path: root/doc/drafts
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authorAlex <alex@adnab.me>2022-05-10 13:16:57 +0200
committerAlex <alex@adnab.me>2022-05-10 13:16:57 +0200
commit5768bf362262f78376af14517c4921941986192e (patch)
treeb4baf3051eade0f63649443278bb3a3f4c38ec25 /doc/drafts
parentdef78c5e6f5da37a0d17b5652c525fbeccbc2e86 (diff)
First implementation of K2V (#293)
**Specification:** View spec at [this URL](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/src/branch/k2v/doc/drafts/k2v-spec.md) - [x] Specify the structure of K2V triples - [x] Specify the DVVS format used for causality detection - [x] Specify the K2V index (just a counter of number of values per partition key) - [x] Specify single-item endpoints: ReadItem, InsertItem, DeleteItem - [x] Specify index endpoint: ReadIndex - [x] Specify multi-item endpoints: InsertBatch, ReadBatch, DeleteBatch - [x] Move to JSON objects instead of tuples - [x] Specify endpoints for polling for updates on single values (PollItem) **Implementation:** - [x] Table for K2V items, causal contexts - [x] Indexing mechanism and table for K2V index - [x] Make API handlers a bit more generic - [x] K2V API endpoint - [x] K2V API router - [x] ReadItem - [x] InsertItem - [x] DeleteItem - [x] PollItem - [x] ReadIndex - [x] InsertBatch - [x] ReadBatch - [x] DeleteBatch **Testing:** - [x] Just a simple Python script that does some requests to check visually that things are going right (does not contain parsing of results or assertions on returned values) - [x] Actual tests: - [x] Adapt testing framework - [x] Simple test with InsertItem + ReadItem - [x] Test with several Insert/Read/DeleteItem + ReadIndex - [x] Test all combinations of return formats for ReadItem - [x] Test with ReadBatch, InsertBatch, DeleteBatch - [x] Test with PollItem - [x] Test error codes - [ ] Fix most broken stuff - [x] test PollItem broken randomly - [x] when invalid causality tokens are given, errors should be 4xx not 5xx **Improvements:** - [x] Descending range queries - [x] Specify - [x] Implement - [x] Add test - [x] Batch updates to index counter - [x] Put K2V behind `k2v` feature flag Co-authored-by: Alex Auvolat <alex@adnab.me> Reviewed-on: https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/pulls/293 Co-authored-by: Alex <alex@adnab.me> Co-committed-by: Alex <alex@adnab.me>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/drafts')
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+# Specification of the Garage K2V API (K2V = Key/Key/Value)
+- We are storing triplets of the form `(partition key, sort key, value)` -> no
+ user-defined fields, the client is responsible of writing whatever he wants
+ in the value (typically an encrypted blob). Values are binary blobs, which
+ are always represented as their base64 encoding in the JSON API. Partition
+ keys and sort keys are utf8 strings.
+- Triplets are stored in buckets; each bucket stores a separate set of triplets
+- Bucket names and access keys are the same as for accessing the S3 API
+- K2V triplets exist separately from S3 objects. K2V triplets don't exist for
+ the S3 API, and S3 objects don't exist for the K2V API.
+- Values stored for triplets have associated causality information, that enables
+ Garage to detect concurrent writes. In case of concurrent writes, Garage
+ keeps the concurrent values until a further write supersedes the concurrent
+ values. This is the same method as Riak KV implements. The method used is
+ based on DVVS (dotted version vector sets), described in the paper "Scalable
+ and Accurate Causality Tracking for Eventually Consistent Data Stores", as
+ well as [here](https://github.com/ricardobcl/Dotted-Version-Vectors)
+## Data format
+### Triple format
+Triples in K2V are constituted of three fields:
+- a partition key (`pk`), an utf8 string that defines in what partition the
+ triplet is stored; triplets in different partitions cannot be listed together
+ in a ReadBatch command, or deleted together in a DeleteBatch command: a
+ separate command must be included in the ReadBatch/DeleteBatch call for each
+ partition key in which the client wants to read/delete lists of items
+- a sort key (`sk`), an utf8 string that defines the index of the triplet inside its
+ partition; triplets are uniquely idendified by their partition key + sort key
+- a value (`v`), an opaque binary blob associated to the partition key + sort key;
+ they are transmitted as binary when possible but in most case in the JSON API
+ they will be represented as strings using base64 encoding; a value can also
+ be `null` to indicate a deleted triplet (a `null` value is called a tombstone)
+### Causality information
+K2V supports storing several concurrent values associated to a pk+sk, in the
+case where insertion or deletion operations are detected to be concurrent (i.e.
+there is not one that was aware of the other, they are not causally dependant
+one on the other). In practice, it even looks more like the opposite: to
+overwrite a previously existing value, the client must give a "causality token"
+that "proves" (not in a cryptographic sense) that it had seen a previous value.
+Otherwise, the value written will not overwrite an existing value, it will just
+create a new concurrent value.
+The causality token is a binary/b64-encoded representation of a context,
+specified below.
+A set of concurrent values looks like this:
+(node1, tdiscard1, (v1, t1), (v2, t2)) ; tdiscard1 < t1 < t2
+(node2, tdiscard2, (v3, t3) ; tdiscard2 < t3
+`tdiscard` for a node `i` means that all values inserted by node `i` with times
+`<= tdiscard` are obsoleted, i.e. have been read by a client that overwrote it
+The associated context would be the following: `[(node1, t2), (node2, t3)]`,
+i.e. if a node reads this set of values and inserts a new values, we will now
+have `tdiscard1 = t2` and `tdiscard2 = t3`, to indicate that values v1, v2 and v3
+are obsoleted by the new write.
+**Basic insertion.** To insert a new value `v4` with context `[(node1, t2), (node2, t3)]`, in a
+simple case where there was no insertion in-between reading the value
+mentionned above and writing `v4`, and supposing that node2 receives the
+InsertItem query:
+- `node2` generates a timestamp `t4` such that `t4 > t3`.
+- the new state is as follows:
+(node1, tdiscard1', ()) ; tdiscard1' = t2
+(node2, tdiscard2', (v4, t4)) ; tdiscard2' = t3
+**A more complex insertion example.** In the general case, other intermediate values could have
+been written before `v4` with context `[(node1, t2), (node2, t3)]` is sent to the system.
+For instance, here is a possible sequence of events:
+1. First we have the set of values v1, v2 and v3 described above.
+ A node reads it, it obtains values v1, v2 and v3 with context `[(node1, t2), (node2, t3)]`.
+2. A node writes a value `v5` with context `[(node1, t1)]`, i.e. `v5` is only a
+ successor of v1 but not of v2 or v3. Suppose node1 receives the write, it
+ will generate a new timestamp `t5` larger than all of the timestamps it
+ knows of, i.e. `t5 > t2`. We will now have:
+(node1, tdiscard1'', (v2, t2), (v5, t5)) ; tdiscard1'' = t1 < t2 < t5
+(node2, tdiscard2, (v3, t3) ; tdiscard2 < t3
+3. Now `v4` is written with context `[(node1, t2), (node2, t3)]`, and node2
+ processes the query. It will generate `t4 > t3` and the state will become:
+(node1, tdiscard1', (v5, t5)) ; tdiscard1' = t2 < t5
+(node2, tdiscard2', (v4, t4)) ; tdiscard2' = t3
+**Generic algorithm for handling insertions:** A certain node n handles the
+InsertItem and is responsible for the correctness of this procedure.
+1. Lock the key (or the whole table?) at this node to prevent concurrent updates of the value that would mess things up
+2. Read current set of values
+3. Generate a new timestamp that is larger than the largest timestamp for node n
+4. Add the inserted value in the list of values of node n
+5. Update the discard times to be the times set in the context, and accordingly discard overwritten values
+6. Release lock
+7. Propagate updated value to other nodes
+8. Return to user when propagation achieved the write quorum (propagation to other nodes continues asynchronously)
+**Encoding of contexts:**
+Contexts consist in a list of (node id, timestamp) pairs.
+They are encoded in binary as follows:
+checksum: u64, [ node: u64, timestamp: u64 ]*
+The checksum is just the XOR of all of the node IDs and timestamps.
+Once encoded in binary, contexts are written and transmitted in base64.
+### Indexing
+K2V keeps an index, a secondary data structure that is updated asynchronously,
+that keeps tracks of the number of triplets stored for each partition key.
+This allows easy listing of all of the partition keys for which triplets exist
+in a bucket, as the partition key becomes the sort key in the index.
+How indexing works:
+- Each node keeps a local count of how many items it stores for each partition,
+ in a local Sled tree that is updated atomically when an item is modified.
+- These local counters are asynchronously stored in the index table which is
+ a regular Garage table spread in the network. Counters are stored as LWW values,
+ so basically the final table will have the following structure:
+- pk: bucket
+- sk: partition key for which we are counting
+- v: lwwmap (node id -> number of items)
+The final number of items present in the partition can be estimated by taking
+the maximum of the values (i.e. the value for the node that announces having
+the most items for that partition). In most cases the values for different node
+IDs should all be the same; more precisely, three node IDs should map to the
+same non-zero value, and all other node IDs that are present are tombstones
+that map to zeroes. Note that we need to filter out values from nodes that are
+no longer part of the cluster layout, as when nodes are removed they won't
+necessarily have had the time to set their counters to zero.
+## Important details
+- **Internal server errors on updates do not mean that the update isn't stored.**
+ K2V will return an internal server error when it cannot reach a quorum of nodes on
+ which to save an updated value. However the value may still be stored on just one
+ node, which will then propagate it to other nodes asynchronously via anti-entropy.
+- **Batch operations are not transactions.** When calling InsertBatch or DeleteBatch,
+ items may appear partially inserted/deleted while the operation is being processed.
+ More importantly, if InsertBatch or DeleteBatch returns an internal server error,
+ some of the items to be inserted/deleted might end up inserted/deleted on the server,
+ while others may still have their old value.
+- **Concurrent values are deduplicated.** When inserting a value for a key,
+ Garage might internally end up
+ storing the value several times if there are network errors. These values will end up as
+ concurrent values for a key, with the same byte string (or `null` for a deletion).
+ Garage fixes this by deduplicating concurrent values when they are returned to the
+ user on read operations. Importantly, *Garage does not differentiate between duplicate
+ concurrent values due to the user making the same call twice, or Garage having to
+ do an internal retry*. This means that all duplicate concurrent values are deduplicated
+ when an item is read: if the user inserts twice concurrently the same value, they will
+ only read it once.
+## API Endpoints
+### Operations on single items
+**ReadItem: `GET /<bucket>/<partition key>?sort_key=<sort key>`**
+Query parameters:
+| name | default value | meaning |
+| - | - | - |
+| `sort_key` | **mandatory** | The sort key of the item to read |
+Returns the item with specified partition key and sort key. Values can be
+returned in either of two ways:
+1. a JSON array of base64-encoded values, or `null`'s for tombstones, with
+ header `Content-Type: application/json`
+2. in the case where there are no concurrent values, the single present value
+ can be returned directly as the response body (or an HTTP 204 NO CONTENT for
+ a tombstone), with header `Content-Type: application/octet-stream`
+The choice between return formats 1 and 2 is directed by the `Accept` HTTP header:
+- if the `Accept` header is not present, format 1 is always used
+- if `Accept` contains `application/json` but not `application/octet-stream`,
+ format 1 is always used
+- if `Accept` contains `application/octet-stream` but not `application/json`,
+ format 2 is used when there is a single value, and an HTTP error 409 (HTTP
+ 409 CONFLICT) is returned in the case of multiple concurrent values
+ (including concurrent tombstones)
+- if `Accept` contains both, format 2 is used when there is a single value, and
+ format 1 is used as a fallback in case of concurrent values
+- if `Accept` contains none, HTTP 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE is raised
+Example query:
+GET /my_bucket/mailboxes?sort_key=INBOX HTTP/1.1
+Example response:
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+X-Garage-Causality-Token: opaquetoken123
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "b64cryptoblob123",
+ "b64cryptoblob'123"
+Example response in case the item is a tombstone:
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+X-Garage-Causality-Token: opaquetoken999
+Content-Type: application/json
+ null
+Example query 2:
+GET /my_bucket/mailboxes?sort_key=INBOX HTTP/1.1
+Accept: application/octet-stream
+Example response if multiple concurrent versions exist:
+X-Garage-Causality-Token: opaquetoken123
+Content-Type: application/octet-stream
+Example response in case of single value:
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+X-Garage-Causality-Token: opaquetoken123
+Content-Type: application/octet-stream
+Example response in case of a single value that is a tombstone:
+X-Garage-Causality-Token: opaquetoken123
+Content-Type: application/octet-stream
+**PollItem: `GET /<bucket>/<partition key>?sort_key=<sort key>&causality_token=<causality token>`**
+This endpoint will block until a new value is written to a key.
+The GET parameter `causality_token` should be set to the causality
+token returned with the last read of the key, so that K2V knows
+what values are concurrent or newer than the ones that the
+client previously knew.
+This endpoint returns the new value in the same format as ReadItem.
+If no new value is written and the timeout elapses,
+an HTTP 304 NOT MODIFIED is returned.
+Query parameters:
+| name | default value | meaning |
+| - | - | - |
+| `sort_key` | **mandatory** | The sort key of the item to read |
+| `causality_token` | **mandatory** | The causality token of the last known value or set of values |
+| `timeout` | 300 | The timeout before 304 NOT MODIFIED is returned if the value isn't updated |
+The timeout can be set to any number of seconds, with a maximum of 600 seconds (10 minutes).
+**InsertItem: `PUT /<bucket>/<partition key>?sort_key=<sort_key>`**
+Inserts a single item. This request does not use JSON, the body is sent directly as a binary blob.
+To supersede previous values, the HTTP header `X-Garage-Causality-Token` should
+be set to the causality token returned by a previous read on this key. This
+header can be ommitted for the first writes to the key.
+Example query:
+PUT /my_bucket/mailboxes?sort_key=INBOX HTTP/1.1
+X-Garage-Causality-Token: opaquetoken123
+Example response:
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+**DeleteItem: `DELETE /<bucket>/<partition key>?sort_key=<sort_key>`**
+Deletes a single item. The HTTP header `X-Garage-Causality-Token` must be set
+to the causality token returned by a previous read on this key, to indicate
+which versions of the value should be deleted. The request will not process if
+`X-Garage-Causality-Token` is not set.
+Example query:
+DELETE /my_bucket/mailboxes?sort_key=INBOX HTTP/1.1
+X-Garage-Causality-Token: opaquetoken123
+Example response:
+### Operations on index
+**ReadIndex: `GET /<bucket>?start=<start>&end=<end>&limit=<limit>`**
+Lists all partition keys in the bucket for which some triplets exist, and gives
+for each the number of triplets (or an approximation thereof, this value is
+ asynchronously updated, and thus eventually consistent).
+Query parameters:
+| name | default value | meaning |
+| - | - | - |
+| `prefix` | `null` | Restrict listing to partition keys that start with this prefix |
+| `start` | `null` | First partition key to list, in lexicographical order |
+| `end` | `null` | Last partition key to list (excluded) |
+| `limit` | `null` | Maximum number of partition keys to list |
+| `reverse` | `false` | Iterate in reverse lexicographical order |
+The response consists in a JSON object that repeats the parameters of the query and gives the result (see below).
+The listing starts at partition key `start`, or if not specified at the
+smallest partition key that exists. It returns partition keys in increasing
+order, or decreasing order if `reverse` is set to `true`,
+and stops when either of the following conditions is met:
+1. if `end` is specfied, the partition key `end` is reached or surpassed (if it
+ is reached exactly, it is not included in the result)
+2. if `limit` is specified, `limit` partition keys have been listed
+3. no more partition keys are available to list
+In case 2, and if there are more partition keys to list before condition 1
+triggers, then in the result `more` is set to `true` and `nextStart` is set to
+the first partition key that couldn't be listed due to the limit. In the first
+case (if the listing stopped because of the `end` parameter), `more` is not set
+and the `nextStart` key is not specified.
+Note that if `reverse` is set to `true`, `start` is the highest key
+(in lexicographical order) for which values are returned.
+This means that if an `end` is specified, it must be smaller than `start`,
+otherwise no values will be returned.
+Example query:
+GET /my_bucket HTTP/1.1
+Example response:
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ prefix: null,
+ start: null,
+ end: null,
+ limit: null,
+ reverse: false,
+ partitionKeys: [
+ { pk: "keys", n: 3043 },
+ { pk: "mailbox:INBOX", n: 42 },
+ { pk: "mailbox:Junk", n: 2991 },
+ { pk: "mailbox:Trash", n: 10 },
+ { pk: "mailboxes", n: 3 },
+ ],
+ more: false,
+ nextStart: null,
+### Operations on batches of items
+**InsertBatch: `POST /<bucket>`**
+Simple insertion and deletion of triplets. The body is just a list of items to
+insert in the following format:
+`{ pk: "<partition key>", sk: "<sort key>", ct: "<causality token>"|null, v: "<value>"|null }`.
+The causality token should be the one returned in a previous read request (e.g.
+by ReadItem or ReadBatch), to indicate that this write takes into account the
+values that were returned from these reads, and supersedes them causally. If
+the triplet is inserted for the first time, the causality token should be set to
+The value is expected to be a base64-encoded binary blob. The value `null` can
+also be used to delete the triplet while preserving causality information: this
+allows to know if a delete has happenned concurrently with an insert, in which
+case both are preserved and returned on reads (see below).
+Partition keys and sort keys are utf8 strings which are stored sorted by
+lexicographical ordering of their binary representation.
+Example query:
+POST /my_bucket HTTP/1.1
+ { pk: "mailbox:INBOX", sk: "001892831", ct: "opaquetoken321", v: "b64cryptoblob321updated" },
+ { pk: "mailbox:INBOX", sk: "001892912", ct: null, v: "b64cryptoblob444" },
+ { pk: "mailbox:INBOX", sk: "001892932", ct: "opaquetoken654", v: null },
+Example response:
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+**ReadBatch: `POST /<bucket>?search`**, or alternatively<br/>
+**ReadBatch: `SEARCH /<bucket>`**
+Batch read of triplets in a bucket.
+The request body is a JSON list of searches, that each specify a range of
+items to get (to get single items, set `singleItem` to `true`). A search is a
+JSON struct with the following fields:
+| name | default value | meaning |
+| - | - | - |
+| `partitionKey` | **mandatory** | The partition key in which to search |
+| `prefix` | `null` | Restrict items to list to those whose sort keys start with this prefix |
+| `start` | `null` | The sort key of the first item to read |
+| `end` | `null` | The sort key of the last item to read (excluded) |
+| `limit` | `null` | The maximum number of items to return |
+| `reverse` | `false` | Iterate in reverse lexicographical order on sort keys |
+| `singleItem` | `false` | Whether to return only the item with sort key `start` |
+| `conflictsOnly` | `false` | Whether to return only items that have several concurrent values |
+| `tombstones` | `false` | Whether or not to return tombstone lines to indicate the presence of old deleted items |
+For each of the searches, triplets are listed and returned separately. The
+semantics of `prefix`, `start`, `end`, `limit` and `reverse` are the same as for ReadIndex. The
+additionnal parameter `singleItem` allows to get a single item, whose sort key
+is the one given in `start`. Parameters `conflictsOnly` and `tombstones`
+control additional filters on the items that are returned.
+The result is a list of length the number of searches, that consists in for
+each search a JSON object specified similarly to the result of ReadIndex, but
+that lists triplets within a partition key.
+The format of returned tuples is as follows: `{ sk: "<sort key>", ct: "<causality
+token>", v: ["<value1>", ...] }`, with the following fields:
+- `sk` (sort key): any unicode string used as a sort key
+- `ct` (causality token): an opaque token served by the server (generally
+ base64-encoded) to be used in subsequent writes to this key
+- `v` (list of values): each value is a binary blob, always base64-encoded;
+ contains multiple items when concurrent values exists
+- in case of concurrent update and deletion, a `null` is added to the list of concurrent values
+- if the `tombstones` query parameter is set to `true`, tombstones are returned
+ for items that have been deleted (this can be usefull for inserting after an
+ item that has been deleted, so that the insert is not considered
+ concurrent with the delete). Tombstones are returned as tuples in the
+ same format with only `null` values
+Example query:
+POST /my_bucket?search HTTP/1.1
+ {
+ partitionKey: "mailboxes",
+ },
+ {
+ partitionKey: "mailbox:INBOX",
+ start: "001892831",
+ limit: 3,
+ },
+ {
+ partitionKey: "keys",
+ start: "0",
+ singleItem: true,
+ },
+Example associated response body:
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ {
+ partitionKey: "mailboxes",
+ prefix: null,
+ start: null,
+ end: null,
+ limit: null,
+ reverse: false,
+ conflictsOnly: false,
+ tombstones: false,
+ singleItem: false,
+ items: [
+ { sk: "INBOX", ct: "opaquetoken123", v: ["b64cryptoblob123", "b64cryptoblob'123"] },
+ { sk: "Trash", ct: "opaquetoken456", v: ["b64cryptoblob456"] },
+ { sk: "Junk", ct: "opaquetoken789", v: ["b64cryptoblob789"] },
+ ],
+ more: false,
+ nextStart: null,
+ },
+ {
+ partitionKey: "mailbox::INBOX",
+ prefix: null,
+ start: "001892831",
+ end: null,
+ limit: 3,
+ reverse: false,
+ conflictsOnly: false,
+ tombstones: false,
+ singleItem: false,
+ items: [
+ { sk: "001892831", ct: "opaquetoken321", v: ["b64cryptoblob321"] },
+ { sk: "001892832", ct: "opaquetoken654", v: ["b64cryptoblob654"] },
+ { sk: "001892874", ct: "opaquetoken987", v: ["b64cryptoblob987"] },
+ ],
+ more: true,
+ nextStart: "001892898",
+ },
+ {
+ partitionKey: "keys",
+ prefix: null,
+ start: "0",
+ end: null,
+ conflictsOnly: false,
+ tombstones: false,
+ limit: null,
+ reverse: false,
+ singleItem: true,
+ items: [
+ { sk: "0", ct: "opaquetoken999", v: ["b64binarystuff999"] },
+ ],
+ more: false,
+ nextStart: null,
+ },
+**DeleteBatch: `POST /<bucket>?delete`**
+Batch deletion of triplets. The request format is the same for `POST
+/<bucket>?search` to indicate items or range of items, except that here they
+are deleted instead of returned, but only the fields `partitionKey`, `prefix`, `start`,
+`end`, and `singleItem` are supported. Causality information is not given by
+the user: this request will internally list all triplets and write deletion
+markers that supersede all of the versions that have been read.
+This request returns for each series of items to be deleted, the number of
+matching items that have been found and deleted.
+Example query:
+POST /my_bucket?delete HTTP/1.1
+ {
+ partitionKey: "mailbox:OldMailbox",
+ },
+ {
+ partitionKey: "mailbox:INBOX",
+ start: "0018928321",
+ singleItem: true,
+ },
+Example response:
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ {
+ partitionKey: "mailbox:OldMailbox",
+ prefix: null,
+ start: null,
+ end: null,
+ singleItem: false,
+ deletedItems: 35,
+ },
+ {
+ partitionKey: "mailbox:INBOX",
+ prefix: null,
+ start: "0018928321",
+ end: null,
+ singleItem: true,
+ deletedItems: 1,
+ },
+## Internals: causality tokens
+The method used is based on DVVS (dotted version vector sets). See:
+- the paper "Scalable and Accurate Causality Tracking for Eventually Consistent Data Stores"
+- <https://github.com/ricardobcl/Dotted-Version-Vectors>
+For DVVS to work, write operations (at each node) must take a lock on the data table.