blob: ad4fded8755c75167e10464881bae4d03afe8427 (
plain) (
exception Cycle
type mark = NotVisited | InProgress | Visited
type 'a graph =
{ mutable g_nodes : 'a node list }
and 'a node = {
n_label : 'a;
mutable n_mark : mark;
mutable n_link_to : 'a node list;
mutable n_linked_by : 'a node list;
let mk_graph () = { g_nodes = [] }
let add_node g x =
let n = { n_label = x; n_mark = NotVisited; n_link_to = []; n_linked_by = [] } in
g.g_nodes <- n::g.g_nodes
let node_for_label g x =
List.find (fun n -> n.n_label = x) g.g_nodes
let add_edge g id1 id2 =
let n1 = node_for_label g id1 in
let n2 = node_for_label g id2 in
n1.n_link_to <- n2::n1.n_link_to;
n2.n_linked_by <- n1::n2.n_linked_by
let clear_marks g =
List.iter (fun n -> n.n_mark <- NotVisited) g.g_nodes
let find_roots g =
List.filter (fun n -> n.n_linked_by = []) g.g_nodes
let has_cycle g =
clear_marks g;
let rec visit n =
match n.n_mark with
| InProgress -> true
| Visited -> false
| NotVisited ->
n.n_mark <- InProgress;
let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> x || (visit n)) false n.n_link_to in
n.n_mark <- Visited;
let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> x || (if n.n_mark = Visited then false else visit n)) false g.g_nodes
in clear_marks g; ret
let topological g =
clear_marks g;
let rec aux acc n =
if n.n_mark = Visited
then acc
else begin
n.n_mark <- Visited;
n.n_label :: (List.fold_left (fun x n -> aux x n) acc n.n_linked_by)
let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> aux x n) [] g.g_nodes
in clear_marks g; List.rev ret
let topological_from_roots g roots =
clear_marks g;
let rec aux acc n =
if n.n_mark = Visited
then acc
else begin
n.n_mark <- Visited;
n.n_label :: (List.fold_left (fun x n -> aux x n) acc n.n_linked_by)
let ret = List.fold_left
(fun x n -> aux x (node_for_label g n)) [] roots
let used = List.fold_left
(fun s n ->
if n.n_mark = Visited then
g.g_nodes in
clear_marks g;
List.rev ret, used