use std::borrow::Cow;
use hyper::body::Incoming as IncomingBody;
use hyper::{Method, Request};
use paste::paste;
use crate::admin::api::*;
use crate::admin::error::*;
//use crate::admin::router_v1;
use crate::admin::Authorization;
use crate::helpers::*;
use crate::router_macros::*;
impl AdminApiRequest {
/// Determine which S3 endpoint a request is for using the request, and a bucket which was
/// possibly extracted from the Host header.
/// Returns Self plus bucket name, if endpoint is not Endpoint::ListBuckets
pub async fn from_request(req: Request<IncomingBody>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let uri = req.uri().clone();
let path = uri.path();
let query = uri.query();
let method = req.method().clone();
let mut query = QueryParameters::from_query(query.unwrap_or_default())?;
let res = router_match!(@gen_path_parser_v2 (&method, path, "/v2/", query, req) [
@special OPTIONS _ => Options (),
@special GET "/check" => CheckDomain (query::domain),
@special GET "/health" => Health (),
@special GET "/metrics" => Metrics (),
// Cluster endpoints
GET GetClusterStatus (),
GET GetClusterHealth (),
POST ConnectClusterNodes (body),
// Layout endpoints
GET GetClusterLayout (),
POST UpdateClusterLayout (body),
POST ApplyClusterLayout (body),
POST RevertClusterLayout (),
// API key endpoints
GET GetKeyInfo (query_opt::id, query_opt::search, parse_default(false)::show_secret_key),
POST UpdateKey (body_field, query::id),
POST CreateKey (body),
POST ImportKey (body),
DELETE DeleteKey (query::id),
GET ListKeys (),
// Bucket endpoints
GET GetBucketInfo (query_opt::id, query_opt::global_alias),
GET ListBuckets (),
POST CreateBucket (body),
DELETE DeleteBucket (query::id),
PUT UpdateBucket (body_field, query::id),
// Bucket-key permissions
POST BucketAllowKey (body),
POST BucketDenyKey (body),
// Bucket aliases
PUT GlobalAliasBucket (query::id, query::alias),
DELETE GlobalUnaliasBucket (query::id, query::alias),
PUT LocalAliasBucket (query::id, query::access_key_id, query::alias),
DELETE LocalUnaliasBucket (query::id, query::access_key_id, query::alias),
if let Some(message) = query.nonempty_message() {
debug!("Unused query parameter: {}", message)
/// Some endpoints work exactly the same in their v1/ version as they did in their v0/ version.
/// For these endpoints, we can convert a v0/ call to its equivalent as if it was made using
/// its v1/ URL.
pub fn from_v0(v0_endpoint: router_v0::Endpoint) -> Result<Self, Error> {
match v0_endpoint {
// Cluster endpoints
router_v0::Endpoint::ConnectClusterNodes => Ok(Self::ConnectClusterNodes),
// - GetClusterStatus: response format changed
// - GetClusterHealth: response format changed
// Layout endpoints
router_v0::Endpoint::RevertClusterLayout => Ok(Self::RevertClusterLayout),
// - GetClusterLayout: response format changed
// - UpdateClusterLayout: query format changed
// - ApplyCusterLayout: response format changed
// Key endpoints
router_v0::Endpoint::ListKeys => Ok(Self::ListKeys),
router_v0::Endpoint::CreateKey => Ok(Self::CreateKey),
router_v0::Endpoint::GetKeyInfo { id, search } => Ok(Self::GetKeyInfo {
show_secret_key: Some("true".into()),
router_v0::Endpoint::DeleteKey { id } => Ok(Self::DeleteKey { id }),
// - UpdateKey: response format changed (secret key no longer returned)
// Bucket endpoints
router_v0::Endpoint::GetBucketInfo { id, global_alias } => {
Ok(Self::GetBucketInfo { id, global_alias })
router_v0::Endpoint::ListBuckets => Ok(Self::ListBuckets),
router_v0::Endpoint::CreateBucket => Ok(Self::CreateBucket),
router_v0::Endpoint::DeleteBucket { id } => Ok(Self::DeleteBucket { id }),
router_v0::Endpoint::UpdateBucket { id } => Ok(Self::UpdateBucket { id }),
// Bucket-key permissions
router_v0::Endpoint::BucketAllowKey => Ok(Self::BucketAllowKey),
router_v0::Endpoint::BucketDenyKey => Ok(Self::BucketDenyKey),
// Bucket alias endpoints
router_v0::Endpoint::GlobalAliasBucket { id, alias } => {
Ok(Self::GlobalAliasBucket { id, alias })
router_v0::Endpoint::GlobalUnaliasBucket { id, alias } => {
Ok(Self::GlobalUnaliasBucket { id, alias })
router_v0::Endpoint::LocalAliasBucket {
} => Ok(Self::LocalAliasBucket {
router_v0::Endpoint::LocalUnaliasBucket {
} => Ok(Self::LocalUnaliasBucket {
// For endpoints that have different body content syntax, issue
// deprecation warning
_ => Err(Error::bad_request(format!(
"v0/ endpoint is no longer supported: {}",
/// Get the kind of authorization which is required to perform the operation.
pub fn authorization_type(&self) -> Authorization {
match self {
Self::Health(_) => Authorization::None,
Self::CheckDomain(_) => Authorization::None,
Self::Metrics(_) => Authorization::MetricsToken,
_ => Authorization::AdminToken,
generateQueryParameters! {
keywords: [],
fields: [
"domain" => domain,
"format" => format,
"id" => id,
"search" => search,
"globalAlias" => global_alias,
"alias" => alias,
"accessKeyId" => access_key_id,
"showSecretKey" => show_secret_key