path: root/shard/lib/net
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Diffstat (limited to 'shard/lib/net')
3 files changed, 24 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/shard/lib/net/group.ex b/shard/lib/net/group.ex
index 3cce22a..a5f0867 100644
--- a/shard/lib/net/group.ex
+++ b/shard/lib/net/group.ex
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ defmodule SNet.PubShardGroup do
def init_lookup(%SNet.PubShardGroup{id: id}, notify_to) do
# For now: ask all currently connected peers and connect to new peers we know of
spawn fn ->
- for {_, pid, _} <- SNet.Manager.list_connections do
+ for {_, pid, _, _} <- SNet.Manager.list_connections do
GenServer.cast(notify_to, {:peer_connected, pid})
for peer_info <- Shard.Manager.get_shard_peers id do
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ defmodule SNet.PrivGroup do
def init_lookup(%SNet.PrivGroup{pk_list: pk_list}, notify_to) do
spawn fn ->
# 1. We might already have some connections to these guys
- for {_, pid, %SNet.Auth{my_pk: my_pk, his_pk: his_pk}} <- SNet.Manager.list_connections do
+ for {_, pid, %SNet.Auth{my_pk: my_pk, his_pk: his_pk}, _} <- SNet.Manager.list_connections do
if (my_pk in pk_list) and (his_pk in pk_list) do
GenServer.cast(notify_to, {:peer_connected, pid})
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ defmodule SNet.PrivGroup do
def get_connections(%SNet.PrivGroup{pk_list: pk_list}) do
- for {_, pid, %SNet.Auth{my_pk: my_pk, his_pk: his_pk}} <- SNet.Manager.list_connections,
+ for {_, pid, %SNet.Auth{my_pk: my_pk, his_pk: his_pk}, _} <- SNet.Manager.list_connections,
(my_pk in pk_list) and (his_pk in pk_list),
do: pid
diff --git a/shard/lib/net/manager.ex b/shard/lib/net/manager.ex
index dd80347..759c5f0 100644
--- a/shard/lib/net/manager.ex
+++ b/shard/lib/net/manager.ex
@@ -37,12 +37,18 @@ defmodule SNet.Manager do
def handle_call({:peer_up, pid, peer_info, auth}, _from, state) do
- case :ets.match(:connections, {peer_info, :'$1', auth}) do
+ case :ets.match(:connections, {peer_info, :'$1', (if auth != nil do auth else :_ end), :_}) do
[[pid2]|_] when pid2 != pid ->
{:reply, :redundant, state}
_ ->
- :ets.match_delete(:connections, {peer_info, pid, :_})
- :ets.insert(:connections, {peer_info, pid, auth})
+ :ets.match_delete(:connections, {peer_info, pid, :_, :_})
+ :ets.insert(:connections, {peer_info, pid, auth, :established})
+ if auth != nil do
+ for [pid3] <- :ets.match(:connections, {peer_info, :'$1', nil, :_}) do
+ GenServer.cast(pid3, :close)
+ end
+ end
# Send interested message for all our shards
id_list = (for {id, _, _} <- Shard.Manager.list_shards(), do: id)
@@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ defmodule SNet.Manager do
def handle_info({:EXIT, pid, _reason}, state) do
- :ets.match_delete(:connections, {:_, pid, :_})
+ :ets.match_delete(:connections, {:_, pid, :_, :_})
{:noreply, state}
@@ -67,12 +73,12 @@ defmodule SNet.Manager do
if SNet.Addr.is_local? peer_info do
- case :ets.match(:connections, {peer_info, :'$1', (if auth != nil do auth else :_ end)}) do
+ case :ets.match(:connections, {peer_info, :'$1', (if auth != nil do auth else :_ end), :_}) do
[[pid]|_] -> pid
[] ->
my_port = Application.get_env(:shard, :port)
{:ok, pid} = SNet.TCPConn.start_link(%{connect_to: peer_info, my_port: my_port, auth: auth})
- :ets.insert(:connections, {peer_info, pid, auth})
+ :ets.insert(:connections, {peer_info, pid, auth, :establishing})
@@ -100,14 +106,14 @@ defmodule SNet.Manager do
Return the list of connections to a given peer, possibly with different auth
def get_connections_to(peer_info) do
- for {^peer_info, pid, auth} <- :ets.lookup(:connections, peer_info), do: {pid, auth}
+ for {^peer_info, pid, auth, _} <- :ets.lookup(:connections, peer_info), do: {pid, auth}
Return the list of connections to a given peer that match a given auth spec
def get_auth_connections_to(peer_info, my_auth, his_auth) do
- for {^peer_info, pid, %SNet.Auth{my_pk: my_pk, his_pk: his_pk}} <- :ets.lookup(:connections, peer_info),
+ for {^peer_info, pid, %SNet.Auth{my_pk: my_pk, his_pk: his_pk}, _} <- :ets.lookup(:connections, peer_info),
my_pk == my_auth or my_pk in my_auth,
his_pk == his_auth or his_pk in his_auth,
do: pid
@@ -119,7 +125,7 @@ defmodule SNet.Manager do
def send(peer_info, msg) do
case :ets.lookup(:connections, peer_info) do
- [{^peer_info, pid, _auth}|_] ->
+ [{^peer_info, pid, _auth, _}|_] ->
GenServer.cast(pid, {:send_msg, msg})
[] ->
GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:connect_and_send, peer_info, nil, msg})
@@ -127,7 +133,7 @@ defmodule SNet.Manager do
def send_auth(peer_info, auth, msg) do
- case :ets.match(:connections, {peer_info, :'$1', auth}) do
+ case :ets.match(:connections, {peer_info, :'$1', auth, :_}) do
[[pid]|_] ->
GenServer.cast(pid, {:send_msg, msg})
[] ->
diff --git a/shard/lib/net/tcpconn.ex b/shard/lib/net/tcpconn.ex
index bd169aa..7025ffe 100644
--- a/shard/lib/net/tcpconn.ex
+++ b/shard/lib/net/tcpconn.ex
@@ -296,6 +296,11 @@ defmodule SNet.TCPConn do
{:noreply, %{state | nonce_send: next_nonce(state.nonce_send) }}
+ def handle_cast(:close, state) do
+ Logger.info "Closing: #{print_id state} at #{inspect state.peer_info}"
+ exit(:normal)
+ end
def handle_info({:tcp, _socket, raw_data}, state) do
{:ok, msgbin} = :enacl.secretbox_open(raw_data, state.nonce_recv, state.secret_recv)
msg_data = :erlang.binary_to_term(msgbin, [:safe])