#[macro_use] extern crate log; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::io; //use anyhow::Result; use rand::prelude::*; use rayon::prelude::*; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use structopt::StructOpt; mod charset; mod datafiles; mod example; mod format; mod server; use charset::Charset; use datafiles::*; use format::*; #[global_allocator] static ALLOCATOR: cap::Cap = cap::Cap::new(std::alloc::System, usize::max_value()); #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "datagengo", about = "Japanese example practice maker")] struct Opt { #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: Cmd, } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] enum Cmd { ParseKanjidic, ParseJlptVocab, IndexJmdict, New { #[structopt(default_value = "10")] count: usize, #[structopt(long = "truncate")] truncate: Option, }, Simplify, Cleanup, AddVocab, Format, Server, } #[async_std::main] async fn main() { if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "datagengo=info") } pretty_env_logger::init(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); match opt.cmd { Cmd::ParseKanjidic => { let levels = parse_kanjidic().expect("error"); for (level, chars) in levels.iter() { println!("{}: {}", level, chars.to_string()); } } Cmd::ParseJlptVocab => { let kanji_levels = read_kanji_levels().expect("read_kanji_levels"); let all_kanji = Charset::from_iter(kanji_levels.iter().map(|(_, c)| c.chars()).flatten()); parse_jlpt_vocab(&all_kanji).expect("error"); } Cmd::IndexJmdict => { let jmdict = fs::read_to_string("data/JMdict_e.xml").expect("read_jmdict"); let jmdict = roxmltree::Document::parse_with_options( &jmdict, roxmltree::ParsingOptions { allow_dtd: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .expect("parse_jmdict"); let jmdict_idx = index_jmdict(&jmdict); fs::write("data/jmdict_idx.json", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&jmdict_idx).expect("to_json").as_bytes()).expect("write"); } Cmd::New { truncate, count } => { let kanji_levels = read_kanji_levels().expect("read_kanji_levels"); let all_kanji = Charset::new( kanji_levels .iter() .map(|(_, x)| x.to_string()) .collect::>() .join(""), ); let kanji_levels = kanji_levels .into_iter() .map(|(l, x)| (l, Charset::new(x))) .collect::>(); let mut ex = read_examples(&all_kanji).expect("read_examples"); ex.retain(|e| (5..=25).contains(&e.ja.chars().count())); let mut batches = read_batches().unwrap_or_default(); if let Some(t) = truncate { batches.truncate(t); } println!("---- starting after {} batches ----", batches.len()); let target_len = batches.len() + count; gen_batches(&mut batches, target_len, &kanji_levels, &ex); save_batches(batches).expect("save_batches"); } Cmd::Simplify => { let mut batches = read_batches().expect("read_batches"); for batch in batches.iter_mut() { simplify_batch(batch); } save_batches(batches).expect("save_batches"); } Cmd::Cleanup => { let mut batches = read_batches().expect("read_batches"); let kanji_levels = read_kanji_levels().expect("read_kanji_levels"); let kanji_levels = kanji_levels .into_iter() .map(|(l, x)| (l, Charset::new(x))) .collect::>(); cleanup_batches(&mut batches, &kanji_levels); save_batches(batches).expect("save_batches"); } Cmd::AddVocab => { let mut batches = read_batches().expect("read_batches"); let jlpt_vocab = load_jlpt_vocab().expect("load_jlpt_vocab"); add_vocab(&mut batches, &jlpt_vocab); save_batches(batches).expect("save_batches"); } Cmd::Format => { let jmdict_idx = read_jmdict_idx().expect("read jmdict_idx.json"); let batches = read_batches().expect("read/parse"); fs::create_dir_all("public").expect("mkdir public"); fs::copy("static/style.css", "public/style.css").expect("copy style.css"); batches .iter() .enumerate() //.skip(25) //.take(1) .for_each(|x| format_batch(&jmdict_idx, batches.len(), x)); let kanji_levels = read_kanji_levels().expect("read_kanji_levels"); format_index(&batches, &kanji_levels).expect("format_index"); format_about().expect("format_about"); } Cmd::Server => { server::server_main().await.expect("error in server"); } } } // ---- pub fn read_batches() -> anyhow::Result> { let json = fs::read("data/batches.json")?; Ok(serde_json::from_slice::>(&json)?) } fn save_batches(batches: Vec) -> anyhow::Result<()> { fs::write( "data/batches.json", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&batches)?.as_bytes(), )?; Ok(()) } // ===================================================================== // BATCH STRUCTURES AND GENERATION // ===================================================================== const CHARS_PER_BATCH: usize = 20; const MAX_NEW_CHARS_PER_EX: usize = 5; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct Batch { pub level: String, pub chars: Charset, pub chars_p1: Charset, pub chars_p2: Charset, pub chars_bad: Charset, pub examples: Vec, #[serde(default)] pub extra_vocab: Vec, } fn gen_batches( batches: &mut Vec, target_len: usize, kanji_levels: &[(String, Charset)], examples: &[Example], ) { let mut remainder = None; while batches.len() < target_len { let done = Charset::from_iter( batches .iter() .map(|x| x.chars.chars().iter().copied()) .flatten(), ); let remainder_chars = remainder .as_ref() .map(|x: &Batch| x.chars.clone()) .unwrap_or_default(); let remainder_before = remainder.clone(); let len_before = batches.len(); let mut advanced = false; for (i, (level, level_chars)) in kanji_levels.iter().enumerate() { let diff = level_chars.diff(&done).diff(&remainder_chars); if !diff.is_empty() { let avoid = Charset::from_iter( kanji_levels .iter() .skip(i + 1) .filter(|(l, _)| !l.ends_with("-9") && !l.ends_with("-10")) .map(|(_, c)| c.chars().iter().copied()) .flatten(), ); let level_examples = level_examples(&diff, &avoid, examples); let level_new_chars = Charset::from_iter( level_examples .iter() .map(|x| x.chars.chars().iter().copied()) .flatten(), ) .inter(&diff); println!( "- {} ({} chars): {} done previously, {} diff, {} ex, {} new chars", level, level_chars.len(), done.len(), diff.len(), level_examples.len(), level_new_chars.len() ); if !level_examples.is_empty() { assert!(!level_new_chars.is_empty()); remainder = gen_level( batches, level, &level_new_chars, &done, level_examples, remainder, ); advanced = true; break; } } } if let Some(r) = &remainder { assert!(r.examples.len() <= 20); } if advanced && batches.len() == len_before && remainder == remainder_before { // restart level with new rng let last_level = batches.last().unwrap().level.to_string(); println!("RESTARTING LEVEL {}, hopefully new RNG", last_level); while batches .last() .map(|x| x.level == last_level) .unwrap_or(false) { batches.pop(); remainder = None; } } else if !advanced { break; } } if let Some(r) = remainder { if batches.len() < target_len { batches.push(r); } } } fn gen_level( batches: &mut Vec, level: &str, new_chars: &Charset, prev_done: &Charset, mut examples: Vec<&Example>, mut remainder: Option, ) -> Option { examples.shuffle(&mut thread_rng()); let remainder_chars = remainder.as_ref().map(|x| x.chars.len()).unwrap_or(0); println!( "Level {}: {} characters using {} examples, remainder has {} chars and {} examples", level, new_chars.len(), examples.len(), remainder_chars, remainder.as_ref().map(|x| x.examples.len()).unwrap_or(0), ); let avg_len = examples.len() as f32 * CHARS_PER_BATCH as f32 / new_chars.len() as f32; let mut batch_count = 0; let mut sum_len = 0; let mut done = prev_done.union( remainder .as_ref() .map(|x| &x.chars) .unwrap_or(&Charset::default()), ); loop { println!("iter with {} examples", examples.len()); let mut batch = remainder.take().unwrap_or_else(|| Batch { level: level.to_string(), ..Default::default() }); let remaining_chars = new_chars.diff(&done); let todo_chars = CHARS_PER_BATCH - batch.chars.len(); if remaining_chars.len() <= todo_chars { for ex in examples.iter() { batch.examples.push((*ex).clone()); batch.chars = batch.chars.union(&ex.chars.diff(&done).inter(&new_chars)); } if batch.chars.len() == CHARS_PER_BATCH { println!( "-> all remaining examples sum up to exaclty {} chars", CHARS_PER_BATCH ); batches.push(batch); return None; } else if batch.examples.is_empty() { assert!(batch.chars.is_empty()); println!("-> done"); return None; } else { assert!(batch.chars.len() < CHARS_PER_BATCH); println!( "-> with all remaining examples, cannot make a full batch, only {} chars", batch.chars.len() ); return Some(batch); } } assert!(!examples.is_empty()); println!( "Trying to add exactly {} characters, using {} examples containing {} new chars", todo_chars, examples.len(), remaining_chars.len() ); // Compute dynamic algorithm matrix with a bunch of combinations that add `todo_chars` let mut dyn_mat: Vec)>>> = vec![]; for ex in examples.iter() { let mut dyn_row = vec![None; todo_chars + 1]; let chars_common = ex.chars.inter(&new_chars).diff(&done); if chars_common.len() > MAX_NEW_CHARS_PER_EX { dyn_mat.push(dyn_row); continue; } if chars_common.len() < dyn_row.len() { dyn_row[chars_common.len()] = Some((chars_common.clone(), None)); } for (i, dyn_prev) in dyn_mat.iter().enumerate() { for (j, dpr) in dyn_prev.iter().enumerate() { if let Some((chars_inter, _prev)) = dpr { assert_eq!(chars_inter.len(), j); let new_chars_common = chars_inter.union(&chars_common); let new_chars_common_len = new_chars_common.len(); if new_chars_common_len > chars_inter.len() && new_chars_common_len <= todo_chars { dyn_row[new_chars_common_len] = Some((new_chars_common, Some((i, j)))); } } } } dyn_mat.push(dyn_row); } // Find combination that does that with a good number of examples (tgt_len) let tgt_len = (avg_len * (batch_count as f32 + 1.)).ceil() as i64 - (sum_len + batch.examples.len()) as i64; let dyn_mat_cnt = |i| { let mut cnt = 0; let mut i: usize = i; let mut j: usize = todo_chars; loop { match &dyn_mat[i][j] { None => return None, Some((_, ij_prev)) => { cnt += 1; match ij_prev { Some((iprev, jprev)) => { i = *iprev; j = *jprev; } None => return Some(cnt), } } } } }; let i_opt = (0..dyn_mat.len()) .filter_map(|pos| dyn_mat_cnt(pos).map(|cnt| (pos, cnt))) .min_by_key(|(_, cnt)| { let x = *cnt as i64 - tgt_len; x * x }); let i = match i_opt { None => { println!( "WARNING: cannot make exactly {} chars, interrupting", todo_chars ); return None; } Some((pos, _)) => pos, }; // Take all examples from that combination and add them to current batch let (mut i, mut j) = (i, todo_chars); loop { match &dyn_mat[i][j] { None => panic!("dyn_mat[{}][{}] == None", i, j), Some((chars, ij_prev)) => { println!( "Add {}: {}", examples[i].chars.inter(&chars).to_string(), examples[i].ja ); batch.examples.push(examples[i].clone()); examples.remove(i); batch.chars = batch.chars.union(&chars); match ij_prev { Some((iprev, jprev)) => { assert!(*iprev < i); i = *iprev; j = *jprev; } None => break, } } } } assert_eq!(batch.chars.len(), CHARS_PER_BATCH); println!( "-> batch {:03}: {} with {} examples", batches.len(), batch.chars.to_string(), batch.examples.len() ); batch_count += 1; done = done.union(&batch.chars); sum_len += batch.examples.len(); batches.push(batch); } } fn level_examples<'a>( chars: &Charset, avoid: &Charset, all_examples: &'a [Example], ) -> Vec<&'a Example> { println!("Calculating examples for {}", chars.to_string()); let mut todo = chars.clone(); let mut bad = Charset::default(); let mut examples = vec![]; let cost = |ex: &Example, ex_todo_inter: usize, ex_chars_inter: usize| { ( -(ex.chars.inter_len(&avoid) as i32), ex_todo_inter, ex_chars_inter, -(ex.ja.chars().count() as i32), ex.chars.len() + thread_rng().gen_range(0..5), ) }; let mut all_with_inter = all_examples .par_iter() .map(|ex| (ex, ex.chars.inter_len(&chars))) .map(|(ex, ex_chars_inter)| (ex, ex_chars_inter, ex_chars_inter)) .collect::>(); while !todo.is_empty() { let best = all_with_inter .par_iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(_, (_, ex_todo_inter, _))| *ex_todo_inter > 0) //.filter(|(_, (_, _, ex_tgt_inter))| (1..=8).contains(ex_tgt_inter)) .max_by_key(|(_, (ex, ex_todo_inter, ex_chars_inter))| { cost(*ex, *ex_todo_inter, *ex_chars_inter) }); if let Some((i, (ex, ex_todo_inter, _))) = best { let ex = *ex; assert_eq!(*ex_todo_inter, ex.chars.inter(&todo).len()); examples.push(ex); all_with_inter.remove(i); todo = todo.diff(&ex.chars); bad = bad.union(&ex.chars.inter(&avoid)); all_with_inter .par_iter_mut() .for_each(|(ex2, ex_todo_inter, _)| { if ex2.chars.inter_len(&ex.chars) > 0 { *ex_todo_inter = ex2.chars.inter_len(&todo); } }); } else { break; } } if !todo.is_empty() { println!("MISSING: NO SENTENCES FOR {}", todo.to_string()); } if !bad.is_empty() { println!("USED BAD CHARS: {}", bad.to_string()); } examples } fn simplify_batch(batch: &mut Batch) { let mut char_cnt = HashMap::::new(); for ex in batch.examples.iter() { for ch in batch.chars.inter(&ex.chars).chars() { *char_cnt.entry(*ch).or_default() += 1; } } loop { let i_opt = batch.examples.iter().position(|ex| { batch .chars .inter(&ex.chars) .chars() .iter() .all(|x| char_cnt[x] >= 2) }); if let Some(i) = i_opt { println!( "Removing {} [{}]", batch.examples[i].ja, batch.examples[i].chars.to_string() ); batch.examples.remove(i); } else { break; } } } fn cleanup_batches(all_batches: &mut [Batch], kanji_levels: &[(String, Charset)]) { let mut chars_p1 = Charset::default(); let mut chars_p2 = Charset::default(); let mut done = Charset::default(); for batch in all_batches.iter_mut() { let all_chars = Charset::from_iter( batch .examples .iter() .map(|x| x.chars.chars().iter().copied()) .flatten(), ); let mut levels = kanji_levels .iter() .filter(|(_, chars)| chars.inter_len(&batch.chars) > 0) .map(|(lvl, _)| lvl.to_string()) .collect::>(); while levels.len() > 2 { levels.remove(1); } batch.level = levels.join("/"); done = done.union(&batch.chars); batch.chars_bad = all_chars.diff(&done); batch.chars_p1 = all_chars.inter(&chars_p1); batch.chars_p2 = all_chars.inter(&chars_p2); chars_p2 = chars_p1; chars_p1 = batch.chars.clone(); } } fn add_vocab(all_batches: &mut [Batch], vocab: &[JlptVocab]) { let match_level = |batch: &Batch, level: &str| { let n5 = batch.level.contains("N5"); let n4 = batch.level.contains("N4"); let n3 = batch.level.contains("N3"); let n2 = batch.level.contains("N2"); let n1 = batch.level.contains("N1"); let n0 = batch.level.contains("N0"); match level { "N5" => n5 || n4 || n3 || n2 || n1 || n0, "N4" => n4 || n3 || n2 || n1 || n0, "N3" => n3 || n2 || n1 || n0, "N2" => n2 || n1 || n0, "N1" => n1 || n0, "N0" => n0, _ => panic!("invalid vocab level {}", level), } }; let mut done = Charset::default(); let mut extra_vocab = vec![]; for (i, batch) in all_batches.iter().enumerate() { let done_after = done.union(&batch.chars); let batch_extra_vocab = vocab .iter() .filter(|v| v.chars.inter_len(&batch.chars) > 0) .filter(|v| match_level(batch, &v.level)) .filter(|v| v.chars.diff(&done_after).len() == 0) .filter(|v| { !all_batches[i..std::cmp::min(all_batches.len(), i + 10)] .iter() .any(|b| { b.examples .iter() .any(|ex| ex.ja.contains(&v.kanji) || ex.expl.contains(&v.kanji)) }) }) .cloned() .collect::>(); extra_vocab.push(batch_extra_vocab); println!("---- BATCH #{:03} ----", i); for v in batch.extra_vocab.iter() { println!("{}", v.to_string()); } done = done_after; } for (batch, vocab) in all_batches.iter_mut().zip(extra_vocab.into_iter()) { batch.extra_vocab = vocab; } }