path: root/src/
blob: fe82c5ac035ba4e872d20c31aab5724cf93047c9 (plain) (tree)





















































//! Contains structures to interact with the catalog API
//! See <>
//! for the full definition of the API.

use std::cmp;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;

use anyhow::Result;
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use futures::stream::futures_unordered::FuturesUnordered;
use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt, TryFutureExt};
use log::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tokio::select;
use tokio::sync::watch;

use crate::{Consul, WithIndex};

/// Node summary, as specified in response to "list nodes" API calls in
/// <>
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
pub struct Node {
    pub node: String,
    pub address: String,
    pub meta: HashMap<String, String>,

/// One of the services returned in a CatalogNode
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
pub struct Service {
    pub service: String,
    pub address: String,
    pub port: u16,
    pub tags: Vec<String>,

/// Full node info, as specified in response to "retrieve map of services for a node" API call in
/// <>
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
pub struct CatalogNode {
    pub node: Node,
    pub services: HashMap<String, Service>,

/// Concise service list, as specified in response to "list services" API call in
/// <>
pub type ServiceList = HashMap<String, Vec<String>>;

/// Node serving a service, as specified in response to "list nodes for a service" API call in
/// <>
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
pub struct ServiceNode {
    pub node: String,
    pub address: String,
    pub node_meta: HashMap<String, String>,
    pub service_name: String,
    pub service_tags: Vec<String>,
    pub service_address: String,
    pub service_port: u16,

/// Node serving a service with health info,
/// as specified in response to "list service instances for a service" health API call in
/// <>
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
pub struct HealthServiceNode {
    pub node: Node,
    pub service: Service,
    pub checks: Vec<HealthCheck>,

/// A health check as returned in HealthServiceNode
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
pub struct HealthCheck {
    pub node: String,
    #[serde(rename = "CheckID")]
    pub check_id: String,
    pub name: String,
    pub status: String,
    pub output: String,
    #[serde(rename = "Type")]
    pub type_: String,

/// Map containing all services and their associated nodes, with health checks,
/// returned by `watch_all_service_health`
pub type AllServiceHealth = HashMap<String, Arc<[HealthServiceNode]>>;

impl Consul {
    /// The "list nodes" API call of the Catalog API
    /// <>
    pub async fn catalog_node_list(
        last_index: Option<usize>,
    ) -> Result<WithIndex<Vec<Node>>> {
        self.get_with_index(format!("{}/v1/catalog/nodes", self.url), last_index)

    /// The "retrieve map of services for a node" API call of the Catalog API
    /// <>
    pub async fn catalog_node(
        host: &str,
        last_index: Option<usize>,
    ) -> Result<WithIndex<Option<CatalogNode>>> {
        self.get_with_index(format!("{}/v1/catalog/node/{}", self.url, host), last_index)

    /// The "list services" API call of the Catalog api
    /// <>
    pub async fn catalog_service_list(
        last_index: Option<usize>,
    ) -> Result<WithIndex<ServiceList>> {
        self.get_with_index::<ServiceList>(format!("{}/v1/catalog/services", self.url), last_index)

    /// The "list nodes for a service" API call of the Catalog api
    /// <>
    pub async fn catalog_service_nodes(
        service: &str,
        last_index: Option<usize>,
    ) -> Result<WithIndex<Vec<ServiceNode>>> {
            format!("{}/v1/catalog/service/{}", self.url, service),

    /// The "list service instances for a service" API call of the Health api
    /// <>
    pub async fn health_service_instances(
        service: &str,
        last_index: Option<usize>,
    ) -> Result<WithIndex<Vec<HealthServiceNode>>> {
            format!("{}/v1/health/service/{}", self.url, service),

    /// Launches a background task that watches all services and the nodes that serve them,
    /// and make that info available in a tokio watch channel.
    /// The worker terminates when the channel is dropped.
    pub fn watch_all_service_health(
        max_retry_interval: Duration,
    ) -> watch::Receiver<AllServiceHealth> {
        let (tx, rx) = watch::channel(HashMap::new());



async fn do_watch_all_service_health(
    consul: Consul,
    tx: watch::Sender<AllServiceHealth>,
    max_retry_interval: Duration,
) {
    let mut services = AllServiceHealth::new();
    let mut service_watchers =
        FuturesUnordered::<BoxFuture<(String, std::result::Result<_, (usize, _)>)>>::new();
    let mut service_list: BoxFuture<std::result::Result<_, (usize, _)>> =
        Box::pin(consul.catalog_service_list(None).map_err(|e| (1, e)));

    loop {
        select! {
            list_res = &mut service_list => {
                match list_res {
                    Ok(list) => {
                        let list_index = list.index();
                        for service in list.into_inner().keys() {
                            if !services.contains_key(service) {
                                services.insert(service.to_string(), Arc::new([]));

                                let service = service.to_string();
                                service_watchers.push(Box::pin(async {
                                    let res = consul.health_service_instances(&service, None).await
                                        .map_err(|e| (1, e));
                                    (service, res)
                        service_list = Box::pin(consul.catalog_service_list(Some(list_index)).map_err(|e| (1, e)));
                    Err((err_count, e)) => {
                        warn!("Error listing services: {} ({} consecutive errors)", e, err_count);
                        let consul = &consul;
                        service_list = Box::pin(async move {
                            tokio::time::sleep(retry_to_time(err_count, max_retry_interval)).await;
                            consul.catalog_service_list(None).await.map_err(|e| (err_count + 1, e))
            (service, watch_res) = => {
                match watch_res {
                    Ok(nodes) => {
                        let index = nodes.index();

                        let nodes =  nodes.into_inner();
                        if services.get(&service).as_ref().map(|n| &n[..]) != Some(&nodes[..]) {
                            services.insert(service.clone(), nodes.into());
                            if tx.send(services.clone()).is_err() {

                        let consul = &consul;
                        service_watchers.push(Box::pin(async move {
                            let res = consul.health_service_instances(&service, Some(index)).await
                                .map_err(|e| (1, e));
                            (service, res)
                    Err((err_count, e)) => {
                        warn!("Error getting service {}: {} ({} consecutive errors)", service, e, err_count);
                        let consul = &consul;
                        service_watchers.push(Box::pin(async move {
                            tokio::time::sleep(retry_to_time(err_count, max_retry_interval)).await;
                            let res = consul.health_service_instances(&service, None).await.map_err(|e| (err_count + 1, e));
                            (service, res)
            _ = tx.closed() => {

async fn some_or_pending<T>(value: Option<T>) -> T {
    match value {
        Some(v) => v,
        None => futures::future::pending().await,

fn retry_to_time(retries: usize, max_time: Duration) -> Duration {
    // Exponential retry interval, starting at 2 seconds, maxing out at max_time,
    // with exponential increase of *1.5 each time
        Duration::from_secs_f64(2.0f64 * 1.5f64.powf(retries as f64)),