defprotocol SNet.Group do @moduledoc""" A group is a specification of a bunch of peers we want and accept to talk to about some things. It supports a number of abstract operations for finding peers, broadcasting/gossiping, authenticating, etc. """ @doc""" Find new peers for this group, open connections and notify us when connections are open. Launches background processes if necessary, returns immediately. """ def init_lookup(group, notify_to) @doc""" Get all currently open connections to peers in this group. """ def get_connections(group) @doc""" Broadcast a message to peers of the group. Will send to at most nmax peers, so this is a good primitive for gossip. """ def broadcast(group, msg, nmax \\ 10) @doc""" Check if a peer is allowed to participate in this group. """ def in_group?(group, conn_pid, auth) end defmodule SNet.PubShardGroup do defstruct [:id] defimpl SNet.Group do def init_lookup(%SNet.PubShardGroup{id: id}, _notify_to) do # For now: ask all currently connected peers and connect to new peers we know of spawn fn -> for {_, pid, _} <- SNet.Manager.list_connections do GenServer.cast(pid, {:send_msg, {:interested, [id]}}) end for peer_info <- Shard.Manager.get_shard_peers id do if SNet.Manager.get_connections_to peer_info == [] do SNet.Manager.add_peer(peer_info) # TODO callback when connected end end end # TODO: use a DHT to find peers end def get_connections(%SNet.PubShardGroup{id: id}) do Shard.Manager.get_shard_peers(id) |> |> Enum.filter(&(&1 != [])) |> [{pid, _auth}|_] -> pid end) end def broadcast(group, msg, nmax) do %SNet.PubShardGroup{id: id} = group nsent = get_connections(group) |> Enum.shuffle |> Enum.take(nmax) |>, {:send_msg, msg}))) |> Enum.count if nmax - nsent > 0 do Shard.Manager.get_shard_peers(id) |> Enum.filter(&(SNet.Manager.get_connections_to(&1) == [])) |> Enum.shuffle |> Enum.take(nmax - nsent) |>, msg))) end end def in_group?(%SNet.PubShardGroup{id: _id}, _peer_pid, _auth) do true # No access control end end end defmodule SNet.PrivGroup do defstruct [:pk_list] defimpl SNet.Group do def init_lookup(%SNet.PubShardGroup{id: id}, notify_to) do # TODO end def get_connections(%SNet.PubShardGroup{id: id}) do # TODO end def broadcast(group, msg, nmax) do end def in_group?(%SNet.PubShardGroup{id: _id}, peer_pid, auth) do # TODO end end end