use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::io::{self, BufRead, Write}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use rayon::prelude::*; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "datagengo", about = "Japanese example practice maker")] struct Opt { #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: Cmd, } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] enum Cmd { ParseKanjidic, New { #[structopt(default_value = "10")] count: usize, }, Format, } fn main() { let opt = Opt::from_args(); match opt.cmd { Cmd::ParseKanjidic => { let levels = parse_kanjidic().expect("error"); for (jlpt, grade, chars) in levels.iter() { println!("{}.{}: {}", jlpt, grade, chars); } } Cmd::New{ count } => { let kanji_levels = read_kanji_levels().expect("read_kanji_levels"); let all_kanji = Charset::new(kanji_levels.iter() .map(|(_, x)| x.to_string()) .collect::>() .join("")); let kanji_levels = kanji_levels.into_iter() .map(|(l, x)| (l, Charset::new(x))) .collect::>(); let mut ex = read_examples(&all_kanji).expect("read_examples"); ex.retain(|e| (5..=25).contains(&e.ja.chars().count())); let mut batches: Vec = fs::read("data/batches.json") .map_err(anyhow::Error::from) .and_then(|x| Ok(serde_json::from_slice(&x)?)) .unwrap_or_default(); println!("---- starting after {} batches ----", batches.len()); for _ in 0..count { let batch = gen_batch(&batches, &kanji_levels, &ex).expect("gen_batch"); if batch.examples.is_empty() { break; } batches.push(batch); } fs::write("data/batches.json", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&batches).expect("serialize").as_bytes()).expect("save"); } Cmd::Format => { let batches = fs::read("data/batches.json") .map_err(anyhow::Error::from) .and_then(|x| Ok(serde_json::from_slice::>(&x)?)) .expect("read/parse"); batches.par_iter() .enumerate() .for_each(|x| format_batch(batches.len(), x)); let kanji_levels = read_kanji_levels().expect("read_kanji_levels"); format_index(&batches, &kanji_levels).expect("format_index"); } } } fn parse_kanjidic() -> Result> { let file = fs::read_to_string("data/kanjidic2.xml")?; let xml = roxmltree::Document::parse(&file)?; let kanjidic = xml.root().first_child().unwrap(); assert!(kanjidic.has_tag_name("kanjidic2")); let mut levels = HashMap::new(); for x in kanjidic.children() { if !x.has_tag_name("character") { continue; } let mut literal = None; let mut jlpt = None; let mut grade = None; for y in x.children() { if y.has_tag_name("literal") { literal = y.text(); } if y.has_tag_name("misc") { for z in y.children() { if z.has_tag_name("grade") { grade = z.text().and_then(|x| str::parse::(x).ok()); } if z.has_tag_name("jlpt") { jlpt = z.text().and_then(|x| str::parse::(x).ok()); } } } } if jlpt.is_none() && grade.is_none() { continue; } let level = (jlpt.unwrap_or(0), grade.unwrap_or(0)); if let Some(lit) = literal { levels.entry(level).or_insert(String::new()).extend(lit.chars()); } } let mut levels = levels.into_iter().map(|((j, g), c)| (j, g, c)).collect::>(); levels.sort_by_key(|(j, g, _)| (-*j, *g)); Ok(levels) } fn read_kanji_levels() -> Result> { Ok(fs::read_to_string("data/kanji_levels.txt")? .lines() .filter_map(|l| l.split_once(": ")) .map(|(l, k)| (l.to_string(), k.to_string())) .collect::>()) } fn read_examples(all_kanji: &Charset) -> Result> { let file = fs::File::open("data/examples.utf")?; let mut ret = Vec::new(); let mut a = "".to_string(); for (i, line) in io::BufReader::new(file).lines().enumerate() { let line = line?; if line.starts_with("A:") { a = line; } else if line.starts_with("B:") { let s = a.strip_prefix("A: "); let t = line.strip_prefix("B: "); if let (Some(a), Some(b)) = (s, t) { if let Some((ja, eng)) = a.split_once("\t") { if let Some((eng, id)) = eng.split_once("#") { ret.push(Example { ja: ja.to_string(), en: eng.to_string(), expl: b.to_string(), id: Some(id.to_string()), chars: Charset::new(ja).inter(all_kanji), }); } else { ret.push(Example { ja: ja.to_string(), en: eng.to_string(), expl: b.to_string(), id: None, chars: Charset::new(ja).inter(all_kanji), }); } } } } if i % 10000 == 0 { eprintln!("read examples: {}/300", i/1000); } } Ok(ret) } fn gen_batch(previous: &[Batch], kanji_levels: &[(String, Charset)], examples: &[Example]) -> Result { let prev_chars = Charset::from_iter(previous.iter() .map(|x| x.chars.chars().iter().copied()) .flatten()); let (mut target_i, target_level, mut target_chars) = kanji_levels.iter().enumerate() .map(|(i, (l, c))| (i, l, c.diff(&prev_chars))) .find(|(_, _, c)| !c.is_empty()) .ok_or(anyhow!("no more batches to make!"))?; let chars_p1 = previous.iter().rev().next() .map(|b| b.chars.clone()).unwrap_or(Charset::default()); let chars_p2 = previous.iter().rev().skip(1).next() .map(|b| b.chars.clone()).unwrap_or(Charset::default()); let mut chars_late = Charset::default(); let mut chars_bad = Charset::from_iter(kanji_levels.iter().skip(target_i+1) .map(|(_, c)| c.chars().iter().copied()) .flatten()); let mut batch = Batch { level: target_level.to_string(), chars: Charset::default(), chars_p1: Charset::default(), chars_p2: Charset::default(), chars_bad: Charset::default(), examples: Vec::new(), }; let mut batch_chars = Charset::default(); eprintln!("----"); eprintln!("Level : {}", batch.level); eprintln!("Target : {}", target_chars.to_string()); eprintln!("Prev1 : {}", chars_p1.to_string()); eprintln!("Prev2 : {}", chars_p2.to_string()); eprintln!("Bad : {} characters", chars_bad.len()); let batch_len = 20; let mut stalled = false; while batch.chars.len() < batch_len && !target_chars.is_empty() { let need = batch_len - batch.chars.len(); let should_add = need > target_chars.len() && target_chars.len() <= 3; if target_i + 1 < kanji_levels.len() && (should_add || stalled) { // upgrade to next level target_i += 1; chars_late = chars_late.union(&target_chars); target_chars = target_chars.union(&kanji_levels[target_i].1.diff(&prev_chars)); chars_bad = chars_bad.diff(&target_chars); if batch.examples.is_empty() { batch.level = kanji_levels[target_i].0.to_string(); } else { batch.level = format!("{} + {}", batch.level, kanji_levels[target_i].0); } eprintln!("Level : {}", batch.level); eprintln!("Target: {}", target_chars.to_string()); eprintln!("Late : {}", chars_late.to_string()); eprintln!("Bad : {} characters", chars_bad.len()); stalled = false; } let cost = |ex: &Example, ex_tgt_inter: usize| { 20i32 * ex_tgt_inter as i32 + 30i32 * ex.chars.inter_len(&chars_late) as i32 + 6i32 * ex.chars.inter_len(&batch.chars) as i32 + 4i32 * ex.chars.inter_len(&chars_p1) as i32 + 3i32 * ex.chars.inter_len(&chars_p2) as i32 - 40i32 * ex.chars.inter_len(&chars_bad) as i32 }; let cand_1 = examples.par_iter() .map(|ex| (ex, ex.chars.inter_len(&target_chars))) .filter(|(_, ex_tgt_inter)| (1..=4).contains(ex_tgt_inter) && *ex_tgt_inter + batch.chars.len() <= batch_len) .max_by_key(|(ex, ex_tgt_inter)| cost(ex, *ex_tgt_inter)); let cand = cand_1.or_else(|| { examples.par_iter() .map(|ex| (ex, ex.chars.inter_len(&target_chars))) .filter(|(_, ex_tgt_inter)| *ex_tgt_inter > 0) .max_by_key(|(ex, ex_tgt_inter)| cost(ex, *ex_tgt_inter)) }); if let Some((ex, _)) = cand { eprintln!("* add {} (rep: {}, p1: {}, p2: {}, bad: {}) {}", ex.chars.inter(&target_chars).to_string(), ex.chars.inter(&batch.chars).to_string(), ex.chars.inter(&chars_p1).to_string(), ex.chars.inter(&chars_p2).to_string(), ex.chars.inter(&chars_bad).to_string(), ex.ja); batch.chars = batch.chars.union(&ex.chars.inter(&target_chars)); target_chars = target_chars.diff(&ex.chars); chars_late = chars_late.diff(&ex.chars); batch.examples.push(ex.clone()); batch_chars = batch_chars.union(&ex.chars); stalled = false; } else { if stalled { eprintln!("could not find suitable sentence, stopping batch now (need {})", need); break; } stalled = true; } } batch.chars_p1 = chars_p1.inter(&batch_chars); batch.chars_p2 = chars_p2.inter(&batch_chars); batch.chars_bad = chars_bad.inter(&batch_chars); Ok(batch) } fn format_batch(count: usize, (i, batch): (usize, &Batch)) { format_batch_aux(count, i, batch).expect("format batch"); } fn format_batch_aux(count: usize, i: usize, batch: &Batch) -> Result<()> { let mut f = io::BufWriter::new(fs::File::create(format!("html/{:03}.html", i))?); write!(f, r#" Batch #{:03} "#, i)?; writeln!(f, r#"

index"#)?; for j in 0..count { if j != i { writeln!(f, r#" {:03}"#, j, j)?; } else { writeln!(f, " {:03}", j)?; } } writeln!(f, r#"

"#)?; writeln!(f, "

Level: {}

", batch.level)?; writeln!(f, "

Characters: {}

", batch.chars.to_string())?; for ex in batch.examples.iter() { writeln!(f, "
")?; write!(f, r#"

"#)?; for c in ex.ja.chars() { if batch.chars.contains(c) { write!(f, r#"{}"#, c)?; } else if batch.chars_p1.contains(c) { write!(f, r#"{}"#, c)?; } else if batch.chars_p2.contains(c) { write!(f, r#"{}"#, c)?; } else if batch.chars_bad.contains(c) { write!(f, r#"{}"#, c)?; } else { write!(f, "{}", c)?; } } writeln!(f, "

")?; writeln!(f, r#"


"#, ex.expl, ex.en)?; } write!(f, "")?; f.flush()?; Ok(()) } fn format_index(batches: &[Batch], kanji_levels: &[(String, String)]) -> Result<()> { let mut f = io::BufWriter::new(fs::File::create("html/index.html")?); write!(f, r#" List of batches "#)?; writeln!(f, "")?; writeln!(f, "")?; for (i, batch) in batches.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(f, r#""#, i, i, batch.level, batch.chars.to_string(), batch.examples.len(), batch.chars_p1.union(&batch.chars_p2).to_string(), batch.chars_bad.to_string())?; } writeln!(f, r#"
{:03}{}{}  {}{}{}
"#)?; writeln!(f, "
")?; let all_chars = Charset::from_iter(batches.iter() .map(|x| x.chars.chars().iter().copied()) .flatten()); writeln!(f, "")?; writeln!(f, "")?; for (lvl, chars) in kanji_levels.iter() { let chars = Charset::new(chars); let missing = chars.diff(&all_chars); writeln!(f, "", lvl, chars.len(), chars.to_string(), missing.to_string(), missing.len())?; } writeln!(f, "
LevelCountCharsMissing chars
{}{}{}{} ({})
")?; write!(f, "")?; f.flush()?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Example { ja: String, en: String, expl: String, id: Option, chars: Charset, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Batch { level: String, chars: Charset, chars_p1: Charset, chars_p2: Charset, chars_bad: Charset, examples: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)] struct Charset(Vec); impl Charset { fn new>(s: S) -> Self { let mut chars = s.as_ref().chars().collect::>(); chars.sort(); chars.dedup(); Self(chars) } fn from_iter>(s: S) -> Self { let mut chars = s.into_iter().collect::>(); chars.sort(); chars.dedup(); Self(chars) } fn intersects(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { let mut it1 = self.0.iter().peekable(); let mut it2 = other.0.iter().peekable(); while let (Some(c1), Some(c2)) = (it1.peek(), it2.peek()) { match c1.cmp(c2) { Ordering::Equal => return true, Ordering::Less =>, Ordering::Greater =>, }; } false } fn inter_len(&self, other: &Self) -> usize { let mut it1 = self.0.iter().peekable(); let mut it2 = other.0.iter().peekable(); let mut ret = 0; while let (Some(c1), Some(c2)) = (it1.peek(), it2.peek()) { match c1.cmp(c2) { Ordering::Equal => { ret += 1;;; } Ordering::Less => {; } Ordering::Greater => {; } }; } ret } fn inter(&self, other: &Self) -> Charset { let mut it1 = self.0.iter().peekable(); let mut it2 = other.0.iter().peekable(); let mut ret = Vec::new(); while let (Some(c1), Some(c2)) = (it1.peek(), it2.peek()) { match c1.cmp(c2) { Ordering::Equal => { ret.push(**c1);;; } Ordering::Less => {; } Ordering::Greater => {; } }; } Self(ret) } fn union(&self, other: &Self) -> Charset { let mut it1 = self.0.iter().peekable(); let mut it2 = other.0.iter().peekable(); let mut ret = Vec::new(); while let (Some(c1), Some(c2)) = (it1.peek(), it2.peek()) { match c1.cmp(c2) { Ordering::Equal => { ret.push(**c1);;; } Ordering::Less => { ret.push(**c1);; } Ordering::Greater => { ret.push(**c2);; } }; } while let Some(c) = it1.peek() { ret.push(**c);; } while let Some(c) = it2.peek() { ret.push(**c);; } Self(ret) } fn diff(&self, other: &Self) -> Charset { let mut it1 = self.0.iter().peekable(); let mut it2 = other.0.iter().peekable(); let mut ret = Vec::new(); while let (Some(c1), Some(c2)) = (it1.peek(), it2.peek()) { match c1.cmp(c2) { Ordering::Equal => {;; } Ordering::Less => { ret.push(**c1);; } Ordering::Greater => {; } }; } while let Some(c) = it1.peek() { ret.push(**c);; } Self(ret) } fn len(&self) -> usize { self.0.len() } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_empty() } fn chars(&self) -> &[char] { &self.0 } fn contains(&self, c: char) -> bool { self.0.binary_search(&c).is_ok() } fn to_string(&self) -> String { self.0.iter().collect::() } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_charset() { let c1 = Charset::new("azerty"); let c2 = Charset::new("uiopqsqdf"); let c3 = Charset::new("hello, world"); assert!(!c1.intersects(&c2)); assert!(c1.intersects(&c3)); assert!(c2.intersects(&c3)); assert_eq!(c1.inter_len(&c2), 0); assert_eq!(c1.inter_len(&c3), 2); assert_eq!(c2.inter_len(&c3), 2); assert_eq!(c1.inter(&c2), Charset::new("")); assert_eq!(c1.inter(&c3), Charset::new("er")); assert_eq!(c2.inter(&c3), Charset::new("od")); assert_eq!(c1.union(&c2), Charset::new("azertyuiopqsdf")); assert_eq!(c1.union(&c3), Charset::new("azertyhello, world")); assert_eq!(c2.union(&c3), Charset::new("uiopqsdfhello, world")); assert_eq!(c1.diff(&c2), Charset::new("azerty")); assert_eq!(c1.diff(&c3), Charset::new("azty")); assert_eq!(c2.diff(&c3), Charset::new("uipqsf")); assert_eq!(c2.diff(&c1), Charset::new("uiopqsdf")); assert_eq!(c3.diff(&c1), Charset::new("hllo, wold")); assert_eq!(c3.diff(&c2), Charset::new("hell, wrl")); } }