use std::fs; use anyhow::Result; use crate::charset::Charset; use crate::*; // ===================================================================== // FORMATTING TO HTML // ===================================================================== pub fn format_batch<'a>(dict_idx: &DictIndex<'a>, count: usize, (i, batch): (usize, &Batch)) { format_batch_aux(dict_idx, count, i, batch).expect("format batch"); } fn format_batch_aux<'a>( dict_idx: &DictIndex<'a>, count: usize, i: usize, batch: &Batch, ) -> Result<()> { let mut f = io::BufWriter::new(fs::File::create(format!("public/{:03}.html", i))?); write!( f, r#" Batch #{:03}
"#, i )?; writeln!(f, r#"

index"#)?; for j in 0..count { if j != i { writeln!(f, r#" {:03}"#, j, j)?; } else { writeln!(f, " {:03}", j)?; } } writeln!(f, r#"

"#)?; writeln!(f, "

Level: {}

", batch.level)?; write!(f, r#"

"#)?; let mut ex_prev = Charset::default(); for ex in batch.examples.iter() { let ex_chars = ex.chars.inter(&batch.chars); for c in ex_chars.diff(&ex_prev).chars().iter() { write!( f, r#"{}"#, c, c )?; } ex_prev = ex_prev.union(&ex_chars); } writeln!(f, r#"

"#)?; for ex in batch.examples.iter() { writeln!(f, "
")?; write!(f, r#"

"#)?; for c in ex.ja.chars() { if batch.chars.contains(c) { write!(f, r#"{}"#, c)?; } else if batch.chars_p1.contains(c) { write!(f, r#"{}"#, c)?; } else if batch.chars_p2.contains(c) { write!(f, r#"{}"#, c)?; } else if batch.chars_bad.contains(c) { write!(f, r#"{}"#, c)?; } else { write!(f, "{}", c)?; } } writeln!(f, "

")?; writeln!(f, r#"


"#, ex.en)?; writeln!(f, r#"
Explanation"#)?; let mut expl_batch = Vec::new(); let mut expl_all = Vec::new(); for word in ex.expl.split(|c| c == ' ' || c == '~') { let (keb, reb) = expl_clean_word(word); let wchars = Charset::new(keb); if !wchars.intersects(&ex.chars) { continue; } if let Some(ents) = dict_idx.get(keb) { for ent in ents.iter() { if let Some(s) = dict_str(keb, reb, ent) { if wchars.intersects(&batch.chars) { expl_batch.push(s); } else { expl_all.push(s); } } } } } for be in expl_batch { writeln!(f, r#"


"#, be)?; } writeln!(f, r#"

"#)?; for c in ex.chars.inter(&batch.chars).chars().iter() { writeln!( f, r#"{}"#, c, c )?; } writeln!(f, r#"

"#)?; for be in expl_all { writeln!(f, r#"


"#, be)?; } writeln!(f, r#"
"#)?; } writeln!(f, "
")?; format_vocab( &mut f, &batch .extra_vocab .iter() .filter(|v| batch.level.contains(&v.level)) .collect::>(), "Extra vocabulary (this level)", )?; format_vocab( &mut f, &batch .extra_vocab .iter() .filter(|v| !batch.level.contains(&v.level)) .collect::>(), "Extra vocabulary (previous levels)", )?; writeln!( f, r#"
Extra examples (reading practice)"# )?; for ex in batch.extra_examples.iter() { let mut expl1 = Vec::new(); let mut expl2 = Vec::new(); for word in ex.expl.split(|c| c == ' ' || c == '~') { let (keb, reb) = expl_clean_word(word); let wchars = Charset::new(keb); if !wchars.intersects(&ex.chars) { continue; } if let Some(ents) = dict_idx.get(keb) { for ent in ents.iter() { if let Some(s) = dict_str_short(keb, reb, ent) { if wchars.intersects(&batch.chars) { expl1.push(s); } else { expl2.push(s); } } } } } expl1.extend(expl2.into_iter()); let expl = expl1.join("
"); writeln!( f, r#""#, ex.ja, ex.en, expl )?; } writeln!(f, r#"
"#)?; writeln!(f, "
")?; writeln!(f, "


")?; write!(f, "
")?; f.flush()?; Ok(()) } fn format_vocab(f: &mut impl Write, vocab: &[&JlptVocab], t: &str) -> Result<()> { if !vocab.is_empty() { writeln!( f, r#"
{}"#, t )?; for v in vocab { writeln!( f, r#""#, v.level, v.kanji, v.en, v.kana )?; } writeln!(f, "
{}  {}  {}{}
")?; } Ok(()) } fn expl_clean_word(w: &str) -> (&str, Option<&str>) { let mut ret = w; for delim in ['(', '{', '['] { if let Some((s, _)) = ret.split_once(delim) { ret = s; } } let p = w .split_once('(') .and_then(|(_, r)| r.split_once(')')) .map(|(p, _)| p); (ret, p) } fn dict_str_short<'a>( qkeb: &str, qreb: Option<&str>, ent: &roxmltree::Node<'a, 'a>, ) -> Option { let r_ele = ent.children().find(|x| x.has_tag_name("r_ele")).unwrap(); let reb = r_ele.children().find(|x| x.has_tag_name("reb")).unwrap(); let reb = reb.text().unwrap().trim(); if|x| x != reb).unwrap_or(false) { return None; } Some(format!( r#"{} 【{}】"#, qkeb, reb )) } fn dict_str<'a>(qkeb: &str, qreb: Option<&str>, ent: &roxmltree::Node<'a, 'a>) -> Option { let mut ret = dict_str_short(qkeb, qreb, ent)?; for sense in ent.children().filter(|x| x.has_tag_name("sense")) { if let Some(s) = sense.children().find(|x| x.has_tag_name("gloss")) { ret.extend(format!(" {};", s.text().unwrap().trim()).chars()); } } if ret.chars().rev().next() == Some(';') { ret.pop(); } Some(ret) } pub fn format_index(batches: &[Batch], kanji_levels: &[(String, String)]) -> Result<()> { let mut f = io::BufWriter::new(fs::File::create("public/index.html")?); write!( f, r#" List of batches
"# )?; writeln!(f, r#"

About / How-to

"#)?; writeln!(f, "")?; writeln!(f, "")?; for (i, batch) in batches.iter().enumerate() { writeln!( f, r#""#, i, i, batch.level, batch.chars.to_string(), batch.examples.len(), batch.chars_p1.to_string(), batch.chars_p2.to_string(), batch.chars_bad.to_string() )?; } writeln!(f, r#"
{:03}{}{}  {}{}{}{}
"#)?; writeln!(f, "
")?; let all_chars = Charset::from_iter( batches .iter() .map(|x| x.chars.chars().iter().copied()) .flatten(), ); writeln!(f, "")?; writeln!( f, r#""# )?; for (lvl, chars) in kanji_levels.iter() { if lvl == "N0+" || lvl.ends_with("-10") { continue; } let chars = Charset::new(chars); let missing = chars.diff(&all_chars); writeln!( f, r#""#, lvl, chars.len(), chars.to_string(), missing.to_string(), missing.len() )?; } writeln!(f, "
LevelCountKanjiMissing kanji
{}{}{}{} ({})
")?; write!(f, "
")?; f.flush()?; Ok(()) } pub fn format_about() -> Result<()> { let mut f = io::BufWriter::new(fs::File::create("public/about.html")?); write!( f, r#" Datagengo README "# )?; writeln!(f, r#"
"#)?; writeln!( f, r#"

Back to lessons

"# )?; writeln!( f, "{}", markdown::to_html(&fs::read_to_string("")?) )?; writeln!(f, r#"
"#)?; Ok(()) }