path: root/README.md
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# Easybridge

Easybridge is a Matrix-to-everything (almost) bridge.
It acts as a client under your name on all instant messaging networks where
you have an account, and presents your private messages as well as group
conversations in Matrix in a uniform view.
Basically, Matrix becomes your everything chat client!

Current features:

- Backends: IRC, XMPP, Mattermost (more to come)
- Private messages and group/chat room messages
- Automatic setup of Matrix rooms that bridge to outside rooms
- Room name and topic synchronization (partially)
- Images and file transfers (Mattermost backend)
- Avatar and room pictures (Mattermost backend, one-way only)
- Web interface for setting up accounts so that new accounts can be easily
  added and you don't have to type your credentials in a clear-text Matrix room
- Credentials are stored encrypted in the database using users' Matrix passwords

There is lot to do! See the issues if you want to join us on this project.

A Docker image is provided on the [Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/lxpz/easybridge_amd64).

Easybridge takes a single command line argument, `-config <filename>`, which is the
path to its config file (defaults to `./config.json`).
The configuration file is a JSON file whose contents is described in the following section.

Easybridge is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3.

## Building Easybridge

Easybridge requires go 1.13 or later.

To build Easybridge, clone this repository outside of your `$GOPATH`.
Then, run `make` in the root of the repo.

## Configuring Easybridge

Easybridge acts as a Matrix application service: in this regard,
it requires a registration file to be added to your homeserver.
It uses a database to store configuration and state information,
which can be any backend supported by [Gorm](https://gorm.io).

Easybridge is configured using a single JSON configuration file, which contains
a dictionnary whose keys are the following:

- `log_level`: what log level Easybridge runs with (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic). **Warning:** in `trace` level, the content of all calls to the Matrix API and some other information will be dumped, exposing user's credentials and messages. In `debug` level, room join/leave information will be exposed. The `info` level (default) does not expose any user's private information.
- `easybridge_avatar`: path to the image that Easybridge uses as an avatar on Matrix

### Matrix configuration

- `registration`: path to the YAML appservice registration file
- `appservice_bind_addr`: on what IP/port to bind as a Matrix app service (HTTP only, no HTTPS)
- `homeserver_url`: HTTP address of the Matrix homeserver
- `matrix_domain`: the domain name of the Matrix homeserver (i.e. the domain used in user identifiers, room identifiers, etc)
- `name_format`: the format of identifiers that are created on Matrix for users and room aliases. `{}` is replaced by the concatenation of user/room identifier and protocol. Typically you want either `_ezbr_{}` or `{}_ezbr`, the latter having the advantage that the briged user's names are then used as prefixes for the created identifiers.

### Web interface configuration

- `web_bind_addr`: on what IP/port to bind for the web interface that allows adding and configuring accounts (HTTP only, no HTTPS, use a reverse proxy for that)
- `web_url`: the outside HTTP/HTTPS address at which the web interface is made available. If set, a widget will be added in the Easybridge room so that users can configure the bridge without leaving the Riot client.
- `session_key`: a key with which session cookies are encrypted for the web interface

### Storage configuration

- `db_type` and `db_path`: the database backend and path to use (see the [Gorm documentation](http://gorm.io/docs/connecting_to_the_database.html))