path: root/shard/lib/app
diff options
authorAlex Auvolat <alex@adnab.me>2018-09-11 17:21:14 +0200
committerAlex Auvolat <alex@adnab.me>2018-09-11 17:21:14 +0200
commit9695231c327e052c5d5bc61197cc8222599fb91a (patch)
treec0d0f247269729658ad354a32475f34fa7268ed1 /shard/lib/app
parenta033c82a3c656a8f53feb60b5b149680771ac247 (diff)
Block store dependency management & caching (NOT TESTED)
Diffstat (limited to 'shard/lib/app')
2 files changed, 157 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/shard/lib/app/blockstore.ex b/shard/lib/app/blockstore.ex
index 5e93135..f1140b2 100644
--- a/shard/lib/app/blockstore.ex
+++ b/shard/lib/app/blockstore.ex
@@ -5,7 +5,14 @@ defmodule SApp.BlockStore do
This is not a shard, it is a side process that a shard may use to store its data.
+ Uses an ETS table of:
+ { block_id, why_have_it } -- waiting for data
+ { block_id, why_have_it, data } -- once we have the data
+ why_have_it := :root
+ | {:req_by, some_other_block_id}
+ | {:cached, expiry_date}
use GenServer
@@ -13,6 +20,8 @@ defmodule SApp.BlockStore do
@enforce_keys [:pid]
defstruct [:pid, :prefer_ask]
+ @cache_ttl 600 # Ten minutes
+ @clean_cache_every 60 # One minute
defmodule State do
defstruct [:shard_id, :path, :store, :reqs, :retries]
@@ -26,47 +35,86 @@ defmodule SApp.BlockStore do
def init([shard_id, path]) do
Shard.Manager.dispatch_to(shard_id, path, self())
- {:ok, %State{shard_id: shard_id, path: path, store: %{}, reqs: %{}, retries: %{}}}
+ store_path = String.to_atom "#{Base.encode16 shard_id}/#{Atom.to_string path}"
+ store = :ets.new store_path, [:set, :protected]
+ Process.send_after(self(), :clean_cache, @clean_cache_every * 1000)
+ {:ok, %State{shard_id: shard_id, path: path, store: store, reqs: %{}, retries: %{}}}
def handle_call({:get, key, prefer_ask}, from, state) do
- case state.store[key] do
- nil ->
- case prefer_ask do
- [_ | _] ->
- for peer <- prefer_ask do
- Shard.Manager.send(peer, {state.shard_id, state.path, {:get, key}})
- end
- _ ->
- ask_random_peers(state, key)
- end
- reqs_key = case state.reqs[key] do
- nil ->
- MapSet.put(MapSet.new(), from)
- ms ->
- MapSet.put(ms, from)
- end
- state = put_in(state.reqs[key], reqs_key)
- {:noreply, state}
- v ->
+ case :ets.lookup state.store, key do
+ [{_, _, v}] ->
{:reply, v, state}
+ [{_, _}] ->
+ state = add_request(state, key, from)
+ {:noreply, state}
+ [] ->
+ why = {:cached, System.os_time(:seconds) + @cache_ttl}
+ init_rec_pull(state, key, why, prefer_ask)
+ state = add_request(state, key, from)
+ {:noreply, state}
def handle_call({:put, val}, _from, state) do
hash = SData.term_hash val
- state = %{state | store: Map.put(state.store, hash, val)}
+ store_put(state, hash, val)
{:reply, hash, state}
+ defp add_request(state, key, from) do
+ reqs_key = case state.reqs[key] do
+ nil ->
+ MapSet.put(MapSet.new(), from)
+ ms ->
+ MapSet.put(ms, from)
+ end
+ put_in(state.reqs[key], reqs_key)
+ end
+ defp store_put(state, hash, val) do
+ case :ets.lookup state.store, hash do
+ [] ->
+ :ets.insert state.store, {hash, {:cached, System.os_time(:seconds) + @cache_ttl}, val}
+ nil
+ [{_, why}] ->
+ :ets.insert state.store, {hash, why, val}
+ why
+ [{_, _, _}] ->
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ defp init_rec_pull(state, key, why, prefer_ask) do
+ case prefer_ask do
+ [_ | _] ->
+ for peer <- prefer_ask do
+ Shard.Manager.send(peer, {state.shard_id, state.path, {:get, key}})
+ end
+ _ ->
+ ask_random_peers(state, key)
+ end
+ :ets.insert state.store, {key, why}
+ end
+ def handle_cast({:rec_pull, hash, ask_to}, state) do
+ if :ets.lookup state.store, hash == [] do
+ why = {:cached, System.os_time(:seconds) + @cache_ttl}
+ init_rec_pull(state, hash, why, ask_to)
+ end
+ {:noreply, state}
+ end
def handle_cast({:msg, peer_id, _shard_id, _path, msg}, state) do
state = case msg do
{:get, key} ->
- case state.store[key] do
- nil ->
- Shard.Manager.send(peer_id, {state.shard_id, state.path, {:not_found, key}})
- v ->
+ case :ets.lookup state.store, key do
+ [{_, _, v}] ->
Shard.Manager.send(peer_id, {state.shard_id, state.path, {:info, key, v}})
+ _ ->
+ Shard.Manager.send(peer_id, {state.shard_id, state.path, {:not_found, key}})
{:info, hash, value} ->
@@ -80,12 +128,22 @@ defmodule SApp.BlockStore do
Map.delete(state.reqs, hash)
state = %{state | retries: Map.delete(state.retries, hash)}
- %{state | store: Map.put(state.store, hash, value), reqs: reqs}
+ rec_why = store_put state, hash, value
+ if rec_why != nil do
+ sub_why = case rec_why do
+ {:cached, ttl} -> {:cached, ttl}
+ _ -> {:req_by, hash}
+ end
+ for dep <- SData.Page.refs value do
+ init_rec_pull(state, dep, sub_why, [peer_id])
+ end
+ end
+ %{state | reqs: reqs}
{:not_found, key} ->
- if state.reqs[key] != nil and state.store[key] == nil do
+ if state.reqs[key] != nil and :ets.lookup state.store, key == [] do
nretry = case state.retries[key] do
nil -> 1
n -> n+1
@@ -107,6 +165,64 @@ defmodule SApp.BlockStore do
{:noreply, state}
+ def handle_cast({:set_roots, roots}, state) do
+ cached_why = {:cached, System.os_time(:seconds) + @cache_ttl}
+ # Set old roots as cached
+ for [id, val] <- :ets.match state.store, {:"$1", :root, :"$2"} do
+ :ets.insert state.store, {id, cached_why, val}
+ end
+ for [id] <- :ets.match state.store, {:"$1", :root} do
+ :ets.insert state.store, {id, cached_why}
+ end
+ # Set old deps as cached
+ for [id, val] <- :ets.match state.store, {:"$1", {:req_by, :_}, :"$2"} do
+ :ets.insert state.store, {id, cached_why, val}
+ end
+ for [id] <- :ets.match state.store, {:"$1", {:req_by, :_}} do
+ :ets.insert state.store, {id, cached_why}
+ end
+ # Set new roots as roots
+ for root <- roots do
+ case :ets.lookup state.store, root do
+ [{^root, _, val}] ->
+ :ets.insert state.store, {root, :root, val}
+ rec_set_dep state.store, root, val
+ [{^root, _}] ->
+ :ets.insert state.store, {root, :root}
+ [] ->
+ init_rec_pull state, root, :root, []
+ end
+ end
+ {:noreply, state}
+ end
+ defp rec_set_dep(store, hash, val0) do
+ for dep <- SData.Page.refs val0 do
+ case :ets.lookup store, dep do
+ [{^dep, _, val}] ->
+ :ets.insert store, {dep, {:req_by, hash}, val}
+ rec_set_dep(store, dep, val)
+ _ ->
+ :ets.insert store, {dep, {:req_by, hash}}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_info(:clean_cache, state) do
+ currtime = System.os_time :seconds
+ cache_cleanup_1 = [ {{:_, {:cached, :'$1'}, :_}, [{:<, :'$1', currtime}], [:'$1']} ]
+ cache_cleanup_2 = [ {{:_, {:cached, :'$1'}}, [{:<, :'$1', currtime}], [:'$1']} ]
+ :ets.select_delete(state.store, cache_cleanup_1)
+ :ets.select_delete(state.store, cache_cleanup_2)
+ Process.send_after(self(), :clean_cache, @clean_cache_every * 1000)
+ {:noreply, state}
+ end
def ask_random_peers(state, key) do
peers = Shard.Manager.get_shard_peers(state.shard_id)
@@ -117,7 +233,6 @@ defmodule SApp.BlockStore do
defimpl SData.PageStore do
def put(store, page) do
hash = GenServer.call(store.pid, {:put, page})
@@ -133,12 +248,7 @@ defmodule SApp.BlockStore do
def copy(store, other_store, hash) do
- page = SData.PageStore.get(other_store, hash)
- refs = SData.Page.refs(page)
- for ref <- refs do
- copy(store, other_store, ref)
- end
- GenServer.call(store.pid, {:put, page})
+ GenServer.cast(store.pid, {:rec_pull, hash, other_store.prefer_ask})
diff --git a/shard/lib/app/chat.ex b/shard/lib/app/chat.ex
index 471d8f7..4752dc6 100644
--- a/shard/lib/app/chat.ex
+++ b/shard/lib/app/chat.ex
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ defmodule SApp.Chat do
if mst2.root == new_root do
# This was the only message missing, we are happy!
state = %{state | mst: mst2}
+ GenServer.cast(state.block_store, {:set_roots, [mst2.root]})
msg_callback(state, msgitem)
@@ -186,9 +187,19 @@ defmodule SApp.Chat do
defp init_merge(state, new_root, source_peer) do
# TODO: make the merge asynchronous
+ prev_last = for {x, true} <- MST.last(state.mst, nil, 100), into: MapSet.new, do: x
mgmst = %{state.mst | root: new_root}
mgmst = put_in(mgmst.store.prefer_ask, [source_peer])
- mst = MST.merge(state.mst, mgmst, fn msgitem, true -> msg_callback(state, msgitem) end)
+ mst = MST.merge(state.mst, mgmst)
+ for {x, true} <- MST.last(mst, nil, 100) do
+ if not MapSet.member? prev_last, x do
+ msg_callback(state, x)
+ end
+ end
+ GenServer.cast(state.block_store, {:set_roots, [mst.root]})
%{state | mst: mst}