module Amane : Player.IA = struct module G = Morpion_rec.G open Core let take_random cc = List.nth cc ( (List.length cc)) let won_game g = match G.s g with Won _ -> true | _ -> false let play g time = let cc = G.possibilities g in match List.partition (fun act -> won_game ( g act)) cc with | win::_, _ -> win | [], other -> let o' = List.filter (fun act -> try let g' = g act in let adv_win = G.possibilities g' |> ( g') |> List.exists won_game in not adv_win with _ -> true) other in if List.length o' > 0 then take_random o' else take_random other end module P = Player.P(Amane) let () = Random.self_init();