path: root/src/
diff options
authorAlex AUVOLAT <>2013-12-20 18:20:40 +0100
committerAlex AUVOLAT <>2013-12-20 18:20:40 +0100
commit5f148b96e2e2ce0c50db349cc45b912fcc61ffbb (patch)
tree921b49503e8795ed6d28f4ec7d65c6db9934602f /src/
parent30519a8b0748b54c29764575ddadbfb5d905b9f0 (diff)
Implémentation de l'héritage multiple (au niveau du typage)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ca1134a..976586f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -13,70 +13,72 @@ let set_var v s = v := s
let usage = "usage: mini-cpp [options] file.cpp"
let localisation pos =
- let l = pos.pos_lnum in
- let c = pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol + 1 in
- eprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:\n"
- !ifile l (c-1) c
+ let l = pos.pos_lnum in
+ let c = pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol + 1 in
+ eprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:\n"
+ !ifile l (c-1) c
let localisation2 (pos1,pos2) =
- let l = pos1.pos_lnum in
- let c1 = pos1.pos_cnum - pos1.pos_bol + 1 in
- let c2 = pos2.pos_cnum - pos2.pos_bol + 1 in
- eprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:\n"
- !ifile l c1 c2
+ let l = pos1.pos_lnum in
+ let c1 = pos1.pos_cnum - pos1.pos_bol + 1 in
+ let c2 = pos2.pos_cnum - pos2.pos_bol + 1 in
+ eprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:\n"
+ !ifile l c1 c2
let options = [
- "--parse-only", Arg.Set parse_only, "Stops after parsing of the input file.";
- "--type-only", Arg.Set type_only, "Stops after typechecking of the input file.";
- "--dump", Arg.Set dump, "Dump the AST after parsing.";
- "--dumpt", Arg.Set dumpt, "Dump the AST after typing."
- ]
+ "--parse-only", Arg.Set parse_only, "Stops after parsing of the input file.";
+ "--type-only", Arg.Set type_only, "Stops after typechecking of the input file.";
+ "--dump", Arg.Set dump, "Dump the AST after parsing.";
+ "--dumpt", Arg.Set dumpt, "Dump the AST after typing."
+ ]
let () =
- Arg.parse options (set_var ifile) usage;
+ Arg.parse options (set_var ifile) usage;
- if !ifile = "" then (
- eprintf "No input file\n@?";
- exit 1);
- if not (Filename.check_suffix !ifile ".cpp") then (
- eprintf "Input files must have suffix .cpp\n@?";
- Arg.usage options usage;
- exit 1);
- let f = open_in !ifile in
- let buf = Lexing.from_channel f in
+ if !ifile = "" then (
+ eprintf "No input file\n@?";
+ exit 1);
+ if not (Filename.check_suffix !ifile ".cpp") then (
+ eprintf "Input files must have suffix .cpp\n@?";
+ Arg.usage options usage;
+ exit 1);
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix !ifile ".cpp" in
+ let f = open_in !ifile in
+ let buf = Lexing.from_channel f in
- try
- let p = Parser.prog Lexer.token buf in
- close_in f;
- if !dump then Pretty.print_prog p;
- if not !parse_only then begin
- let t = Typing.prog p in
- if !dumpt then Pretty_typing.print_prog t;
+ try
+ let p = Parser.prog Lexer.token buf in
+ close_in f;
+ if !dump then Pretty.print_prog p;
+ if not !parse_only then begin
+ let p = Typing.prog p in
+ if !dumpt then Pretty_typing.print_prog p;
- if not !type_only then begin
- ()
- end
- end
- with
- | Lexer.Lexing_error s ->
- localisation (Lexing.lexeme_start_p buf);
- eprintf "Lexical analysis error: %s@." s;
- exit 1
- | Parser.Error ->
- localisation (Lexing.lexeme_start_p buf);
- eprintf "Parsing error.@.";
- exit 1
- | Typing.Error(msg) ->
- eprintf "Typing error (unknown location): %s@." msg;
- exit 2
- | Typing.LocError (loc, msg) ->
- localisation2 loc;
- eprintf "%s@." msg;
- exit 2
- | _ ->
- eprintf "Unexpected error...@.";
- exit 3
+ if not !type_only then begin
+ let asm = Codegen.generate p in
+ Mips.print_in_file (basename ^ ".s") asm
+ end
+ end
+ with
+ | Lexer.Lexing_error s ->
+ localisation (Lexing.lexeme_start_p buf);
+ eprintf "Lexical analysis error: %s@." s;
+ exit 1
+ | Parser.Error ->
+ localisation (Lexing.lexeme_start_p buf);
+ eprintf "Parsing error.@.";
+ exit 1
+ | Typing.Error(msg) ->
+ eprintf "Typing error (unknown location): %s@." msg;
+ exit 2
+ | Typing.LocError (loc, msg) ->
+ localisation2 loc;
+ eprintf "%s@." msg;
+ exit 2
+ | _ ->
+ eprintf "Unexpected error...@.";
+ exit 3