_it funs acc c in
+ let se1, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se1 in
+ let se2, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se2 in
+ SIf(c, se1, se2), acc
+and ty_it funs acc t = try funs.ty funs acc t with Fallback -> ty funs acc t
+and ty funs acc t = match t with
+ | TUnit | TBit -> t, acc
+ | TBitArray se ->
+ let se, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se in
+ TBitArray se, acc
+ | TProd t_l ->
+ let t_l, acc = mapfold (ty_it funs) acc t_l in
+ TProd t_l, acc
+ | TVar link ->
+ let link_v, acc = link_it funs acc !link in
+ link := link_v;
+ TVar link, acc
+and link_it funs acc c =
+ try funs acc c
+ with Fallback -> link funs acc c
+and link funs acc l = match l with
+ | TIndex _ -> l, acc
+ | TLink ty ->
+ let ty, acc = ty_it funs acc ty in
+ TLink ty, acc
+and pat_it funs acc p =
+ try funs.pat funs acc p
+ with Fallback -> pat funs acc p
+and pat funs acc p = p, acc
+and equation_it funs acc eq = funs.equation funs acc eq
+and equation funs acc (pat, e) =
+ let pat, acc = pat_it funs acc pat in
+ let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
+ (pat, e), acc
+and block_it funs acc b =
+ try funs.block funs acc b
+ with Fallback -> block funs acc b
+and block funs acc b = match b with
+ | BEqs(eqs, vds) ->
+ let vds, acc = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) acc vds in
+ let eqs, acc = mapfold (equation_it funs) acc eqs in
+ BEqs (eqs, vds), acc
+ | BIf(se, b1, b2) ->
+ let se, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se in
+ let b1, acc = block_it funs acc b1 in
+ let b2, acc = block_it funs acc b2 in
+ BIf(se, b1, b2), acc
+and var_dec_it funs acc vd = funs.var_dec funs acc vd
+and var_dec funs acc vd =
+ let v_ty, acc = ty_it funs acc vd.v_ty in
+ { vd with v_ty = v_ty }, acc
+and node_dec_it funs acc nd = funs.node_dec funs acc nd
+and node_dec funs acc nd =
+ let n_inputs, acc = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) acc nd.n_inputs in
+ let n_outputs, acc = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) acc nd.n_outputs in
+ let n_constraints, acc = mapfold (static_exp_it funs) acc nd.n_constraints in
+ let n_body, acc = block_it funs acc nd.n_body in
+ { nd with
+ n_inputs = n_inputs;
+ n_outputs = n_outputs;
+ n_body = n_body;
+ n_constraints = n_constraints }
+ , acc
+and const_dec_it funs acc c = funs.const_dec funs acc c
+and const_dec funs acc c =
+ let c_value, acc = static_exp_it funs acc c.c_value in
+ { c with c_value = c_value }, acc
+and program_it funs acc p = funs.program funs acc p
+and program funs acc p =
+ let p_consts, acc = mapfold (const_dec_it funs) acc p.p_consts in
+ let p_nodes, acc = mapfold (node_dec_it funs) acc p.p_nodes in
+ { p_nodes = p_nodes; p_consts = p_consts }, acc
+let defaults = {
+ static_exp = static_exp;
+ static_exp_desc = static_exp_desc;
+ ty = ty;
+ link = link;
+ edesc = edesc;
+ exp = exp;
+ pat = pat;
+ equation = equation;
+ var_dec = var_dec;
+ block = block;
+ node_dec = node_dec;
+ const_dec = const_dec;
+ program = program;