path: root/frontend/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/ b/frontend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ecdc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ Cours "Sémantique et Application à la Vérification de programmes"
+ Antoine Miné 2014
+ Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, France / CNRS / INRIA
+ Pretty-printer for abstract syntax trees.
+open Abstract_syntax_tree
+open Lexing
+(* locations *)
+(* ********* *)
+let string_of_position p =
+ Printf.sprintf "%s:%i:%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol)
+let string_of_extent (p,q) =
+ if p.pos_fname = q.pos_fname then
+ if p.pos_lnum = q.pos_lnum then
+ if p.pos_cnum = q.pos_cnum then
+ Printf.sprintf "%s:%i.%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol)
+ else
+ Printf.sprintf "%s:%i.%i-%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol) (q.pos_cnum - q.pos_bol)
+ else
+ Printf.sprintf "%s:%i.%i-%i.%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol) q.pos_lnum (q.pos_cnum - q.pos_bol)
+ else
+ Printf.sprintf "%s:%i.%i-%s:%i.%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol) q.pos_fname q.pos_lnum (q.pos_cnum - q.pos_bol)
+(* operators *)
+(* ********* *)
+let string_of_unary_op = function
+ | AST_UNARY_PLUS -> "+"
+ | AST_UNARY_MINUS -> "-"
+ | AST_NOT -> "!"
+let string_of_binary_op = function
+ | AST_MULTIPLY -> "*"
+ | AST_DIVIDE -> "/"
+ | AST_MODULO -> "%"
+ | AST_PLUS -> "+"
+ | AST_MINUS -> "-"
+ | AST_EQUAL -> "=="
+ | AST_NOT_EQUAL -> "!="
+ | AST_LESS -> "<"
+ | AST_LESS_EQUAL -> "<="
+ | AST_GREATER -> ">"
+ | AST_AND -> "&&"
+ | AST_OR -> "||"
+(* higher values mean higher precedence *)
+let binary_precedence = function
+ | AST_AND -> 2
+ | AST_OR -> 1
+(* precedence of the operator at the root of the expression;
+ this is used to avoid printing unnecessary parentheses
+ *)
+let expr_precedence = function
+ | AST_unary (op, _) -> 99
+ | AST_binary(op, _, _) -> binary_precedence op
+ | _ -> 100
+(* utility to print lists *)
+let print_list f sep fmt l =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [a] -> f fmt a
+ | a::b -> f fmt a; Format.pp_print_string fmt sep; aux b
+ in
+ aux l
+(* types *)
+(* ***** *)
+let string_of_typ = function
+ | AST_TYP_INT -> "int"
+ | AST_TYP_BOOL -> "bool"
+ | AST_TYP_AUTO -> "auto"
+(* expressions *)
+(* *********** *)
+let print_id fmt v =
+ Format.pp_print_string fmt v
+let rec print_expr fmt e =
+ match e with
+ | AST_unary (op,(e1,_)) ->
+ Format.pp_print_string fmt (string_of_unary_op op);
+ if expr_precedence e1 <= expr_precedence e
+ then Format.fprintf fmt " (%a)" print_expr e1
+ else Format.fprintf fmt " %a" print_expr e1
+ | AST_binary (op,(e1,_),(e2,_)) ->
+ if expr_precedence e1 < expr_precedence e
+ then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) " print_expr e1
+ else Format.fprintf fmt "%a " print_expr e1;
+ Format.pp_print_string fmt (string_of_binary_op op);
+ if expr_precedence e2 <= expr_precedence e
+ then Format.fprintf fmt " (%a)" print_expr e2
+ else Format.fprintf fmt " %a" print_expr e2
+ | AST_int_const (i,_) -> Format.pp_print_string fmt i
+ | AST_int_rand ((i1,_),(i2,_)) -> Format.fprintf fmt "rand(%s, %s)" i1 i2
+ | AST_bool_const b -> Format.pp_print_bool fmt b
+ | AST_identifier (v,_) -> print_id fmt v
+ | AST_expr_call ((i,_),l) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%a(%a)"
+ print_id i (print_list print_expr ",") ( fst l)
+let print_lvalue fmt v =
+ Format.pp_print_string fmt v
+(* statements *)
+(* ********** *)
+let indent ind = ind^" "
+(* ind is a string of spaces (indentation) to put at the begining of each line
+ *)
+let rec print_stat ind fmt = function
+ | AST_block b ->
+ print_block ind fmt b
+ | AST_assign ((v,_),(e,_)) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a = %a;@\n"
+ ind print_lvalue v print_expr e
+ | AST_if ((e,_), (b1,_), None) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%sif (%a)@\n%a"
+ ind print_expr e (print_stat (indent ind)) b1
+ | AST_if ((e,_), (b1,_), Some (b2,_)) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%sif (%a)@\n%a%selse@\n%a"
+ ind print_expr e (print_stat (indent ind)) b1
+ ind (print_stat (indent ind)) b2
+ | AST_while ((e,_),(b,_)) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%swhile (%a)@\n%a"
+ ind print_expr e (print_stat (indent ind)) b
+ | AST_assert ((e,_)) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%sassert (%a);@\n"
+ ind print_expr e
+ | AST_print l ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%sprint (%a);@\n"
+ ind (print_list print_id ",") ( fst l)
+ | AST_local d ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a" ind print_var_decl d
+ | AST_stat_call ((i,_),l) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a(%a);@\n"
+ ind print_id i (print_list print_expr ",") ( fst l)
+ | AST_return None ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%sreturn;@\n" ind
+ | AST_return (Some (e,_)) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%sreturn %a;@\n"
+ ind print_expr e
+ | AST_BREAK ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%sbreak;@\n" ind
+ | AST_HALT ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%shalt;@\n" ind
+ | AST_label (l,_) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a:@\n" ind print_id l
+ | AST_goto (l,_) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%sgoto %a;@\n" ind print_id l
+and print_block ind fmt b =
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s{@\n" ind;
+ List.iter (fun (bb,_) -> print_stat (indent ind) fmt bb) b;
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s}@\n" ind
+(* declarations *)
+(* ************ *)
+and print_var_decl fmt ((t,_),l) =
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a;@\n"
+ (string_of_typ t) (print_list print_var_init ", ") l
+and print_var_init fmt ((i,_),eo) =
+ print_id fmt i;
+ match eo with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (e,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt " = %a" print_expr e
+let print_arg_decl fmt ((t,_),(i,_)) =
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a"
+ (string_of_typ t) print_id i
+let print_fun_decl fmt f =
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a(%a)@\n%a"
+ (match fst (f.fun_typ) with None -> "void" | Some t -> string_of_typ t)
+ print_id (fst f.fun_name)
+ (print_list print_arg_decl ", ") f.fun_args
+ (print_block "") f.fun_body
+let print_toplevel fmt = function
+ | AST_stat (s,_) -> print_stat "" fmt s
+ | AST_fun_decl (f,_) -> print_fun_decl fmt f
+(* programs *)
+(* ******** *)
+let print_prog fmt (p,_) =
+ List.iter (print_toplevel fmt) p