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authorAlex AUVOLAT <>2014-01-19 18:00:44 +0100
committerAlex AUVOLAT <>2014-01-19 18:00:44 +0100
commit5cca7e5630c3d1125e7f0c459102c944a0593711 (patch)
parent4694db1f84cecd3b74bb53ec8b514a2415d14c92 (diff)
Add lilypond stuff
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+\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}
+\title{Conception and realization of the VIVACE architecture
+ \\ \normalsize{\textsc{Projet de Système digital}}}
+\author{A. Auvolat \and É. Enguehard \and J. Laurent}
+The VIVACE architecture is
+a minimalistic 16 bits RISC microprocessor architecture, largely inspired by the MIPS
+The principal characteristics of the architecture are:
+\item \textit{8 general-purpose registers}, which can hold 16 bits integers: \prog{Z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G}
+\item \textit{16 bit memory addressing}, enabling the CPU to use up to $64kb$ of memory.
+In order to implement and run the architecture, the following programs have been written:
+\item \textit{Netlist simulator} and \textit{netlist optimizer}
+\item An \textit{OCaml library} for generating netlists from Caml code
+\item The code for the \textit{CPU implementation} (written in Caml)
+\item A \textit{monitor} which is used to interact dynamically with the netlist simulator
+\item An \textit{assembler} which can be used to produce the ROM files run by the CPU.
+The reader keen on learning valuable and useful information should skip the next
+section and jump to section \ref{sec:useful}. He who does not strive for usefulness
+may proceed.
+\section{The name VIVACE}
+VIVACE is a recursive acronym standing for “Virtually Infallible VIVACE Automated
+Computing Environment”. We do not think anyone would dispute that VIVACE is an
+automated computing environment, and shall thus discuss the rest of the allegations
+that are made in this name.
+\subsection{Why is VIVACE virtually infallible ?}
+VIVACE bears a great many similarities to the pope, in that, among other things,
+it is virtually infallible the sole and only reason that we, its creators, are able
+to claim as loudly as needs be that it is so.
+\subsection{Why “Vivace” ?}
+“Vivace”, as anyone knows, is an italian word meaning, surprisingly enough, “vivacious”.
+Outside of its homeland, the word is mostly known for its place of honour in the musical
+glossary. Its inscription at the beginning of a musical piece means the composer
+of said piece intends it to be played in a lively tone, yet the interpret should not
+strive for fastness and virtuosity, as he should if the inscription were “Allegro”
+or “Presto”.
+Its name, thus, suits perfectly VIVACE; it is certainly as fast as a software-emulated
+microprocessor can be, yet, as it is the sad fate of any software-emulated microprocessor,
+it is extremely slow.
+One may ask: what does VIVACE has to do with music? In fact, the VIVACE CPU has
+eight registers, seven of which are referred to with the letters \prog{A} through \prog{G}.
+In English musical notation, those letters happen to be the names of the seven notes
+of the usual scale.\footnote{In German musical notation, the letters \prog{A}
+through \prog{G} are the names of the same seven notes, but in F major instead of C
+major. Thus the letter \prog{B} represents an English B-flat, while an English B
+is represented by the letter H.}
+This relation between VIVACE and music can be used to translate VIVACE programs
+into musical pieces, which, while extremely interesting from an intellectual point
+of view, is remarkably useless. Consider, for instance, the following program,
+that uses only elementary instructions (see
+section \ref{sec:assembly} for a description of the VIVACE assembly language):
+ # reads a nonnegative rational number and outputs its integer part and
+ # whether it is an integer or not
+ liuz A 0x41 # input address
+ lbr B 0(A) # numerator
+ lra E 2
+ lbr C 0(A)
+ jer E C Z # denominator must be non-zero
+ divu D B C
+ se G E Z
+ mulu F D C
+ lil A 0x02 # output address
+ sb F 0(A)
+ sb G 0(A)
+Mapping cycles to notes' length and write access to registers to the pitch, we get
+the following piece, for the input \prog{31 10}:
+\set Timing.defaultBarType = ""
+a'4 b'4. e'4 c'4. s \appoggiatura e'8 d'\breve g'4 f'2 a'4 s2}
+As should be expected, it sounds awful.
+\section{How to run the VIVACE cpu}
+All the tools described in the introduction must first be compiled:
+ $ cd csim; make; cd ..
+ $ cd sched; make; cd ..
+ $ cd monitor; make; cd ..
+ $ cd asm; make; cd ..
+To run the VIVACE CPU, type the following:
+ $ cd cpu; make
+\subsection{Monitor commands}
+You are now running the VIVACE CPU. The monitor accepts a few commands to control the simulation.
+First, you must configure the monitor to communicate with the CPU. Type:
+ t 0
+ s 1 19 18
+ d7 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
+The first command sets up the tick input (a tick is sent once every second on this input by the monitor). The
+second command sets up the serial input/output. The third command sets up the 7-segment display (8 digits displayed).
+Now, use the following commands to control the simulation:
+ \item \prog{a} run the simulation at full speed
+ \item \prog{m} run the simulation step by step (enter an empty command to run a step)
+ \item \prog{f <freq>} run the simulation at fixed frequency (frequency is dynamically ajusted so
+ this is not very accurate)
+ \item \prog{q} exit simulation
+The CPU recieves commands on the serial input. To send a command to the CPU, use the following syntax:
+ :<cpu_command>
+For instance:
+ :Y2014
+These commands are essentially used to set one of the six variables \prog{YMDhms} ; the syntax is similar to the
+example command given above. An empty CPU command tells the CPU to just tell us what time and what day it is.
+\section{Program details}
+\subsection{Generating netlists from Caml code}
+We have developped a library that enables us to easily generate netlists from Caml code. The Caml code we write
+has the same abstraction level that MiniJazz has, but it is more comfortable to write circuits like this than
+with MiniJazz code.
+The library functions are defined in \prog{cpu/netlist\_gen.mli}. Basically, we have created functions that build
+the graph of logical operations. The abstract type \prog{t} is actually a closure to a function that adds the
+required equation to a netlist program being built, therefore the generation of a netlist consists in two steps:
+the generation of a closure graph that describes the graph of logical operations, and the execution of these
+closures on a program which, at the beginning, has only the circuit inputs. The equations are progressively
+added to the program when the closures are called.
+The VIVACE CPU has been entirely realized using this library.
+\subsection{The VIVACE CPU}
+\subsubsection{Control structure}
+The CPU is able to execute instructions that need several cycles to run. The two first cycles of an instruction's
+execution are used to load that instruction (16 bits have to be read, ie two bytes). Most instructions finish
+their execution on the second cycle, but some executions need more cycles to run:
+ \item Load and store instructions need one or two extra cycles
+ \item The multiplication operation needs as many cycles as the position
+ of the most-significant non-null bit in the second operand.
+ \item The division always runs on 16 cycles.
+The execution of instructions on several cycles is implemented using a ``control bit'' that cycles through
+several steps: load instruction, various steps of instruction execution. A few of these step control bits
+appear in the simulator, as CPU outputs:
+ \item \prog{read\_ilow}, \prog{read\_ihi} CPU is reading low byte/high byte of the instruction
+ \item \prog{ex\_instr} CPU begins execution of the instruction
+ \item \prog{ex\_finish} CPU finishes execution of the instruction (modified registers may only appear
+ in the monitor at the next step)
+\subsubsection{ROM, RAM and MMIO}
+The CPU has uniform acces to a 64kb address space, which contains the ROM (\prog{0x0000-0x3FFF}), MMIO (\prog{0x4000-0x7FFF})
+and the RAM (\prog{0x8000-0xFFFF}).
+The \prog{cpu\_ram} (\prog{}) subcircuit is basically a bunch of multiplexers that redirect reads and writes to the correct places.
+The serial input/output is implemented using one input and two outputs :
+ \item Input \prog{ser\_in} (8 bits) : when this input is non-null, the character entered is buffered by
+ the CPU. This buffer can be read by reading MMIO byte at address \prog{0x4100}. The buffer is reset to zero
+ on read.
+ \item Output \prog{ser\_in\_busy} (1 bit) : signals when the input buffer is nonzero (ie a character is
+ pending, waiting for the CPU to read and handle it).
+ \item Output \prog{ser\_out} (8 bits) : when non-null, the CPU is sending a character to the serial output.
+ This output can be written by writing MMIO byte at address \prog{0x4102}.
+The clock is also handled by MMIO : the CPU recieves a tick every second on input \prog{tick}. When a tick is
+recieved, the tick buffer is incremented by one. This tick buffer can be read by reading MMIO word at address
+\prog{0x4000}. When the word is read, the buffer is reset to zero.
+The 7-segment display is also handled by MMIO : the 8 digits can be modified by writing a byte to MMIO addresses
+\prog{0x4200} to \prog{4207}.
+\subsubsection{The ALU}
+\subsection{The VIVACE assembly}
+The VIVACE assembly language is mostly inspired from the MIPS assembly language.
+An assembly program is made of a \prog{.text} and an optional \prog{.data} segment, both of
+which may contain labels that behave exactly like in MIPS, except that they may not
+begin with a capital letter. End-of-line characters are
+used as delimiters. Comments begin with \prog{\#} and end with en end-of-line character.
+\subsubsection{The \prog{.data} segment}
+Due to limitations of the simulator that we did not consider were worth the trouble to remove,
+the \prog{.data} segment only contains uninitialized data. Its main use is to declare labels for use
+in the \prog{.text} segment. Instead of formally describing the straightforward syntax of the
+\prog{.data} segment, we will provide a simple example:
+ word 3 # three 16-bit words
+label2: # label2 is label1 + 6
+ byte 1 # one byte
+\subsubsection{The \prog{.text} segment}
+The \prog{.text} segment contains both instructions and read-only data. The programmer
+has to ensure that the program counter never reaches the data. Read-only data is declared
+in the following manner:
+ # here be instructions
+ # they'd better end with a jump
+ word 0b101010 42 '*' # three words with the same value
+ word -1 # 0xFFFF
+ byte -1 255 # 0xFF 0xFF
+ ascii "hello world!\n" # a trailing null character is automatically added
+ ascii "well hello to you good sir!"
+ word string1 string2 # this will make things easier
+Instructions have between 0 and 3 operands, which are to be separated by spaces.
+Depending on each instruction, operands may be integers, labels or registers.
+Registers are referenced either by their name (\prog{Z}, \prog{A} etc.) or by
+their number (\prog{\$0}, \prog{\$1} and so on). Here is a list of possible
+instruction formats:
+# format R3:
+ add A B C
+ add A B -5 # signed, 5 bits
+# format R2:
+ move A B
+# format I:
+ incri A 2 # signed byte
+# format J:
+ j -5 # signed, 11 bits
+ j label
+# format R:
+ jr RA # RA is G
+# format MEM:
+ lw A 2(D) # signed, 5 bits
+ lw A addr_label
+# format H:
+ hlt
+The first register is usually the destination register. Like in MIPS, the \prog{sw}
+and \prog{sb} instructions are exceptions to this rule.
+Here is a list of all instructions supported by the VIVACE assembly language. The
+column specifies wether the instruction is actually supported by the processor or
+it is translated to elementary instructions. Elementary instructions may still
+be translated to several instructions, for example if the operands are too big,
+or if integer operands are used in a command that only accepts registers. In that
+case, the \prog{E} register is used to store the operands.\footnote{While the assembler will process
+all listed instructions, some of them may not have been implemented in the CPU itself.}
+Name & Elementary? & Format & Comments \\ \midrule
+\prog{add} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{sub} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{mul} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{div} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{addu} & Yes & R3 & Unsigned version of \prog{add} \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{subu} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{mulu} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{divu} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{and} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{or} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{xor} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{nor} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lsl} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lsr} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{asr} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{se} & Yes & R3 & “Set if Equal” \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{sne} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{slt} & Yes & R3 & “Set if Lower Than” \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{sle} & Yes & R3 & “Set if Lower or Equal” \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{sltu} & Yes & R3 & Unsigned version of \prog{slt} \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{sleu} & Yes & R3 & “Set if Lower Than” \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{incri} & Yes & I & Allows for larger integers than \prog{add} \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{shi} & Yes & I & Shifts first operand by second operand; mostly useless\\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{j} & Yes & J & If operand is an integer, performs a relative jump \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jal} & Yes & J & “Jump and link;” return address is stored in \prog{G}\\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jr} & Yes & R & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jalr} & Yes & R & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jer} & Yes & R3 & “Jump if (R2 and R3 are) Equal to (address stored in) Register” \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jner} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jltru} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jleru} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lra} & Yes & J & Instead of performing jump, loads target address in register
+\footnote{Labels may be loaded with command \prog{li}.} \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lw} & Yes & MEM & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{sw} & Yes & MEM & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lb} & Yes & MEM & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{sb} & Yes & MEM & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lwr} & Yes & R3 & Looks up at address R2 + R3\\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{swr} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{sbr} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lbr} & Yes & R3 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{hlt} & Yes & H & Infinite loop \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{li} & No & I & Translates to appropriate \prog{li*} commands \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lilz} & Yes & I & Loads lower byte, zeroes upper byte \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{liuz} & Yes & I & Loads upper byte, zeroes lower byte \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{lil} & Yes & I & Loads lower byte \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{liu} & Yes & I & Loads upper byte \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{push} & No & R & Stores contents of register on top of stack \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{pop} & No & R & Loads contents of register from top of stack \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{move} & No & R2 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{not} & No & R2 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{move} & No & R2 & \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jz} & No & R2 & “Jump if Zero“ \\ \cmidrule{1-4}
+\prog{jnz} & No & R2 & \\ \bottomrule
+In addition to this, labels \prog{\underscore clock}, \prog{\underscore output}
+and \prog{\underscore input} are
+mapped respectively to the clock counter, the serial output and the serial input.
+Here is an example function that outputs a string on the serial output:
+ PROCEDURE: ser_out_str
+# ROLE: write null-terminated string to serial output
+# ARGUMENTS: address of string in register A
+ li C _output
+ lb B 0(A)
+ jz B _ser_out_str_ret
+ sb B 0(C)
+ incri A 1
+ j _ser_out_str_loop
+ jr RA
+\subsubsection{The assembler}
+The assembler itself is written in OCaml in a quite straightforward manner, using
+the \prog{ocamllex} and \prog{menhir} tools, which allows for great flexibility.
+\subsection{The simulator and the monitor}
+The simulator is written in C for performance reasons.
+The monitor is a C program, using the curses library for output to the console.
+The simulator and the monitor communicate via Unix named pipes (FIFO's), which are created in
+the files \prog{/tmp/sim2mon} and \prog{/tmp/mon2sim}. The synchronization of the two programs
+has been somewhat problematic, due to incorrect use of \prog{scanf} making the programs hang.
+\subsection{The operating system}
+\section{Results and benchmarking}
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-\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}
-\title{Conception and realization of the VIVACE architecture
- \\ \normalsize{\textsc{Projet de Système digital}}}
-\author{A.Auvolat, E.Enguehard, J.Laurent}
-The VIVACE\footnote{Virtually Infaillible VIVACE Automated Computing Environment} architecture is
-a minimalistic 16 bits RISC microprocessor architecture, largely inspired by the MIPS
-The principal characteristics of the architecture are:
-\item \textit{8 general-purpose registers}, which can hold 16 bits integers: \prog{Z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G}
-\item \textit{16 bit memory addressing}, enabling the CPU to use up to $64kb$ of memory.
-In order to implement and run the architecture, the following programs have been written:
-\item \textit{Netlist simulator} and \textit{netlist optimizer}
-\item An \textit{OCaml library} for generating netlists from Caml code
-\item The code for the \textit{CPU implementation} (written in Caml)
-\item A \textit{monitor} which is used to interact dynamically with the netlist simulator
-\item An \textit{assembler} which can be used to produce the ROM files run by the CPU.
-\section{How to run the VIVACE cpu}
-All the tools described in the introduction must first be compiled:
- $ cd csim; make; cd ..
- $ cd sched; make; cd ..
- $ cd monitor; make; cd ..
- $ cd asm; make; cd ..
-To run the VIVACE CPU, type the following:
- $ cd cpu; make
-\subsection{Monitor commands}
-You are now running the VIVACE CPU. The monitor accepts a few commands to control the simulation.
-First, you must configure the monitor to communicate with the CPU. Type:
- t 0
- s 1 19 18
- d7 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
-The first command sets up the tick input (a tick is sent once every second on this input by the monitor). The
-second command sets up the serial input/output. The third command sets up the 7-segment display (8 digits displayed).
-Now, use the following commands to control the simulation:
- \item \prog{a} run the simulation at full speed
- \item \prog{m} run the simulation step by step (enter an empty command to run a step)
- \item \prog{f <freq>} run the simulation at fixed frequency (frequency is dynamically ajusted so
- this is not very accurate)
- \item \prog{q} exit simulation
-The CPU recieves commands on the serial input. To send a command to the CPU, use the following syntax:
- :<cpu_command>
-For instance:
- :Y2014
-These commands are essentially used to set one of the six variables \prog{YMDhms} ; the syntax is similar to the
-example command given above. An empty CPU command tells the CPU to just tell us what time and what day it is.
-\section{Program details}
-\subsection{Generating netlists from Caml code}
-We have developped a library that enables us to easily generate netlists from Caml code. The Caml code we write
-has the same abstraction level that MiniJazz has, but it is more comfortable to write circuits like this than
-with MiniJazz code.
-The library functions are defined in \prog{cpu/netlist\_gen.mli}. Basically, we have created functions that build
-the graph of logical operations. The abstract type \prog{t} is actually a closure to a function that adds the
-required equation to a netlist program being built, therefore the generation of a netlist consists in two steps:
-the generation of a closure graph that describes the graph of logical operations, and the execution of these
-closures on a program which, at the beginning, has only the circuit inputs. The equations are progressively
-added to the program when the closures are called.
-The VIVACE CPU has been entirely realized using this library.
-\subsection{The VIVACE CPU}
-\subsubsection{Control structure}
-The CPU is able to execute instructions that need several cycles to run. The two first cycles of an instruction's
-execution are used to load that instruction (16 bits have to be read, ie two bytes). Most instructions finish
-their execution on the second cycle, but some executions need more cycles to run:
- \item Load and store instructions need one or two extra cycles
- \item The multiplication operation needs as many cycles as the position
- of the most-significant non-null bit in the second operand.
- \item The division always runs on 16 cycles.
-The execution of instructions on several cycles is implemented using a ``control bit'' that cycles through
-several steps: load instruction, various steps of instruction execution. A few of these step control bits
-appear in the simulator, as CPU outputs:
- \item \prog{read\_ilow}, \prog{read\_ihi} CPU is reading low byte/high byte of the instruction
- \item \prog{ex\_instr} CPU begins execution of the instruction
- \item \prog{ex\_finish} CPU finishes execution of the instruction (modified registers may only appear
- in the monitor at the next step)
-\subsubsection{ROM, RAM and MMIO}
-The CPU has uniform acces to a 64kb address space, which contains the ROM (\prog{0x0000-0x3FFF}), MMIO (\prog{0x4000-0x7FFF})
-and the RAM (\prog{0x8000-0xFFFF}).
-The \prog{cpu\_ram} (\prog{}) subcircuit is basically a bunch of multiplexers that redirect reads and writes to the correct places.
-The serial input/output is implemented using one input and two outputs :
- \item Input \prog{ser\_in} (8 bits) : when this input is non-null, the character entered is buffered by
- the CPU. This buffer can be read by reading MMIO byte at address \prog{0x4100}. The buffer is reset to zero
- on read.
- \item Output \prog{ser\_in\_busy} (1 bit) : signals when the input buffer is nonzero (ie a character is
- pending, waiting for the CPU to read and handle it).
- \item Output \prog{ser\_out} (8 bits) : when non-null, the CPU is sending a character to the serial output.
- This output can be written by writing MMIO byte at address \prog{0x4102}.
-The clock is also handled by MMIO : the CPU recieves a tick every second on input \prog{tick}. When a tick is
-recieved, the tick buffer is incremented by one. This tick buffer can be read by reading MMIO word at address
-\prog{0x4000}. When the word is read, the buffer is reset to zero.
-The 7-segment display is also handled by MMIO : the 8 digits can be modified by writing a byte to MMIO addresses
-\prog{0x4200} to \prog{4207}.
-\subsubsection{The ALU}
-\subsection{The assembler}
-\subsection{The simulator and the monitor}
-The simulator is written in C for performance reasons.
-The monitor is a C program, using the curses library for output to the console.
-The simulator and the monitor communicate via Unix named pipes (FIFO's), which are created in
-the files \prog{/tmp/sim2mon} and \prog{/tmp/mon2sim}. The synchronization of the two programs
-has somewhat been problematic, due to incorrect use of \prog{scanf} making the programs hang.
-\subsection{The operating system}
-\section{Results and benchmarking}