path: root/src/api/signature/payload.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/signature/payload.rs')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/signature/payload.rs b/src/api/signature/payload.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b13819a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/signature/payload.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use chrono::{DateTime, Duration, NaiveDateTime, Utc};
+use hmac::Mac;
+use hyper::{Body, Method, Request};
+use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
+use garage_table::*;
+use garage_util::data::Hash;
+use garage_model::garage::Garage;
+use garage_model::key_table::*;
+use super::signing_hmac;
+use crate::encoding::uri_encode;
+use crate::error::*;
+pub async fn check_payload_signature(
+ garage: &Garage,
+ request: &Request<Body>,
+) -> Result<(Key, Option<Hash>), Error> {
+ let mut headers = HashMap::new();
+ for (key, val) in request.headers() {
+ headers.insert(key.to_string(), val.to_str()?.to_string());
+ }
+ if let Some(query) = request.uri().query() {
+ let query_pairs = url::form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes());
+ for (key, val) in query_pairs {
+ headers.insert(key.to_lowercase(), val.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ let authorization = if let Some(authorization) = headers.get("authorization") {
+ parse_authorization(authorization, &headers)?
+ } else {
+ parse_query_authorization(&headers)?
+ };
+ let date = headers
+ .get("x-amz-date")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Missing X-Amz-Date field")?;
+ let date: NaiveDateTime =
+ NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(date, LONG_DATETIME).ok_or_bad_request("Invalid date")?;
+ let date: DateTime<Utc> = DateTime::from_utc(date, Utc);
+ if Utc::now() - date > Duration::hours(24) {
+ return Err(Error::BadRequest("Date is too old".to_string()));
+ }
+ let scope = format!(
+ "{}/{}/s3/aws4_request",
+ date.format(SHORT_DATE),
+ garage.config.s3_api.s3_region
+ );
+ if authorization.scope != scope {
+ return Err(Error::AuthorizationHeaderMalformed(scope.to_string()));
+ }
+ let key = garage
+ .key_table
+ .get(&EmptyKey, &authorization.key_id)
+ .await?
+ .filter(|k| !k.state.is_deleted())
+ .ok_or_else(|| Error::Forbidden(format!("No such key: {}", authorization.key_id)))?;
+ let key_p = key.params().unwrap();
+ let canonical_request = canonical_request(
+ request.method(),
+ &request.uri().path().to_string(),
+ &canonical_query_string(request.uri()),
+ &headers,
+ &authorization.signed_headers,
+ &authorization.content_sha256,
+ );
+ let string_to_sign = string_to_sign(&date, &scope, &canonical_request);
+ let mut hmac = signing_hmac(
+ &date,
+ &key_p.secret_key,
+ &garage.config.s3_api.s3_region,
+ "s3",
+ )
+ .ok_or_internal_error("Unable to build signing HMAC")?;
+ hmac.update(string_to_sign.as_bytes());
+ let signature = hex::encode(hmac.finalize().into_bytes());
+ if authorization.signature != signature {
+ trace!("Canonical request: ``{}``", canonical_request);
+ trace!("String to sign: ``{}``", string_to_sign);
+ trace!("Expected: {}, got: {}", signature, authorization.signature);
+ return Err(Error::Forbidden("Invalid signature".to_string()));
+ }
+ let content_sha256 = if authorization.content_sha256 == "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD" {
+ None
+ } else if authorization.content_sha256 == "STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD" {
+ let bytes = hex::decode(authorization.signature).ok_or_bad_request("Invalid signature")?;
+ Some(Hash::try_from(&bytes).ok_or_bad_request("Invalid signature")?)
+ } else {
+ let bytes = hex::decode(authorization.content_sha256)
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Invalid content sha256 hash")?;
+ Some(Hash::try_from(&bytes).ok_or_bad_request("Invalid content sha256 hash")?)
+ };
+ Ok((key, content_sha256))
+struct Authorization {
+ key_id: String,
+ scope: String,
+ signed_headers: String,
+ signature: String,
+ content_sha256: String,
+fn parse_authorization(
+ authorization: &str,
+ headers: &HashMap<String, String>,
+) -> Result<Authorization, Error> {
+ let first_space = authorization
+ .find(' ')
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Authorization field to short")?;
+ let (auth_kind, rest) = authorization.split_at(first_space);
+ if auth_kind != "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" {
+ return Err(Error::BadRequest("Unsupported authorization method".into()));
+ }
+ let mut auth_params = HashMap::new();
+ for auth_part in rest.split(',') {
+ let auth_part = auth_part.trim();
+ let eq = auth_part
+ .find('=')
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Field without value in authorization header")?;
+ let (key, value) = auth_part.split_at(eq);
+ auth_params.insert(key.to_string(), value.trim_start_matches('=').to_string());
+ }
+ let cred = auth_params
+ .get("Credential")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Could not find Credential in Authorization field")?;
+ let (key_id, scope) = parse_credential(cred)?;
+ let content_sha256 = headers
+ .get("x-amz-content-sha256")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Missing X-Amz-Content-Sha256 field")?;
+ let auth = Authorization {
+ key_id,
+ scope,
+ signed_headers: auth_params
+ .get("SignedHeaders")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Could not find SignedHeaders in Authorization field")?
+ .to_string(),
+ signature: auth_params
+ .get("Signature")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Could not find Signature in Authorization field")?
+ .to_string(),
+ content_sha256: content_sha256.to_string(),
+ };
+ Ok(auth)
+fn parse_query_authorization(headers: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Result<Authorization, Error> {
+ let algo = headers
+ .get("x-amz-algorithm")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("X-Amz-Algorithm not found in query parameters")?;
+ if algo != "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" {
+ return Err(Error::BadRequest(
+ "Unsupported authorization method".to_string(),
+ ));
+ }
+ let cred = headers
+ .get("x-amz-credential")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("X-Amz-Credential not found in query parameters")?;
+ let (key_id, scope) = parse_credential(cred)?;
+ let signed_headers = headers
+ .get("x-amz-signedheaders")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("X-Amz-SignedHeaders not found in query parameters")?;
+ let signature = headers
+ .get("x-amz-signature")
+ .ok_or_bad_request("X-Amz-Signature not found in query parameters")?;
+ let content_sha256 = headers
+ .get("x-amz-content-sha256")
+ .map(|x| x.as_str())
+ .unwrap_or("UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD");
+ Ok(Authorization {
+ key_id,
+ scope,
+ signed_headers: signed_headers.to_string(),
+ signature: signature.to_string(),
+ content_sha256: content_sha256.to_string(),
+ })
+fn parse_credential(cred: &str) -> Result<(String, String), Error> {
+ let first_slash = cred
+ .find('/')
+ .ok_or_bad_request("Credentials does not contain / in authorization field")?;
+ let (key_id, scope) = cred.split_at(first_slash);
+ Ok((
+ key_id.to_string(),
+ scope.trim_start_matches('/').to_string(),
+ ))
+fn string_to_sign(datetime: &DateTime<Utc>, scope_string: &str, canonical_req: &str) -> String {
+ let mut hasher = Sha256::default();
+ hasher.update(canonical_req.as_bytes());
+ [
+ "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",
+ &datetime.format(LONG_DATETIME).to_string(),
+ scope_string,
+ &hex::encode(hasher.finalize().as_slice()),
+ ]
+ .join("\n")
+fn canonical_request(
+ method: &Method,
+ url_path: &str,
+ canonical_query_string: &str,
+ headers: &HashMap<String, String>,
+ signed_headers: &str,
+ content_sha256: &str,
+) -> String {
+ [
+ method.as_str(),
+ url_path,
+ canonical_query_string,
+ &canonical_header_string(headers, signed_headers),
+ "",
+ signed_headers,
+ content_sha256,
+ ]
+ .join("\n")
+fn canonical_header_string(headers: &HashMap<String, String>, signed_headers: &str) -> String {
+ let signed_headers_vec = signed_headers.split(';').collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let mut items = headers
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|(key, _)| signed_headers_vec.contains(&key.as_str()))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ items.sort_by(|(k1, _), (k2, _)| k1.cmp(k2));
+ items
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(key, value)| key.to_lowercase() + ":" + value.trim())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join("\n")
+fn canonical_query_string(uri: &hyper::Uri) -> String {
+ if let Some(query) = uri.query() {
+ let query_pairs = url::form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes());
+ let mut items = query_pairs
+ .filter(|(key, _)| key != "X-Amz-Signature")
+ .map(|(key, value)| uri_encode(&key, true) + "=" + &uri_encode(&value, true))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ items.sort();
+ items.join("&")
+ } else {
+ "".to_string()
+ }