path: root/tp1/
blob: 130164b3f271fe6c2bb6cef5c5714181647ae5df (plain) (tree)

open Netlist_ast

module Smap = Map.Make(String)

exception Combinational_cycle

let read_exp eq =
	let add_arg x l = match x with
		| Avar(f) -> f::l
		| Aconst(_) -> l
	let aux = function
	| Earg(x) -> add_arg x []
	| Ereg(i) -> []
	| Enot(x) -> add_arg x []
	| Ebinop(_, x, y) -> add_arg x (add_arg y [])
	| Emux(a, b, c) -> add_arg a (add_arg b (add_arg c []))
	| Erom(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
	| Eram(_, _, a, b, c, d) -> []
	| Econcat(u, v) -> add_arg u (add_arg v [])
	| Eslice(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
	| Eselect(_, a) -> add_arg a []
		aux eq;;

let schedule p =
	let graph = Graph.mk_graph() in
	let eq_map = List.fold_left (fun x (vn, eqn) -> Smap.add vn eqn x) Smap.empty p.p_eqs in
	(* Add variables as graph nodes *)
	List.iter (fun (k, _) -> Graph.add_node graph k) p.p_eqs;
	(* Add dependencies as graph edges *)
		(fun (n, e) -> List.iter
			(fun m -> if Smap.mem m eq_map then Graph.add_edge graph m n else ())
			(read_exp e))
	(* Verify there are no cycles *)
	if Graph.has_cycle graph then raise Combinational_cycle;
	(* Topological sort of graph nodes *)
	let topo_vars = Graph.topological graph in
	(* Construct new program with sorted expression list *)
		p_eqs = List.fold_right
			(fun n x -> if Smap.mem n eq_map then (n, Smap.find n eq_map)::x else x) topo_vars [];
		p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
		p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
		p_vars = p.p_vars;