path: root/app/cryptpad/build/default.nix
blob: 2cf0ae332655aee1b11ae847b3c3df162798641e (plain) (tree)

  common = import ./common.nix;
  pkgs = import common.pkgsSrc {};
  nodejs = pkgs.${common.nodejs};

  bower = (pkgs.buildBowerComponents {
    name = "cryptpad-${common.cryptpadVersion}-bower";
    generated = ./nix.lock/bower.nix;
    src = common.cryptpadSrc;
  }).overrideAttrs (old: {
    bowerPackages = old.bowerPackages.override (old_: {
      # add missing dependencies:
      # Those dependencies are EOL and they are not installed by buildBowerComponents,
      # but they are required, otherwise the resolver crashes.
      # * add the second jquery ~2.1.0 entry
      # * add the second bootstrap ~3.1.1 entry
      paths = old_.paths ++ [
        (pkgs.fetchbower "jquery" "2.1.0" "~2.1.0" "02kwvz93vzpv10qnp7s0dz3al0jh77awwrizb6wadsvgifxssnlr")
        (pkgs.fetchbower "bootstrap" "3.1.1" "~3.1.1" "06bhjwa8p7mzbpr3jkgydd804z1nwrkdql66h7jkfml99psv9811")

  npm = import ./nix.lock/npm.nix {
    inherit pkgs;
  pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "cryptpad-${common.cryptpadVersion}";
    src = common.cryptpadSrc;

    buildPhase = ''
      cp -r ${npm.nodeDependencies}/lib/node_modules node_modules
      chmod +w -R node_modules

      # clear executable files inside the node_modules folder to reduce dependencies
      # and attack surface
      find node_modules -type f ! -path 'node_modules/gar/*' -executable -print | tee >(xargs -n 20 rm)

    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out/{bin,opt}

      # copy the source code
      cp -r customize.dist lib server.js www $out/opt/

      # mount node_modules
      cp -r node_modules $out/opt/node_modules

      # mount bower, based on the .bowerrc file at the git repo root
      cp -r ${bower} $out/opt/www/bower_components

      # cryptpad is bugged with absolute path, this is a workaround to use absolute path as relative path
      ln -s / $out/opt/root

      # start script
      cat > $out/bin/cryptpad <<EOF
      cd $out/opt/
      ${nodejs}/bin/node server.js

      chmod +x $out/bin/cryptpad

    dontFixup = true;