path: root/src/
diff options
authorAlex AUVOLAT <>2014-01-10 18:45:19 +0100
committerAlex AUVOLAT <>2014-01-10 18:45:19 +0100
commit2c7d3a47508e2323cd70d8f65324d8c3d01e51d0 (patch)
tree294b28c4ab8b10ff14af07a206b5cdb997a645a3 /src/
parentc4fca6ff8ffa7ad8e6129dd0f6fe1b72d58c950f (diff)
parenta95f51e847892fe0e358c519cc4bac42382fbbb7 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into codegen-optHEADmaster
Conflicts: src/
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7377d5c..4a47987 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -678,51 +678,53 @@ let compute_tclass env c =
| Some k -> Some (build_type_or_ref k)
| None -> None in
- (* If method is redefined from a virtual method of a parent class, it becomes virtual with same offset
- Else if method is virtual, it gets new offset !
- Else method is not virtual, everything is simple. *)
- let rec check_in_super (s:tcls_hier) =
- match List.fold_left (fun k s ->
- let r = check_in_super s in
- match k, r with
- | None, None -> None
- | None, Some k -> Some k
- | Some k, None -> None
- | Some k, Some r -> ty_error ("Ambiguous redefinition of " ^ proto.p_name))
- None s.h_supers
- with
- | Some k -> Some k
- | None ->
- List.fold_left (fun f (i, p) ->
- if (p.tp_name = proto.p_name && ( fst p.tp_args) = args_types && p.tp_virtual <> None)
- then begin
- ty_assert (p.tp_ret_type = ret_type) "Virtual method must be redefined with same return type.";
- Some (s, i)
- end else f) None s.h_vtable
- in let super = match check_in_super hier with
- | None -> if virt then
- (* allocate new spot in vtable of this object *)
- Some (hier, List.fold_left (fun n (x, _) -> max n (x+4)) 0 hier.h_vtable)
- else None
- | Some k -> Some k
- in
- (* Build proto *)
+ (* Build primitive proto *)
let tproto =
- { tp_virtual = super;
+ { tp_virtual = None;
tp_name = proto.p_name;
tp_unique_ident = proto.p_name ^ (tproto_unique_number()) ;
tp_class = Some(cls_name);
tp_ret_type = ret_type;
tp_args = args;
} in
- (* Add to vtable *)
- begin match super with
- | None -> ()
- | Some (c, i) ->
- c.h_vtable <- (i, tproto)::(List.remove_assoc i c.h_vtable)
- end;
- tproto) in
+ (* If method is redefined from a virtual method of a parent class,
+ it becomes virtual with same offset
+ If method is redefined from a virtual method of several parent classes,
+ update vtables for all these parent classes, use any as virtual
+ class for this class.
+ Else if method is virtual, it gets new offset !
+ Else method is not virtual, everything is simple. *)
+ let rec check_in_super (s:tcls_hier) =
+ let c_proto =
+ try
+ let (pos, proto) = List.find
+ (fun (_, p) -> p.tp_name = proto.p_name && ( fst p.tp_args) = args_types && p.tp_virtual <> None)
+ s.h_vtable in
+ ty_assert (proto.tp_ret_type = ret_type)
+ "Redefinition of virtual method must be done with same return type.";
+ let new_proto = { tproto with tp_virtual = Some(s, pos) } in
+ s.h_vtable <- (pos, new_proto)::(List.remove_assoc pos s.h_vtable);
+ Some (s, pos)
+ with | Not_found -> None
+ in
+ List.fold_left (fun k s ->
+ match check_in_super s with
+ | None -> k
+ | r -> r)
+ c_proto s.h_supers
+ in
+ match check_in_super hier with
+ | None -> if virt then
+ (* allocate new spot in vtable of this object *)
+ let pos = List.fold_left (fun n (x, _) -> max n (x+4)) 0 hier.h_vtable in
+ let proto = { tproto with tp_virtual = Some (hier, pos) } in
+ hier.h_vtable <- (pos, proto)::hier.h_vtable;
+ proto
+ else tproto
+ | some_super -> { tproto with tp_virtual = some_super }
+ ) in
(mem, mem_u), m::meth
) ((Smap.empty, used), []) c.c_members in
(* make sure class has default constructor *)