defmodule SData.MerkleList do @moduledoc""" A simple Merkle list store. Not used. TODO delete this module """ defstruct [:root, :top, :cmp, :store] @doc""" Create a Merkle list store. `cmp` is a compare function that respects the interface defined in module `SData`. """ def new(cmp) do root_item = :root root_hash = SData.term_hash root_item state = %SData.MerkleList{ root: root_hash, top: root_hash, cmp: cmp, store: %{ root_hash => root_item } } state end defp push(state, item) do new_item = {item,} new_item_hash = SData.term_hash new_item new_store = Map.put(, new_item_hash, new_item) %{ state | :top => new_item_hash, :store => new_store } end defp pop(state) do if == state.root do :error else {item, next} = Map.get(, new_store = Map.delete(, new_state = %{ state | :top => next, :store => new_store } {:ok, item, new_state} end end @doc""" Insert a list of items in the store. A callback function may be specified that is called on any item that is sucessfully added, i.e. that wasn't present in the store before. """ def insert_many(state, items, callback \\ (fn _ -> nil end)) do items_sorted = Enum.sort(items, fn (x, y) -> state.cmp.(x, y) == :after end) insert_many_aux(state, items_sorted, callback) end defp insert_many_aux(state, [], _callback) do state end defp insert_many_aux(state, [item | rest], callback) do case pop(state) do :error -> new_state = push(insert_many_aux(state, rest, callback), item) callback.(item) new_state {:ok, front, state_rest} -> case state.cmp.(item, front) do :after -> new_state = push(insert_many_aux(state, rest, callback), item) callback.(item) new_state :duplicate -> insert_many_aux(state, rest, callback) :before -> push(insert_many_aux(state_rest, [item | rest], callback), front) end end end @doc""" Insert a single item in the store. A callback function may be specified that is called on the item if it is sucessfully added, i.e. it wasn't present in the store before. """ def insert(state, item, callback \\ (fn _ -> nil end)) do insert_many(state, [item], callback) end @doc""" Read some items from the state. The two parameters are optional: - qbegin : hash of the first item to read - qlimit : number of items to read """ def read(state, qbegin \\ nil, qlimit \\ nil) do begin = qbegin || limit = qlimit || 20 get_items_list(state, begin, limit) end @doc""" Get the hash of the last item """ def top(state) do end @doc""" Get the hash of the root item """ def root(state) do state.root end @doc""" Check if the store holds a certain item """ def has(state, hash) do Map.has_key?(, hash) end defp get_items_list(state, begin, limit) do case limit do 0 -> {:ok, [], begin} _ -> case Map.fetch(, begin) do {:ok, :root} -> {:ok, [], nil } {:ok, {item, next}} -> case get_items_list(state, next, limit - 1) do {:ok, rest, past} -> {:ok, [ item | rest ], past } {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} end :error -> {:error, begin} end end end end