[background] # Full path to image or directory of images image = /home/lx/stuff/wp/mdvn1ywappt61.jpg # Whether to scale images or preserve background ratio preserve_aspect = 0 # In the case of directory, timeout between changing backgrounds, in seconds cycle_timeout = 150 # In the case of directory, whether or not to randomize images randomize = 0 [panel] # widgets_* is a space-separated list of widgets to be displayed # at the corresponding part of the panel # Supported widgets are: launchers clock network battery window-list volume menu # A special widgets is spacing widgets, it can be used to add padding everywhere on the panel # To use it, just append the amount of pixels you want as a padding # to the word "spacing" and use it as a plugin widgets_left = spacing4 menu spacing18 launchers widgets_center = clock #widgets_right = network spacing6 battery spacing12 widgets_right = network spacing12 # The minimal size of the panel. Note that some widgets might force panel bigger than this size. # All widgets also have individual settings for size # Changing this requires a panel restart minimal_height = 16 # automatically hide when pointer isn't over the panel autohide = false # time in milliseconds to wait before hiding autohide_duration = 300 # layer can be top, bottom, overlay or background layer = top # where to position panel # Possible values are only "top" and "bottom" position = bottom # set the background color. background_color = gtk_headerbar # match the color of a GtkHeaderbar #background_color = $555555 # Hex color, for example $FFFFFF for white #background_color = 0.033 0.041 0.047 0.9 # RGBA color, 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 for semi-transparent red # Configuration for the launchers widget # can be a desktop file #launcher_chrome = google-chrome.desktop launcher_firefox = firefox.desktop launcher_terminal1 = Alacritty.desktop launcher_terminal2 = mlterm.desktop #launcher_gedit = org.gnome.gedit.desktop # or a combination of bash command + icon launcher_cmd_1 = env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center launcher_icon_1 = /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/categories/preferences-system.png launcher_nau = org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop # spacing between widgets, can be negative launchers_spacing = 4 # size of the launcher icon launchers_size = 42 # Configuration for the clock widget # clock format, uses the Glib Time formatting clock_format = %e %a %H:%M # clock font clock_font = DejaVu Sans:style=Book 12 # Configuration for the battery widget # How much info to display: # 0 -> only icon, 1 -> icon + percentage, 2 -> full info battery_status = 1 battery_icon_size = 32 # invert the colors of the icon, needs to be adjusted according to the size of the icons, # because some icon sizes are white, and others are black battery_icon_invert = 1 # Font to use in the battery percentage indicator battery_font = default # Configuration for the network widget # Whether to display connection details, for ex. Wifi AP name network_status = 1 network_status_font = DejaVu Sans:style=Book 10 # network_icon_size = 30 network_icon_invert_color = 1 # whether to colour the wifi signal strength network_status_use_color = yes # Configuration for the menu widget # whether to enable fuzzy search in the menu menu_fuzzy_search = 1 # image file to use as the menu icon # menu_icon = /usr/share/wayfire/icons/wayfire.png # command run when the logout button is clicked menu_logout_command = wayland-logout # Configuration for the volume widget # Number of seconds volume popover will display # after scrolling on the volume icon volume_display_timeout = 2.5 [dock] # time in milliseconds to wait before hiding autohide_duration = 300 # vertical alignment on the desktop # the only possible values are "top" and "bottom" position = bottom # For applications that aren't installed/configured properly, you can manually # set icons for given app_id's. Below is an example for IntelliJ IDEA #icon_mapping_jetbrains-idea-ce = //idea.png